Are some of us still judgmental and think ourselves morally superior?

by nvrgnbk 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974

    Personally I think that morality is entirely subjective and one persons morals could be anothers immorality (take JWs for instance). But what makes one set of moral principles right and the other wrong? Do we have the right to dictate one way or another?

    In the context of the above how can we possibly define 'morally superior' as a term when morality does not lend itself to a prescribed set of ethics, virtues and values?

    Put simply, if we cannot sufficiently define morality how can we possibly define what is morally superior or not?


  • Mariusuk.

    As said above

    Morals are subjective, however respect is universal. I try to be respectful, saying that I view myself as morally superior to an average JW in that I don't lead a lie of a life

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