Huge shock!

by Crumpet 158 Replies latest jw friends

  • wiegel

    Crumpet - I am going through a similar thing with my witness family members and I'm not even df'd. Sometimes I just can't believe how heartless they seem, but I am learning that it is not about me. That is the hardest thing to do I think, after years of programming that tells you that you "deserve" the shunning and that they are doing it BECAUSE they love you.

    Hang in there and try to spend time with positive people. We need to let go of the anger, the regrets, the resentment, the fear, and the guilt or we can't be happy. Looking from the outside in, we can see that THEY aren't a happy people. While they think (or SAY they think) that shunning is loving and they hope it pushes you to return. But we need to remember that the best "witness" we can give them is to be happy, let them see that our happiness is real and not dependent on the drone of the hive.


  • wiegel

    sorry I just double posted.


  • GoingGoingGone

    Oh Crumpet I'm so sorry that you're going through this!!

    You've gotten a lot of advice, and I know you're not responding to your dad's text message so far, but I just wanted to throw this out there: What if you responded by letting them know that you love them all very much but you are disappointed in them for supporting a teaching that you can show them, biblically, is wrong, and that their behavior disgusts you? The reason for such a message would be to let your dad know that shunning you will not ever have the desired effect, which of course is getting you to return to the WT. I'd hate for him to start thinking that this episode might be something that will push you toward returning.

    I agree with the others here, you are such a wonderful person and you don't deserve this. Not from anyone, least of all your family. Wanna be sisters??


    Love, GGG

  • doofdaddy


    Just checked in. So sad

    I got this overwhelming mind picture of this family gorging on a feast and the dregs were falling. You chained to the table leg, grabbing at the crumbs and collecting them to make a mouthful.

    Your father throws a well chewed bone but your sister looks in disgust and swipes her greasy chin eyeing the dishes for another plateful.

    My opinion?

    Untie the chain and find your own feast


  • DHL
    I got this overwhelming mind picture of this family gorging on a feast and the dregs were falling. You chained to the table leg, grabbing at the crumbs and collecting them to make a mouthful.

    Doofdaddy, that's exactly how I always feel about my relationship with my parents.

    Why the hell is it so easy to talk to others about what they could do and at the same time I'm not able to get it right in my own life?

  • Crumpet

    hey heretic - I do remember you young man - you've changed your name, but still the same huh? Good advice - from you and GGG, but I know my father well enough to know that if i tried just once to discuss anything about the 'truth' in terms of saying shunning is unscriptural or that their fierce shunning is not going to make me come back and he would cut off even the scarps of contact I do get. I'd rather hear about whats happening with them two years after the fact than never at all, and your image doofdaddy is an accurate snapshot of what it is like.

    i won't say its nice to know others like skyman, sunspot, viegel have suffered exactly the same, but its reassuring to know that I am not alone.

    when mr crumpet came to bed finally and i had finished nipping his heid over not coming sooner and then apologised and said i was taking my hurt out on him, I had a good ole cry although I kept more in than I let out. The feeling of utter worthlessness that has overwhelmed is indescrible - i just feel like trash - like dirt. But you lot are helping pull me out of that, by reminding me that I'm not really.

    Once I'd stopped my snivelling and knew I wouldnt sleep at all for the rest of the night between the pain in my ankle and toe and the pain in my heart, I turned to my favourite pasttime - mentally drafting nasting letters and cards. It helped get a lot out of my system. and amused me until the sun came up and the fog began to lift off the lawn.

    I eventually remembered the guy she has married - but he must have been about 10 last time I saw him. There's a possibility my sister didnt want me to know because she was embarrassed - after all he's a few years younger. I find it hard to believe she did it out of sheer spite. If I did send a wedding card I would apologise for its lateness and wish them long and happy lives together ... and say I understand she was embarrassed, but there was no need I respect her choice in husband and wish she could respect my choices.

    hey ho so i have a brother in law - how weird is that! and I'll never ever meet him!

    The other thing that upset me a bit is that when I last saw my sister she was beautiful - so much prettier than me. She must have been 19 or 20 I guess, but the photo i saw of her makes her look thin, dowdy, unhappy and so much older - no glow at all - not how a newly wed woman looks. Is that what pioneering has done? maybe it was just a bad picture... it just added to my distress - what happened to that gorgeous pretty funny girl that was my sister. Where did this purse lipped pinched woman come from? I'd love to send her pictures of me now - yes I am a lot heavier than she'll remember but I don't think I've lost all of my glow and my spirit...

    sorry I'm rambling - but this is how my mind has been mulling these last few hours.

    thanks again for all your support and GGG you are one heck of woman - you are brave and funny and I'd love you as a sister!

  • defd

    r u better today?


  • diamondblue1974
    I guess, but the photo i saw of her makes her look thin, dowdy, unhappy and so much older - no glow at all - not how a newly wed woman looks. Is that what pioneering has done? maybe it was just a bad picture... it just added to my distress - what happened to that gorgeous pretty funny girl that was my sister

    What you describe Crumpet is a typical JW...the gorgeous pretty funny girl that was your sister is hidden beneath all that exterior...its just hidden deep and repressed like most JWs are.

    I am saddened hearing about this and saddened also about how much you are hurting...but you need to remember that you have faired better than any of your family; you are mentally free of the witnesses and in a better position to move on with your life; none of this is your fault, we think you are great!

  • Eyebrow2

    I am so sorry to hear about this....people can just be thoughtless sometime.

    I think the idea of sending your card is a good one. Maybe your sister will write back at least.

  • Crumpet

    I do feel a bit better today defd. tears can be very healing as can talking.

    Eyebrow - i probably will send a card, just briefly wishing them well for the future. That way my dad can stew for a bit and then a nice card will come through and they will hopefully be touched and impressed at my warm dignified response ( I won't say anything snidey) and they will all feel rightly ashamed of the way they have treated me. I wonder how they explained to my non JW aunt, my dad's sister, who they are close to why I was not at the wedding. I bet they've led her to believe its me who doesnt want contact with the family without directly lying so it doesnt bring shame on the JWs. Wouldnt you think though that someone in there would realise that if disfellowshipping is a shameful practice they are embarrassed to admit to new bible studies and relatives then that practice must be unchristian and wrong?

    DB - it is so sad that being in there erases personalities that way. Now that you say that its frequent looking back I think you are right. I remember lots of young couples rushing into marriage and being all loved up and then after the wedding as a curious teenager I would look at them wondering if they had sex before the sunday morning meeting and thinking that if they had it made them look very grumpy and they no longer looked happy.

    Out here my experience of newly weds is different - my girlfriends who are loved up look vibrant and you can just tell. They may be in their 30's but they have so much sparkle in a way my sister seems to lack. Mind you her husband looks pretty smug ...

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