Third Annual Aposta-Crawfish Boil -- May 6, 2006!

by cruzanheart 295 Replies latest members meetups

  • daystar


    This will be my first one, and I'm honestly a bit nervous. This is the third one I've said I'm going to and, by hook or by crook, I'm making it this time!

    I'm sure that I'm not the only one that would like to meet you.

  • cruzanheart

    Chris and I were really nervous when we went to our first 'fest -- all those years of being treated like garbage by the Witnesses made us very wary of any kind of social event. But Travis (Valis) came up to greet us with open arms (literally!) and everyone else was so very kind and welcoming that we instantly felt at home and have been friends ever since.

    And I just heard that the weather is going to be BEAUTIFUL this Saturday! In the 70's, which is lovely and cool for this time of year, and no rain in the forecast.


  • lonelysheep
    There is a very nice winery in Downtown Dallas.

    Oooh, wine!


    I would LOVE to meet you, girl!

  • damselfly

    I'm so bummed I can't go to this. Finacially I can't swing it plus finals are coming up me as well. Is this an annual thing? Perhaps 2007 is the year of the damselfly


  • Elsewhere

    Damselfly, just stop and think for a minute about what would happen if you me and lonelysheep were all to get together in my Mini!

    Something tells me that it would likely end with an "incident" involving a high-speed police chase, a bunch of very angry conservative preachers and a "shocking" news article on CNN with lots of helicopter video.

  • damselfly

    Yes, it'd be good times all round. Too bad your mini isn't a convertible, my hair looks best blowing in the wind.


  • daystar
    Yes, it'd be good times all round. Too bad your mini isn't a convertible, my hair looks best blowing in the wind.

    We'll make sure to take plenty of pictures so you'll know what you missed.

    Daystar (of the "sad to not be meeting dams this weekend" class)

  • damselfly

    No worries, I'm scheming as to how I can divert my scholarship funds to apostafest funds for next year. There's got to be a way.


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    FOSHLL and I will be there. What time does it start? (Sorry - I'm lazy and don't want to read all 7 pages to find out.)

  • lonelysheep
    Damselfly, just stop and think for a minute about what would happen if you me and lonelysheep were all to get together in my Mini!

    I will try to take a pic of his car for you!

    What's bad, dams, is that I've lived in NJ my entire life and have never been to Canada!

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