UPDATE!: THEY ALL ADMITTED EGGING US -Elders now know, heads are rolling!!

by Lady Liberty 184 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Guess what just occurred to me?

    Here is the perfect reason for us honerable Apostates to maintain our dignity of life. This is the very kind of behaviour that the JW think we who have left it are always up to.

    See how ridiculous it makes them look?

    (and - yes, I know that probably most JW would never do such a stupid thing as this - but still...the people who hate you so much as to never speak to you ever again in life (over a silly religion or a snow-man) are really all capable of this kind of vandalism in their hearts.)

  • Justice-One

    And we all know how the news gets it right all the time right? Hell, I can see the headline now...."Jehovah's Witnesses vow to end Christmas in their neighborhood."....A local group of "loyal" JW's, have decided enough is enough. They say they will no longer allow anyone to celebrate this pagan holiday in their area......"

  • bebu

    Hi LL!

    I'm not sure of all the benefits of pressing charges, but if there is a way of having official records of this event for future reference, get it done whatever it is...

    And furthermore, by not allowing the law to take care of the matter, we are in effect allowing the elders to once again handle matters themselves, within the congregation, instead of being taken to the authorities, like they should be doing.

    I agree with this reason (for doing something! Anything!) whole-heartedly. This issue should NOT be simply swept under a rug by local elders putting out a fire. There is a bigger issue here, which is that the hatred that is taught toward ex-JWs (get the paper trail of WTS articles to show this is truly taught!) absolutely fosters religious hate crimes & misdemeanors. (I am NOT advocating thought police, but since the WTS casts itself ever as a religious hate victim, and never as a promoter, it's all relevent here imo.) Folks have had their tires slashed. I've heard tales several years back of mean-spirited actions against ex-JWs before I came to this board and simply couldn't believe it (I know much better now).

    What is being done and kept in the dark needs to come out in the light. Stuff like this helps people make better-informed decisions.

    I think the MEDIA is your best bet for long term, wide-spread effect. People love strange stories, and this one definitely qualifies! Youtube, if you have the video, local and regional media, and if you can get attention from some BLOGGERS to take your story too... all very good and more effective in deflating the pompous image than court alone. The only issue is... are you willing to be a more public ex-JW? You would have to quit the anonymity status. Everyone on JWD will spam your inbox! (LOL!)

    I hope everyone on this board who knows of an excellent venue for this story ought to help it happen, if LL is willing.

    And.. I have been ROFL and ROFL over all the frosty comments. Unbelievably funny!


    PS: A last, a quick hello back to do you mr jones? Glad to have you pop in!

  • MegaDude

    Call your local news channel and tell them the story.

    The thing JWs hate most? Bad publicity.

  • cruzanheart

    Make them buy you a NEW Frosty and photograph the good JWs buying Christmas stuff.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Where did they get the eggs? Did they take them out of the refrigerator while the JW homeowner was upstairs with his kid (wouldn't that be stealing)?, or did they bring the eggs with them to the party in anticipation of egging Lady Liberty's house?

  • Heather

    When I was 17 i was out with a group of JW friends.......we were teenagers and tipped over a port-a-potty. One of the guys I was with got a consience and told the elders on the rest of the group.....we were all reproved, publicly, but we were told not to apologise to the company that owned the port-a-potty....looking back now I know i did a stupid teenage prank....BUT I was a teenager not in my late 30's......and if some of us had gone to the company that owned the port-a-potty or to the home owner who's property it was on.......can you imagine what would have happened if they discovered we were "gods people"......newspaper articles....we were under age so probably public service... Anyway, I was thinking and I believe part of the reason these guys acted like teenagers is cause as JW's (at least me) We have no childhood...........so we tend to do childish things if we haven't had a time in our life to do crazy stuff and get over that phaze.........I personally think that they were not sincerly sorry.....they behaved like kids and they are apologising like kids (its the i'm sorry if i have to be). Press charges or get a offical statment from the police and go to the papers. They need some real punishment......and if they are this childish you can be sure something stupid like this will happen again...maybe not to you but to another ex-JW.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Lady Liberty,

    You should contact your local district attorney. What you have described qualifies as hate crime.

    More than likely your locale has enacted or enhanced hate crime statutes with consequences going far beyond those for misdemeanor vandalism. Since 911 legislators (national, state and local) have found it politically correct to address hate crime by adding teeth, and chances are your local officials are no exception.

    You should check this out with your local district attorney. I guarantee an assistant DA who wants to impress his politically appointed boss (the DA) will hop all over a genuine case of religiously motivated hate crime where the criminal defendants are not even voters!

    Marvin Shilmer


    You can read more at http://www.usdoj.gov/crs/pubs/crs_pub_hate_crime_bulletin_1201.htm

  • Ironhead

    Press charges. People have to know what religious bigots dubs really are.

  • mama1119

    I have to say L.L., I agree with alot of people on here that so go for it on a hate crime/religious discrimination charge. Thats is exactly what it was.

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