by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • bjc2012

    You Know,

    You said:

    My wager is hedged by the Word of the Living God, Jehovah.

    You mean the portions that you wish to consider, the ones that make JWs look good. You continually ignoring Daniel 11:40, 41 which tells you specifically that there will be another world power, led by the 'little horn,' the 'King of the North,'who will not like the JWs. (Daniel 7:7,8; 19-21; Revelation 13:5-7) Currently, JWs are under the protection of the 'King of the South' and so enjoy relative peace and freedom. But that will change and this you refuse to acknowledge. The WTS has truly fooled 6 million people because of their inability to explain these verses correctly.

    I have wagered a measly hundred bucks that the Devil's world is going to come crashing down soon.
    No, it's your 'world' that will come crashing down before his does. The war will not bring his world down, it will simply change it. In fact, October will be a significant month for JWs as it is the month when that downfall will begin. (Ezekiel 36:3)

    Your bet is backed by a childish wish.
    And so is yours!


  • You Know
    You Know
    Admit it you were just speculating. Word of God you were not sticking to in your prediction.

    Keeping with the market analogy, I will admit to having an unfair advantage over you due to what could be described as "insider trading." What insider would ever give his adversaries the details of his intimate knowledge that gives him the advantage other them? / You Know

  • Naeblis

    Especially an insider with such a poor trading "record" You wouldn't even be able to hold down a job You Blow. LOL

  • You Know
    You Know
    You continually ignoring Daniel 11:40, 41 which tells you specifically that there will be another world power, led by the 'little horn,' the 'King of the North,'who will not like the JWs.

    I am not ignoring those prophecies. I have thoroughly researched those topics and written hundreds of pages concerning their likely application. I simply refuse to share that information with those who don't deserve it. / You Know

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Your so noble minded:

    I simply refuse to share that information with those who don't deserve it. / You Know
    That's why he post here all the time, and alway giving us his interpetations of the Bible, because we are"those who don't deserve it".

    You logic has spun me around so much I feel like a rolling stone.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • You Know
    You Know
    The war will not bring his world down, it will simply change it. In fact, October will be a significant month for JWs as it is the month when that downfall will begin.

    Jesus words seem particularly appropriate to quote in this regard: "I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lighted?" By the way, did you happen to read the piece I posted a few months back entitled: WHY THE WATCHTOWER IS DOOMED? / You Know

  • AlanF

    jdubla said to Booby:

    "youve been round and round in circles with this one, to the surprise of no one. talking in circles is a classic trait of delusional "prophets", and more specifically of jws."

    How true. JWs have gone round and round and round, and where they'll stop nobody knows. Booby here has been well trained by his Mommy in the fine art of imitating a moth flying around a light bulb. Too bad Booby's light bulb is such a dim bulb.

    Whatever JWs predict, when the failure inevitably comes, if they can manage to find a way to salvage their prediction by twisting their own words to mean something quite different from what they at first said, they'll do it. Otherwise they blame the failure on anyone who listened to them and say, "Oh, well, we didn't really mean for you to take our words literally", or "Oh my; we didn't think you'd actually act on our claim to speak for God". God help the JW who expresses less than full faith in the prediction, though. Eventually they forget it altogether.

    Russell's prediction of a complete collapse of the nations of the world by 1914 illustrates the first tack. Rutherford's prediction of "the end" for 1925, and Franz's prediction of Armageddon by 1975 illustrate the second tack.

    The sad thing is that, in their attempt to convince themselves that they really do speak for God, JW leaders actually convince themselves of their own lies. This is the simple result of their living in the ivory tower they've built, where they're surrounded by toadies who either do everything they're instructed and agree with everything the leaders say, or are kicked out of Bethel. The result of decades of this training is that today there are hardly any independent thinkers left in Bethel. Almost every leader is afraid to act first, because they know that the one who acts first will bear the brunt of anything that goes wrong. So they first try to figure out which way the wind of top opinion is blowing, so that whatever they do it will be part of a mass of opinion for which no individual can be blamed. This creates an unstable situation, so that when the bubble of pent-up opinion bursts, there's no telling which way it'll go. It's sad to see how low the WTS leadership has sunk.


  • You Know
    You Know
    does that mean a collapse of the dollar is imminent? of course not. does that mean if we do have a crash in the economy (we are already in a recession), and/or a crash in the markets that we will not recover? of course not. are any of these scenarios (i.e., dollar collapse, financial collapse, etc.) inevitable? of course not.

    You need to educate yourself about how the system works. Here's your assignment: Read this piece and tell me why you dismiss it as drivel.
    CLICK HERE>>> http://www.zealllc.com/commentary/monster.htm
    AND HERE TOO>>> http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_01/wegerif092501.html
    / You Know

  • dubla

    YOU KNOW how to ignore-

    You need to educate yourself about how the system works. Here's your assignment:
    thank you yk, but im not interested in any assignments from you, nor do i have a lack of faith in my knowledge of how the system works. it is you who needs education, as ive already exposed many times over. im sure your links are very interesting reading, and im also sure that they are very irrelevant to the true issue at hand, which i laid out at the end of my last post. and what makes you think i would even take the time to look at your references, when you continue to ignore my questions, and ignore the obvious contradictions in your statements that ive pointed out? you even ignore the fact that ive proven you to be a liar who twists the words of others in order to achieve your goal. ive made a complete fool out of you yk, along with the help of the other intelligent readers/writers on this thread. even hs makes you look ridiculous without even really wanting to justify your lunatic postings with a response. you ignore anything that you cannot respond to, and eventually even making your ignorance known gets boring.


  • dubla


    you also forgot to complete YOUR assignment yk, which was to go back through my posts and find the point at which i said it was a good time to buy stocks. i take it that was just more of ignoring what you cannot respond to.


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