Are some of us still judgmental and think ourselves morally superior?

by nvrgnbk 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Is a certain "uptightness" creeping into our community?

    Should we be scolding one another?

    Especially kids?

    Didn't we all do crazy stuff when we were young?

    It's kinda bringing me down.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey there Nvr,

    Good food for thought. But since we're a "community" there's going to be widely divergent views & styles. I think we have to address a "stick in the mud" (or perhaps another orifice) on a case by case basis.

    I guess maybe I really shouldn't be commenting though since I don't think I've read what you're referring to.

    Don't let it bring you TOO far down. Your "ying" is a nice change from other's "yang".

    Open Mind

  • z

    Nvrgnbk I’m with u 100% I just read some of the reply.. My day Drunk at the ASSembly ...and I can’t believe it I’m not going to comment about it


  • DeusMauzzim

    When either kids or adults do stupid things (jw or "apostate") it is only loving to point that out

    It is not judgmental to judge one according to a sound argument (based on true premises and a valid inference)

    That's how we judged the jw's were wrong

    now judging others according to unsound arguments (false premises, or worse, invalid inference) and then blindly following your argument - that is judgmental

    judg-mental is a combination of the wrong judgement and the wrong mentality (I think this is folk etymology hehe)


    Deus Mauzzim

  • blondie

    One doesn't have to be a jw or have been one to think like that. Equal opportunity.

  • mrsjones5

    I don't think a little bit of judging is a bad thing. I can judge a situation and gauge if it's the right place/thing for me. I can size up (judge) the character of a person and decide if I want that person in my life or how I will deal with that person if I don't have a choice.

    As far as kids are concern, I have 4, I can't just throw them to the wind and say I'm not going to let them know when they have done wrong just to protect their feelings. I'm not their friend and I will not treat them as such and I wouldn't even treat my friends like that - do something wrong or stupid yeah I'm gonna tell you. My job is to raise them to be a adults and protect them from killing themselves until they get out of my house.

    When folks come on this board and say things yeah they might get judge, that is the nature of the beast. I wouldn't want to be here if it was a place of yesmen and it had an attitude of let-it-all-hang-out-do-what-you-want, cuz some folks have no self control or sense of self respect and I really don't want to see that.


    P.S. I'm not a prude, have done some stupid s**t as a kid and a young person. Got called out on some of it and some of it ain't worth talking about.

  • mouthy

    The show fits me ----so I am wearing it. If your referring to my answer to Micin.... Yes I guess I am being judgemental. I know that is a no-no. But he is NOT the only one hurting out of the Organization. I handle folks who have REALLY been hurt by them.... some have lost their family to suicide ( made to feel evil by the powers above the Brooklyn Bethel) some have lost family. friends, homes, kids, etc,etc>

    Those who are left in the watchtower has been told that to leave the WT is to join the drug addicts, drunks, sexually imoral etc>
    Many,many of us ,such as Randy, Lori, Outof service,& many,many more have worked faithfully to be available to those who have been kicked out or hurt by that cult. Yet one incident like being drunk at an assembly & MANY of your remaks backing him up is disgusting in MY opinion.... Sorry to offend you but I am known for saying what I feel, I know I should not step on your toes, but I am happy I can. Freely think independently as you evidently do too.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Don't even let it bug ya nvr. Given the issues people have on this type of a site I'm not surprised many are so touchy on just about every subject. Just let the laughs and good times keep on rollin.


  • Finally-Free
    Are some of us still judgmental and think ourselves morally superior?

    Waddaya mean, think???


  • mouthy

    Waddaya mean, think??? WELL Finally FREE I am allowed

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