Let's Limit Young People , or Crazies from Killing Each Other in Schools

by flipper 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Thats a good point Layla its about time the US improved their health care program for all citizens

    Another idea might be to install a program thats puts peoples names on a not allowed to purchase a firearm list

    which good be streamed to every place that sells firearms, perhaps instituting it on a national level.

  • flipper

    WT WIZARD- To say that all people take anti-depressants and Ritalin because " school boards wish to dumb down the people " is painting everybody with the same brush and being extremely naive and uninformed on chemical imbalance and mental health problems ! I'm sure a small minority of parents jump the gun in getting their teenagers on medication - but ADD and ADHD are real afflictions that can be accompanied with depression or chemical imbalance. Medication helps it. I agree " unnecessary psychiatric medicine " should not be prescribed if there is NOT a problem - but to say chemical imbalance or ADD & ADHD doesn't exist is like Tom Cruise of the scientologists saying mental illness is all imagined . Think about it.

    WARLOCK- Exactly. We have to find out what the conditions are that cause students to take guns to school.

    MKR 32208- I believe Japan also limits gun sales to private citizens. So your point has flaws. Nobody here is saying that ONLY video games promote violence. In different posts many are pointing out that a lot of different factors contribute to promoting violence in our society .

    HOMEROVAH- I agree with you. We need better armed security and armed police protection at colleges. Every college and university should make it mandatory. We just can't let kids run amok and all be armed themselves - it would cause more deaths and chaos !

    PRIMATE DAVE- I agree ith what you are saying. We are never going to completely stop all violence. That is a given. I too think that over population, financial, family and other problems cause people's screws to come loose in a violent way ! I don't think we need a Police State - that is going too far , however we do need better armed security at colleges and universities across America to protect our young people !

    JGNAT- I'm sure your granddaughter and other young people will try to make the next generation more peaceful ! However on the flip side of that coin - any positives the schools try to implement in kids can be undone by bone - head parents who don't teach social skills or manners to their children in their homes. Or teach them the correct way to deal with anger management and being a decent citizen in society. Parents have to support anti-drug messages schools put out - by setting the right example themselves !

    LAYLA33- You are right ! People use violence too often to settle disputes. People get mad over the stupidest things. There were 3 teenage girls celebrating their friends birthday recently in our area and being teenagers they were driving around throwing eggs at people . They threw eggs at this one man standing by his car and he got in his car and chased them down. Well, the girl driving lost control of their car crashing into a tree ! It put the girl driving in a coma, killed another girl , broke the legs of the other girl ! And for what ? Throwing eggs at a guy. He had severe road rage. They caught the guy- threw him in jail - but it is in the " air " in our society, this hair trigger temper thing that people seem to not control within themselves ! Sick.

    GREGOR- If you let every student in America arm themselves with guns - you will have more kids dying at schools. We can't trust that every student will be logical using a gun ! Why not get armed, professionally trained security guards or policemen at every college and university in the country ? You say it's too expensive? Then let's have Mr. Bush bring back our young people from Iraq dying on the battlefield fighting his business , er ( oil) war , and here is a concept - think of the billions of $$$$ we will have available to pay for complete college and university armed police protection ! Seems like a simple plan to me. I think this would prevent anarchy and random shootings among young people better.

    WORLD TRAVELLER- I agree .Young people shouldn't carry guns to schools. There are better ways to protect these kids without letting them take it into their own hands and shoot the hell out of each other !

    SAMMIELEE- Yeah, there has been violence in every country - but the majority of gun violence happens in the U.S.A

  • flipper

    LAYLA 33- There does need to be a better mental health care system in the U.S. In California they cut programs helping mentally ill- sending them out on the streets. Perhaps our next president will be more caring for the common people !

    HOMEROVAH- I agree - I feel that gun sellers need to have access to a list of people not allowed to purchase firearms . I feel there should be money provided to have a computer database file on the mental health history of prospective gun buyers - so no one can skirt around their past mental health history by dishonestly checking off a box on the application form claiming they " didn't " have prior mental health problems. Computer database access would help in my opinion ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • mkr32208

    I'm sorry but this is crazy.

    I go to college. Every single building on the quad has multiple entrances multiple levels. You are suggesting armed security at every single door. Now you also want armed men patrolling the corridors in full swat regalia? We're talking 7 buildings on this one campus and seriously at least thee entrances on 5 levels in each building. Even if they bricked up all the stairwells so that their was only one entrance that would be 7 entrances each one manned by 2 guards. Classes start at 7a and end at 11p. So we're talking DOZENS of guards. Heck lets say 20 just to have a round number so 20 armed guards at 40k each is 800k a year. Plus taxes equipment insurance social security it would cost MILLIONS and that is just one campus for one community college. This college has dozens of campus's so we're talking tens of millions of dollars, for a school that has never had a big shooting. Multiply that by the tens of thousands of colleges across the nation.

    And then the crazy shooter just goes to the mall or the hospital to shoot things up.

    Clearly it would be BETTER to have responsible trained citizens who were allowed to conceal and carry EVERYWHERE. They should have a extensive psychological evaluation and training but then I feel that they should be allowed to carry their guns everywhere. You say it would make this country an armed camp. Well SO WOULD YOUR SOLUTION the difference is that you solution would bankrupt large sections of society as well.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its quite possible to implement that MR Flipper, if you think that all police forces throughout the country can now look up your past history or warrants

    in a matter of seconds, in other words the technology is there. Its not to say that any mental unbalanced individual would not be able to get hold of a gun

    but it might just help out the situation.

  • Mincan

    Those medicines made them feel worse--they were not abusing their drugs. Ritalin is another drug that causes these problems.

    Depends on the person. I eventually found this time around that Ritalin did depress me after awhile, I later learned why - it was stimulating my Peripheral Nervous System (as opposed to my Central Nervous System) which over time depletes your endocrine system if you are one that already has an overactive limbic system. However, other people with ADHD respond very well to it. When I switched to Dexedrine, I found the same results some get from Ritalin but not Dexedrine. Everyone is unique. Dexedrine is only a CNS, not PNS stimulant.

    Why are such drugs necessary in the first place? Because the school boards wish to dumb down the people. In doing so, they need to stifle children's drive to learn. To do that, they diagnose a disease that, in essence, is the normal drive for them to learn and integrate. Then they prescribe a drug to treat that disease. That drug also sets up these children to become more violent than they otherwise would have been. In some cases, the parents were forced by the state to give these children these drugs.

    No, it's not to dumb people down. It is to make sure that they have an equal chance to succeed in the public school system without there needing to be sent to special learning environments...which could be better for them perhaps but where is the capital? My mother wasn't "forced" per se to put me on Ritalin, but I would have had to be home schooled (which may have been better).

    I suggest doing away with that "ADD" and "ADHD". Children need to be active. The ones that are actually more active than normal, in a proper school environment, can and will actually do better than those who are naturally more docile. With their drive to learn satisfied (and, with the most active children, this can be much more than most classes are set up to handle), they are not as likely to get into trouble, and will not need those drugs. No drugs, no violence. And that will solve something like 90% of these incidents.

    Your ignorance shines through here, and you must not have had a close relationship with anyone that truly has the symptomology. Children with ADHD are not just simply hyperactive kids, because obviously then I would agree with you. The development of impulse control and the lack of ability to concentrate on what you want your mind to rather than it going where it wants to every few seconds tends to impeed progress in classically structured learning environments. Many with ADHD also have Auditory Processing Disorders (I among them) whereby they don't catch all the words in a sentence when being spoken to, and have to fill in the gaps and process the information, if your mind is wondering (not of your own choice) this is made even harder. To tell if someone was misdaignosed (or grew out of it, which 40% sometimes do), you will see the hyperactivity disappear. What you will see if the diagnoses is correct is the hyperactivity in adolescence transforms into an inner restlessness, a compulsion for stimulation (which may include stimming if autism is present), and constant fidgetting or inability to wait in line. These are the people that appear driven by a motor, and feel more comfortable if their body is in motion somehow. (Of course ADHD Predominately Inattentive (formerly ADD, term not in use anymore) lack the hyperactivity/impulsivity factor of the symptomology.)

    People are only ever taught about the three main "bad" aspects of this label, but fail to realise the difference in brain structure and chemistry (not chemical imbalance, chemical dysfunction, big difference) lead to a complex interconnected realm of "symptoms" but many are very positive.

    The idea that ADHD is a lack of discipline is pretty funny. If you were to hold a gun to someone's head with ADHD and told them if they moved their head at all or become distracted you will blow their head off, you'll probably be doing it within 20 seconds. They will forget that instruction within a few seconds and their mind will start racing with other thoughts. You'd probably have to remind them every 10 seconds or so about that instruction or they'd be dead. Telling someone with an inability to focus their thoughts for a long period of time (effort is but one factor in concentration, learn some neuroscience...) to "try harder" is like telling someone who is nearsighted to "squint harder", it is a disability in the truest sense of the word, and is recognised as such by governments.

    When I took Dexedrine for the first time, it was like that nearsighted person putting on those glasses. It does not make me dumb, this is ridiculous. In fact, the only reason I had the patience to type this entire response to your post was because I'm medicated right now. I don't know, does it sound like I'm dumb?

  • worldtraveller

    Yo Hillbilly!

    George Wallace took a shot... and that sorta straightened his anti-black butt out. You mean someone had to shoot a racist to change his attitude. Hillbilly, I seriously doubt that a bullet changed his attitude. I believe in this case someone did not like his attitude. Does that mean anyone who has a bad attitude needs a shot in the head just because of an opposing viewpoint? Pretty extreme. What ever happened to freedom of speech no matter how nutty it is? So if a student gets pissy on a teacher or fellow student, out comes the hardware?

    Can we trust untrained juveniles to use a weapon responsibly at say age 14-19? How about 20? Kids that age can't even behave in a restaurant flipping burgers, never mind a weapon.

    Pretty extreme, yes? No?

  • mkr32208

    I would like to apologise for my tone last night (a little) I was sitting all night with someone who was a loving father, and dotting husband. Last night he was in an altered mental state (post surgery) and if he could have gotten lose from that bed and gotten his hands on a weapon he would have done his level best to kill me and everyone else in the building. I would be willing to bet he's never played a video game in his life. So seeing this knee jerk reaction about "it's cause of violent society..." Just infuriated me...

    I apologise (a little)

  • Layla33

    It's alright, we all have days like that. No harm done. All is forgiven.

    My heart goes out to you with the issues with your dad, I dealt with many health issues with my mom and it can take you to wit's end. Peace be with you...

  • sammielee24
    Your ignorance shines through here, and you must not have had a close relationship with anyone that truly has the symptomology. Children with ADHD are not just simply hyperactive kids, because obviously then I would agree with you. The development of impulse control and the lack of ability to concentrate on what you want your mind to rather than it going where it wants to every few seconds tends to impeed progress in classically structured learning environments. Many with ADHD also have Auditory Processing Disorders (I among them) whereby they don't catch all the words in a sentence when being spoken to, and have to fill in the gaps

    There has never been as far as I know of, a concrete medical diagnosis for ADD or ADHD even though drugs are commonly prescribed for the illness however, they are working on a 'real' diagnostic set of tools that will evaluate true ADD. The illness was first labelled as a result of psychiatric groups getting together and making that decision. Some of the drugs given to children for this behaviour have never been intended for children and the long term affects are still not all known. Everyone has a different answer as to why it is now so prevalent and the answers range from vitamin deficiency, poor or no parental control, bad behaviour, allergies, premature births etc.

    I think society has become too fast and far more stressful and all of this has affected the kids in ways that adults don't like to acknowledge and really are wiling to do less about. I don't believe that this illness has anything to do with a bunch of mall or school shootings but I do believe that there is no way to eliminate the possible side effect of drugs on our youth and the possible outcome via violent acts. sammieswife.

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