by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    You are suffering denial BIG TIME! Even some of the sons of this system of things, as Jesus called them, are aware that the present system is doomed. The numbers don't lie. That's what this thread is all about. That's what the Bible's message is about. This human system of things is going to fail. It's going to fail in a very big way. When it does, people like you are going to go absolutely nuts. But, as I have said before, it's going to take the blinding flash of a thermonuclear device to penetrate the darkness and open your eyes. / You Know

  • larc

    You Know,

    Is that a literal thermonuclear device or a figuative one? Is the collapse of the financial system literal or is that just poetic license on your part? I am a better prophet than you are. I predicted that nothing would happen in 1975 and I retired at the end of 1999, because I knew that there was no y2k problem, unlike you who predicted doom and gloom. As I said before, by June of next year, we will be living in a financial paradise, the markets will soar, and people will be singing, happy days are here again.

    By the way, young puppy, I have retireed at 100% of pay, and you will have nothing in your golden years except ashes in your mouth, so eat it clown.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Is that a literal thermonuclear device or a figuative one?


    CLICK HERE>>> http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001/09/26/russianmafia-terrorists.htm

    CLICK HERE TOO>>> http://www.cdn-friends-icej.ca/isreport/septoct99/binladen.html

    Is the collapse of the financial system literal or is that just poetic license on your part?

    CLICK HERE>>> http://www.larouchepub.com/pr/2001/010928us_debt.html

    I predicted that nothing would happen in 1975 and I retired at the end of 1999, because I knew that there was no y2k problem
    So what? That was then. This is now.

    we will be living in a financial paradise, the markets will soar, and people will be singing, happy days are here again.
    We'll see won't we?

    By the way, young puppy, I have retireed at 100% of pay, and you will have nothing in your golden years except ashes in your mouth, so eat it clown.
    I hate to tell you pal, but I am well set in this system of things. I have more to lose than most folks. / You Know
  • hillary_step

    OK Robert,

    Very good, we have all been warned and re-warned then warned again for good measure. As a prophet you are untouched in dimension. The clean expressions issuing from your sheepy mouth have caused empires to collapse and made widows for the taking. We give in, game over, you win you cuddly little chappy.

    Now. Has it ever entered your head that most of us here would rather die burned alive in sizzling bowls of lead and acid than to live everlastingly with a person like yourself who seems to relish the suffering of others to a frankly, unhealthy degree.

    So, I put before you the blessing and the malediction, death by the King or life with the Robert King - you choose.

    All I beg, is that you tone it down Robert as your seams seem to be splitting - HS

  • jayhawk1
    I hate to tell you pal, but I am well set in this system of things. I have more to lose than most folks. / You Know

    Yes, you are loosing it faster than most folks. MrMoe was looking for you in her women's abuse thread. I am curious what a watchtower apologist like you has to say.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • You Know
    You Know
    Has it ever entered your head that most of us here would rather die burned alive in sizzling bowls of lead and acid than to live everlastingly with a person like yourself

    LOL. Right. I am just trying to do my part in the separating work. / You Know

  • jayhawk1

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    That explains it:

    I hate to tell you pal, but I am well set in this system of things. I have more to lose than most folks. / You Know
    So that's the reason on the other thread you wouldn't take up my offer or does it?
    Tell me Robert, do you have all that Dylan ever recorded?
    Or is it, you can't find any prediction that the WT ever made that came true?

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • joelbear

    You Know says:

    I hate to tell you pal, but I am well set in this system of things.

    Joelbear asks:

    Isn't this what is commonly called "hedging your bets"?

    Werent the Israelites punished for hoarding manna? Didn't Jesus tell a story about only being concerned about today and not storing up treasures on earth?

    First time for everything, first time I ever heard an annointed one say they were well set in this system of things.

  • hillary_step

    Hi Chuckles,

    LOL. Right. I am just trying to do my part in the separating work.
    A little behind the times are we Robert! The WTS as you must remember got out of the 'separating work' game a few years ago . It took quite a few decades for them to realize that that privilege belongs not to man but to Christ and his angels, so the GB decided after much discussion and a 70% vote to let Christ have his crown back. I am sure he is very grateful.

    Anyway, thank you for your humorous reply. I have a feeling we are destined to have drinks together one day. Maybe not from the same vine, but perhaps under the same fig tree.

    Have a good night Robert - HS

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