Third Annual Aposta-Crawfish Boil -- May 6, 2006!

by cruzanheart 295 Replies latest members meetups

  • Lo-ru-hamah
  • For the out-door types, we can go Geo Caching.
    I love the outdoors but I have no idea what Geo Caching is?
  • Loruhamah

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Of course Else! No worries here.

    You know the way.


  • uninformed


    Can I still come? I was disfellowshipped today. Karen, my wife was too.

    Looking forward to the feast.

    Elsewhere, I would give my eye-teeth to spend some time with you on friday, but not flying in till Sat. am.

    I am looking forward to meeting a bunch of you, but especially our hosts and elsewhere.

    Uninformed (Brant Jones--Wife, Karen Jones)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Can I still come? I was disfellowshipped today. Karen, my wife was too.

    Nina and I would be honored to have you all come. I don't post much nowadays, so forgive me that I'm unfamiliar with your story. I'm sorry that you were disfellowshipped. I hope you don't have to deal with the shunning issue. Nina's father was disfellowshipped a year before he eventually committed suicide, so our hearts go out to you guys.


  • skeeter1

    I'm so sorry, but I can't make it. I'll make it next time & even bring the beer. :-(


  • serendipity

    I wish I was brave enough to join y'all. Maybe I need to plan to go to an apostafest where I don't live.

  • cruzanheart

    Brant and Karen, you are most welcome! Shake the KH dust off your feet and meet some REAL people.

    Serendipity, I hope you will consider coming to our house one day -- we're all pretty discreet and most have issues about being outed. "What happens in Murphy STAYS in Murphy!"

    Skeeter1, I'm sorry I won't get to meet you this time, but there will be other 'fests!


  • Sparkplug

    Nina, The kids and I will be there. With something to share in the food department. All are being brought.


  • Rabbit

    Serendipity, I was scared, too the first Fest a couple of years ago -- in Dallas. The people I met were the friendliest, real folks I've had the pleasure to meet with. Dallas is near my old stomping grounds, so I was nervous. Everyone was very respectful of my privacy and I felt no pressure.

    It was for me, a true eye-opening pleasure to meet others in the same 'shape' as me -- shunned by family & friends. Meeting them made this whole xjw thing more real...and that is reassuring to me that we don't have to be alone in all this.

    So, I hope you get to come to the Fest, even if it's for a little while. Or maybe the next one.

    The Rabbits will be there !

  • cruzanheart

    Serendipity, if it's any comfort we are nowhere near any Kingdom Hall and there will be no practising JW's at the 'fest. My JW friend who came last year won't be coming, and the rest of us are way, way out with no real connections to area dubbies. It's just a party. If you change your mind, you are more than welcome to come!

    Yay, Sparkplug and the Rabbits! Now it's a REAL party!


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