by Terry 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    My keyboard

  • BCberean

    Terry...please do not think I am here to poke fun at you

    like some of them other posters on here

    As a matter of fact just now I corrected a word(really)

    I would SINCERELY like to know

    How DO you pronounce SPECIFICITY

    I am here to learn(hopefully)

  • eclipse

    I've always enjoyed your posts, Fe203Girl...(sorry I'm not one of the popular posters)

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Heart of Darkness was a good read.

    I don't hold language to the same standards as many here. I'm not saying my way is correct, but I can detail to you how I arrive at my standards. Language serves many functions--it identifies us with different nationalities or cultural groups, it is somewhat a signifier of intelligence, it can be an informal tone used with friends, it can be a rigid, precise diction used in courts. Each usage has it's place.

    Bottom line is the question of how written language works in communication. Are our thoughts clear and easily discernible? If the answer is yes, and if the setting is informal, then I have no problem with spelling or grammatical errors. For instance, is the thought any less pronounced or the subject any more ambiguous if a composer spells "grammer" instead of "grammar?" I think not.

    Furthermore, we must realize that language evolves and changes over time. What is correct now may be incorrect in the foreseeable future. One instance is the arbitrary notion that "they" is plural. However, "they" is commonly used in a singular function in every day life. For instance, "One has to wonder if they will be judged by their language." Once we see things like this, we then realize that the "correct" usage of words is completely subjective and determined by a select group of people. Correct and actual usage are often at a great variation to each other. Does anyone really think that splitting infinitives detracts from what is being said? Does "to boldly go" have any less or indiscernible meaning than "to go boldly." I leave these questions for you to determine the answers for yourselves.

  • stillajwexelder

    I make mistakes but agree with Terry. Some are really bad. Surely we can make some effort? Compose off line , spell check and then cut and paste

  • Fe2O3Girl

    If I was going to an Apostofest, I would shower, brush my teeth, apply deodorant, wear make-up, and choose my clothes carefully. If I turned up smelling of BO and wearing scruffy clothes, would it be reasonable for fellow fest-goers to make some assumptions about me, and how much I valued their company?

    How do I present myself to my fellow posters? Do I think you are worth me making an effort to lay out my posts clearly, spell words correctly and use correct grammar so my meaning is clear? Yes I do.

    As an aside, some of the best posts on JWD, well thought out, with impeccable grammar and spelling, are from posters who in one case do not speak English as their first language, and in another case was dyslexic AND battling the symptoms of MS.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Berean, here you go! Well, the link thingie isn't working. You may have to copy and paste this into the address line.



  • nvrgnbk

    Terry...please do not think I am here to poke fun at you

    like some of them other posters on here

    Not poking fun.

    Terry elected to set himself up as judge over the posters of JWD.

    In a rather arrogant fashion, I might add.

    To then commit a very blatant error is absurd.

    If it's all part of some joke, I'll applaud it.

    Right now he's reminding me of an authoritarian Circuit Overseer that doesn't have his own $hit together, but revels in picking the publishers to pieces.


  • BCberean


    Somebody beat me to it

    I love the kitty picture

    By the YOU know how to pronounce



    .then I was laughing my head off at stuff that wasn't meant to be funny

    Sigh...the trials of 'newbieism'

  • Paralipomenon

    I try my best to have at least decent spelling and grammar.

    My mother was an English teacher and would always try to help us enunciate and communicate efficiently both orally and written. While I admit to cringing when I see errors, I recognize that it is just my upbringing and I suppress the urge to point it out.

    However, I will confess that if someone has spelling errors in text that I'm quoting, I will correct them. *blush*

    PS. Despite being a third generation Canadian, I am frequently asked if I'm British. Apparently I have a light English accent, I attribute that to my mother's lessons.

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