How do you feel about Tatoos?

by Fisherman 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I like some particular designs i've seen, I dont have any myself, but i have a mate who has quite a few and quite large too. As for the old argument that its like fashion and you'll regret it later on, well for some that maybe true but all the people I know with a tattoo, its become a part of them, not clothes that come and go.

    I believe it says somewhere in the OT the Israelites shouldnt have them, it also says they shouldnt cut their beards....

    CS 101

  • hambeak

    I think tatoos are up to the individual, some are quite beautiful some are downright distasteful and ugly, another form of tatoo are those worn by gang members that indicate their level of involvement or what gang they belong to. As for facial and head tatoos yuck! But I don't live with them, lol. it's a personal choice issue. I don't believe demons started this.

  • daystar
    it would be my "educated guess" that the tatoo-craze was fomented by the very same groups to prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast

    LOL! I'm glad you put that in quotes. I thought you were serious at first.


    It's hard for me to understand how a person could be so desperate for other people to conform to their own "moral" compass (of course, tatoos have nothing to do with "morals"), that they would feel "very offended" by this. No, I see you are outraged. Well, that's about on par with me being "outraged" that someone would offend me by wearing a cross around their neck, in public *gasp*, where my child might be influenced by repressive, intolerant Christian values. Ridiculous, of course.

  • Finally-Free

    I don't feel "offended" when I see people with tatoos. I personally find it unattractive, but there's no reason why I should care what people do with their bodies. It's none of my business.


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    it would be my "educated guess" that the tatoo-craze was fomented by the very same groups to prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast

    LOL! I'm glad you put that in quotes. I thought you were serious at first.

    Was she NOT serious?

    ~luv, jojo

  • Frank75


    Get over it!

    I am offended by Fishermen. "Cruel sport, poor fish".

    Where does it end?


  • daystar

    Was she NOT serious?

    ~luv, jojo

    Tongue in cheek baby, tongue in cheek.

  • rwagoner

    I am a tattoo owner...they are a part of me not just some fashion fad but I agree with most ofthe posters here...there are some styles that I like and some that I don't but it is not up to me to say what some other person should or should not have for a tattoo.

    I do try to talk to young people who ask me about my tattoos and I stress the them that it is a lifelong statement and they should really think about what they may want before rushing into a shop and getting a "Bart Simpson' mooning or flipping the bird. Even then...if that is what they want and it has meaning to the...more power to them, its their skin.

    For most people tattoos have a very person meaning but the lastthing I thing or worry about when I get a new tattoo is "Oh my God...what will other people think". In fact in the case of my "Kruppel" tattoo, the whole point is to make people ask what it means and hopefully feel a little uncomfortable so that they think about the issue.

    ONE WORK OF WARNING TO WOMEN.....If you are a young woman you may want to think carefully about tattoos over your kidney or lower back area. My wife works in the surgical unit of a large regional hospital and many Anesthesiologists (sp) will not perform an (epidural ? / Spinal) whichever...many won't use that location for anesthesia during surgery if there is a tattoo for childbirth.

  • ButtLight

    Oh just admit it. All of us with tatoos worship satan, and our heads spin around as we spew vomit at everyone!!!!!!!!

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I find tattoo's very intriguing .Some are even sexy . Miami Ink is one of my favorite shows . I love the artistic nature of a really good tattoo artist. I especially like hearing people's stories about why they choose a certain design and what it means to them . My son's friends have arm sleeves that are beautiful . One of his friends is just starting out in his own tattoo business . I may not like some art work, especially on the face or neck , but I could never judge someone as offensive just because of their appearance . That is so shallow . Most of the people I know that are covered are sincerely decent people that like to express themselves very openly.

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