CHILDREN'S RIGHTS COME FIRST. A child has a right to two loving parents. The UN put forth a statement regarding Children's Rights. I wonder if the WT supports that as an NGO?
It is also common for the cult-member parent to use the manipulative techniques employed by the group to turn the child against the non-cult parent, and even to exacerbate long-standing conflicts between the spouses.
THE LAW: While one has the absolute right to believe whatever one wants, one does not necessarily enjoy the same liberty with respect to putting such beliefs into action. ( i.e. perjury to reach a desired decision by the court )
From an article on the same site, "They know their perjury committing and cult doctrine delusional executives on the witness stand are just not credible and far more damaging to their own case than any evidence they are trying to dispute from the other side."
Religion/Cults are not above the law. Perjury is tantamount to obstruction of justice. period. Justice is based on people telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Not Theocratic Warfare.