Why all the venom?

by lynnmelo 175 Replies latest members adult

  • HockeyMullet

    I don't know if this has been mentioned, but you should pick up "Crisis Of Conscience" by Raymond Franz.

  • Terry

    I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I stood proud and tall and utterly convinced I had the only true religion.

    I dedicated my entire life to the one God in all the Universe who could rescue mankind from death and sin.

    I learned His name was Jehovah and that He had a purpose for my life.

    The purpose was spreading his Kingdom messege house to house. This messege was that Jesus, king of mankind, was separating sheep-like humble believers from goat-like obstinate unbelievers before all wicked systems of man were utterly destroyed at Armageddon.

    All my information came from my loving brothers and sisters in the local Kingdom Hall, the Watchtower publications and the faithful and discreet slave; the only pure mouthpiece of God.

    Then, I met real life on the road and it kicked the shit out of me. The shit was the Watchtower lies.

    I was horrified.

    Not only had I wasted my time, my youth, my mind and my finances on spreading nonsense into my community; I damaged my thinking by becoming irrational and indoctrinated.

    I had to start life all over again like a refugee. I moved from the fantasy of apocalypse into the real world of ordinary people doing the best they can to make a good life for themselves and their families.

    My neighbors transformed from stinking goats into caring, genuine people.

    My mindset morphed from ideology of hate and tunnel vision into a functioning skepticism and hope based on personal responsibility.

    Jehovah deteriorated from Universal Soverign into a mispronounced tribal deity clutched by superstitious ancient patriarchy as an amulet to shield them from the modern world.

    My "brothers and sisters" became narrow minded cult members who turned their back on me after decades of professed "love".

    The Watchtower devolved into a propaganda rag that uses unpaid labor to inflitrate illogical doctrines of mind-control into unsuspecting minds.

    My fear of invisible evil melted away into a smile at my immature gullibility.

    My purpose became building a decent life and repairing the damage to my thinking.

    So, to answer your question specifically: My venom is for the precious time I was insane and did NOT need to be after being injected by poison from a best friend who robotically went about his preaching duty.

    I come on strong. But, I'm objective and fair. I'll listen. I'll examine and argue. But, I will give a fair hearing. I'll test other ideas and sniff them out for superstition, mysticism and fantasy content before injesting them.

    I expect and demand that others are as fair with me.

    I could be more pleasant. But, not after my confinement and brainwashing at the hand's of Jehovah's hand puppets.

    I was eaten alive by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and crapped out the backend of a Kingdom Hall.

    If I'm pissed; it is because of the journey from fang to fart.

  • KW13

    Some people have a genuine hatred for the religion itself rather than individuals, chances are if they met a witness they would be more interested in helping them leave the org and get frustrated at that, not wanting to hurt them or just show ignorance and hate them. Afterall, a lot of us were witnesses once. BTW Welcome.

  • Junction-Guy

    Good point KW13.----I dont hate anyone, but I do hate the JW religion, for the damage that it causes in people's lives. Jesus said to love your neighbor, and that is what I do. The bible also says to hate what is bad, and if the WT Society isnt bad, then I dont know what is!!

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    The doctrines are correct: shunning [1 Cor.5], blood [Acts 15], door to door [Acts 20], and also being upset at Jehovah being blasphemed [Matthew 4].
    It is important for all of us to be blessed with understanding from Jehovah's holy spirit, which will allow us to make decisions that will back Jehovah's side of the Sovereignty issue [Prov.27:11], including believing and commiting to what Jehovah teaches by means of prayer, study of His Word, and fellowship with His Organization.
    The Apostle Paul gave first-hand testimony of the importance of not just being sincere. That is part of why the reference of his conversion on the road to Damascus is still in our vernacular. It is the choice between the narrow way and the broad [Matthew 7]. Billions of people having it wrong over 2000 years is a matter of "the blind leading the blind".
    Some may say that the word/name Jehovah was not used by Jesus, which is true only because English as a language wasn't yet in use. The Tetragrammaton, which Jesus certainly used [as we know from John 17:6; compare Isaiah 54:5] is transliterated as Y e hôvâh by none other than Strong's Concordance, entry# 3068. Grammatically, Y e hôvîh is a form of it in Hebrew, along with Yâhh [the transliteration of His nickname, found at Strong's entry# 3050]. Some may say that not a single one of the 5000 ancient manuscripts of the New Testament has YHWH in it. That would only be technically true because English letters were not in use yet. Some claim that the name Jehovah was not in the New Testament. Recent discoveries show versions of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton amidst the Greek text, or a Greek equivalent is used [generally transliterated into English as IAW,IAO] . It may be for some that Father denotes a far closer relationship than calling someone by their name. But for those to whom faith and worship is worthy of dying for, this is often not the case. When someone's name is maligned, that name takes on extra importance to those on the side of the victim. Such is certainly true of Jehovah. What other author do you know of who wishes that his name be throughout it would put up with such alternations!? That Jehovah has his witnesses or defendants is no surprise. Abel is mentioned as the first one, Jesus the chief one, not to mention Isaiah 43:10 [just one verse in the midst of several chapters making this point]. While some may find Raymond Franz's explanations inspirational, his uncle Frederick certainly had a strong enough faith not to be swayed, as can we all. The one that endures to the end is the one that is saved, after all [Matthew 24:13].

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    I'm allergic to cats.

  • new boy
    new boy

    To Lynnmelo

    After reading everthing on this board ..........and you still want to join up ........I think you should. Bless you my friend.

    To Fred

    Greetings friend.........and thanks for your posts........Isn't this a much better way to "count" your time then driving around in some mini-van with all the "sisters" gossiping.........

  • dedpoet

    Hi Fred, and welcome to the forum.

    Personally, I don't hate jws, but I do hate their beliefs, and the organisation
    they serve. And that is all they serve, Fred. I have no belief in god now,
    but if he exists, and if there is a religion out there that is truly serving him,
    it isn't the jws. They are just a publishing business posing as a religion.

    Anyone, apart from a completely brainwashed jw, who spent around half an
    hour on any of the Quotes sites, and saw all the doctrinal flip flops that the
    org has been guilty of over the years would easily see that they are a man made
    religion. For example, it took them four attempts to work out that the "Lord"
    mentioned at Romans 10:12-16 was in fact jehovah. On two separate occasions,
    they changed their stance on that, and said it was Jesus. Don't you think a
    religion claiming to be the only channel through which god communicates to
    humans would get that right the first time? It seems kind of important to me.


  • Junction-Guy

    No the doctrines arent correct, as they are miconstrued by your "faithful and discreet slave", and as far as I can see, the only one Blaspheming Jehovah is the WT Society of JW's, for they have cause much misery in the name of God.

  • acadian

    Fred said:

    We do know that Jesus does intercede for those who are part of his body, his congregation.

    Yes he does...But the WTS as a state created corporation, which is deffinately part of the world, is not part of "Christ's" congregation. You cannot be incorporated with the State and claim you are no part of the world
    What fellowship does Jesus or Jehovah have with the State/world as a corporation?
    If you say for legal reasons, then you admit your God has no power to protect you or his people. Rather than trusting in God and relying on his protection, you rely on MAN's Government instead. YOU are either incorporated in Christ, or YOU are incorporated in the World. We know which incorporation the WTS has... Acadian

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