by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    i thought your point was, and the point of this thread was, to say that the financial system and the dollar would
    collapse by the end of october.

    It was, yes that is correct. Either a collapse or a state of war was what I wagered.

    when you prematurely claimed victory on this "wager" of sorts, i merely dismantled your statements exposing your obvious lack of knowledge on market matters.
    I taunted some boaster to pay off their lost wager not because the financial system had collapsed, obviously it hasn't yet, but rather because there is this little matter of a war now looming. Some apostates claim that there is not an official declaration of war so that doesn't count. One member of the apostate goon squad said that a market collapse woundn't count because I said it would be by natural causes. What a hoot you people are. Other more mentally challenged individuals claim that I meant to say that the financial system would go to war with itself, that I didn't mean to say that the markets would be in a state of war because the world would be in an atmosphere of war. I suppose the Dow could declare a Jihad against the NASDAQ or something like that, and you could have brokers going at each other out on the sidewalks of Wall Street with sharpened pencils. And so the fact that America's New War is winding up doesn't count as the system being in a state of war as my wager stated. My view is that there isn't a war---yet. There has only been an act of war committed and a declaration of war in response, but no actual war as of yet. Perhaps it may blow over. Perhaps it may result in WWIII and the great tribulation. So, I wasn't really claiming that the parameters of my wager were satisfied but that it appears as if the process is now in motion for either a collapse, or war, or both. We still have a month to go and no one knows how things are going to develope. It just doesn't look to good for those who are "long" on this system of things. I been short selling the Devil's world for years and now it is starting to pay off. LOL

    if youd like to go back and read at what point i jumped in, youll see that i have no interest in your little side points. the reason i started this discussion in the first place was to show that your comment about the market being a "side show" was absolutely and totally preposterous
    I know what you said. You are wrong. The links I provided, particularly the case of the derivative king, which you dismissed as "drivel," prove my point. You have absolutely no rebuttal for the mountain of evidence I linked to that indicate that people in the business, who like yourself want this system to go on, see big, big, trouble brewing, not because of a stock market decline alone, but because of the bloated credit system and the derivatives. They realistically fear what could spell the end of the whole capitalist system. So far your only response has been to say that you think it's a good time to buy stocks cause they are oversold. It's amazing to me that people can be so blind and willfully so at that. / You Know
  • NameWithheld
    It was, yes that is correct. Either a collapse or a state of war was what I wagered.

    I taunted some boaster to pay off their lost wager not because the financial system had collapsed, obviously it hasn't yet, but rather because there is this little matter of a war now looming.

    God damn it Booby, stop trying to out and out lie that you 'wagered' that the US would be at war!!!!!!!!!!!

    You said ...

    My proposed wager is this: I will wager 100 bucks, that before the end of the month of October that the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war.
    How do you propose to change the meaning of the words "the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war"?


    Pretty plain words IMO. Don't pretend you can alter their meaning now, be a man and stand behind what you said, even if it is stupid.

    Stop twisting what you plainly said. Liar.

  • Naeblis

    It's clear to anyone with any reading comprehension that You Blow did NOT predict a military confrontation. He has a long history of shifting and twisting what he said to make it appear that he guessed right. You're just now coming to see this?? LOL

    You Blow is the longest running joke on the internet. I always look forward to his new predictions. EVERY time they fail and EVERY time he retreats, tail between his legs. I can't wait to see it happen again ROFL> Poor little You Blow.

  • individual


    I bet you are not even an elder. I bet that your claim to be of the annointed is just a reflection of your need to feel special , of a class above the normal person. But there is a problem, where do the annointed stand on the matter of laying a wager, I thought that this was frowned on. And wanting to win the wager on the back of 6000+ deaths I think shows us what sort of person ,or should I say monster, you are. My guess is that compared to 6 billion deaths at armageddon, the New York tragedy seems immaterial to you, your hopes based on your beliefs have de-sensatised you to human suffering. I wager that you were disapointed by the death toll, wanting it higher so as to be a more significant sign.
    All of the above is part of the problem with belonging to an end time cult, it reduces your compasion and your humanity.

  • hillary_step

    I thought I would bring this thread to the top again as it seems to have been overlooked...


  • You Know
    You Know
    God damn it Booby, stop trying to out and out lie that you 'wagered' that the US would be at war!!!!!!!!!!!

    My, my, all those exclamation points! You are taking this thing pretty hard I'd say. LOL. Look here, I think you have a lot bigger problems to face than whether YK wagered that there would be a state of war or not. Many Americans are out buying gas masks and guns and survival supplies. There is no need to get hysterical over my little post. If they go nuclear we are all in a world of mess and I wouldn't really except anyone to pay off on my little wager.

    How do you propose to change the meaning of the words "the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war"?
    The reason I inserted the caveat about the financial system being in a state of war or a crash is because a state of war could possibly prevent the economy from crashing. Even though the initial shock could conceivably topple the system, at the same time it allows them to do things that they couldn't ordinarily do. At this point the government has already gone into an emergency war footing whereby they are pumping billions of dollars into the system; bailing out the already failing airline industry for example. They are talking about a Marshall Plan for New York City to rebuild the devastation. They could even take emergency measures to freeze wages prices or even close the markets down as they did the week of the incident. Because I have been following the financial system closely for many years, I knew that something was about to give. Numerous watchers have foretold an Autumn crash. With the volatile situation in the Middle East I expected something to blow up there. I didn't really anticipate a terrorist attack like what occured, but I knew that the power brokers had to make something happen; that they wouldn't just sit back and let themselves be put into bankruptcy by the government. So that's why I stipulated that there would either be a crash or a war. The worst case scenario is that there will be both. / You Know
  • You Know
    You Know
    I thought I would bring this thread to the top again as it seems to have been overlooked

    Thanks. / You Know

  • NameWithheld

    LOL! Whatever. Like all prophets you say things then interpret them after events occur. Have fun Booby, I'm outa here.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Like all prophets you say things then interpret them after events occur.

    How else do you suppose we should interpret what I wrote when I said that the "present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war"? Feel free to use your imagination and any colorful profanity and metaphors that may come to mind. LOL / You Know

  • hillary_step

    Hi YK,

    I thought I would bring this thread to the top again as it seems to have been overlooked

    Thanks. / You Know
    My pleasure squire - just did it again for you. For this good deed, please remember me when you get into your Robert Kingdom.

    Best regards YK, HS

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