Are some of us still judgmental and think ourselves morally superior?

by nvrgnbk 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    what do I know I’m worldly man

    Worldly!? Well who needs you then z!?


  • mrsjones5

    Those of us that really believed, if even for a moment, feel a huge sense of loss. We'll never be "right", not completely anyway.

    Dearheart, I'm 42, married almost 15 years, got 4 kids, and have been away from the bOrg for over 20 years not and I still don't feel "right". Don't you think that most of us here totally understand what that young man is going through? That still doesn't mean we "all" have to condone what he did. We understand.

  • DJK

    I just opened the drunk at the assembly topic because of this topic.

    Call it judgemental or morally superior if you want, I think his actions were of poor judgement. No standing ovation from me either!

    FYI,,,,,,, A new study is out, that shows that alcohol kills more brain cells in teenagers, than adults.

    On the humorous side: The brain cells that don't die, have to attend the wake the next day.

  • nvrgnbk
    Don't you think that most of us here totally understand what that young man is going through?

    We're still not understanding one another fully Josie.

    Never said you or anyone didn't understand.

    I may be an ass, but not that much of an ass. LOL!

    I guess being misundestood is a very "human"(to quote Warlock) place to be. I was there as a JW, I'm there as an apostate.

    I'm over it.

    I'm glad mincan's alive.

    Hey buddy, if you're reading this, if you ever get straightened out, let me know. I'd like to know how to get there myself.

  • Mary
    Are some of us still judgmental and think ourselves morally superior?

    To some degree, many are. But I also think that we're just getting older and wiser and realize that getting bombed out of your scull like poor mincan did, stumbling around and coming on to 13 year old girls, just reinforces the Dub notion that if you leave the Borg, you'll "return your vomit" and lose all moral sense.

    With that said, I admit to being fairly looped at one of the summer assemblies when I was about 18. A bunch of us went out at lunch time (in the days before this was so thoroughly frowned upon) and had several rum and diet coke with our lunch. Rum puts me in a REALLY good mood (second only to when I combine percocet and red wine ) and I was giggling and laughing my head off along with a few others. In that state of mind, we thought it'd be funny to get some more rum for the afternoon sessions, so we stopped at the liquor store and got a couple of mickeys of Bacardi Rum, then we went to a grocery store to get a couple bottles of diet coke. We poured about a third of the diet coke out, filled it with the rum and went back to the assembly.

    It was an outdoor assembly in St. Catherines, and we proceeded to drink them over the afternoon. We were up in the nosebleed section where not too many 'older ones' were, which lessened our chances of getting caught. Yep, we were giggling, laughing and talking all afternoon, and at one point, I uh, 'fell asleep' (musta bin the hot weather ). The attendant came by at one point and told us to shut up which we did. For about 5 minutes. he-heh-heh....

    I should also stress that I was a fairly 'faithful Dub' and believed this was The Truth when I was 18, yet I still did this. So it's not a surprise that someone else who's young and who realizes this ISN'T the Truth, would do something similar.

    I hope this was a one time thing for Mincan though. This religion can cause major depression, anxiety and resentment in a person and quite often, we look for ways to mask our hurt and disgust by either drugs or excessive booze, which just leads to other problems. I like the comments that encouraged him to seek help to try and deal with the emotional problems he might be experiencing. We all have 20/20 vision in hindsight and when your 18 or 19, you do things that you'd never consider doing when you're 30.

  • brinjen

    I don't know if this question can ever be answered really...

    As previously stated, we all come from different backgrounds, with different points of view. I do think it helps to remember this.

  • nvrgnbk

    Couldn't have said it better Mary!

    Your personal anecdote really set the tone.

    BTW, I got the wine, can you toss me a few percocet?

  • Warlock

    How about some cheese with that "wine"?


  • nvrgnbk

    That was just too easy wasn't it Warlock?

  • z

    I have the Rum

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