Why all the venom?

by lynnmelo 175 Replies latest members adult

  • Crumpet

    hey knothead

    crumpet's link is not working, it's coming up page not found

    sorry about that - its the thread entitled Huge Shock where I find out by accident through someone on this board that my sister is married - you can find it in my topic history. It shows just how much love there really is amongst JWs. That they lack any natural affection for their own if they decide that the religion is not for them.

  • diamondblue1974
    That they lack any natural affection for their own if they decide that the religion is not for them.

    They are fulfilling their own false prophesy arent they?

    'having no natural affection...' how ironic!


  • Celia
    To all, the one concern I have about not joining the Witnesses is not being able to fulfill the requirement for witnessing unless I join. I certainly won't go door to door on my own, so how will I do it? How do you guys do it? Also, how do you fulfill the command in Hebrews to assemble together to worship God? I'm concerned about not joining because I'm just not sure how I would fulfill some of these things without joining an organization, and I don't really agree with any other religion I've explored (I don't believe in the major doctrines of the Trinity, Hellfire, Immortality of the soul, etc.).

    Going door-to-door is not a requirement for being a good person --- Belonging to any religious organization is not necessary for doing what's right --- "Christian" values are not something that JWs only try to adhere to. In fact JWs with their shunning practices, child sacrifices (blood ban), and their protecting child molesters and disfellowshipping the victims (to shut them up) don't act very "christian" at all.

    Just be the best person you can be --- Help others --- Show your love of God and Christ by being an example in your community. You don't have to belong to any organization to be good and follow Jesus' example.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    hi lynn; the word jehovah . was made up by a catholic monk (bishop) in the year 1265 under the commishion of the pope. in a book caller dager of faith. his name was raymundus martini. from spain. look him up on google. or at the kingdom hall in the wt aid to bible understanding book page 884 1969 edition if you do check this wt reference to the word jehovah. and then do further research on the net or public library. you will find that the wt only tells you the part of the story they want you to know. and leaves out a lot of important info.. which may make you think differently. the wt are masters of telling only parts of stories. to get you to think they are right. on to an other topic. we all know god hates a liar or deciever. get a copy of the wt booklet "should you believe in the trinity" here the question is not if the trinity is true or false. but is the wt honest in the way they quote the different refences in this mag. a trip to the library or if someone here gives a link . will show that the wt straight out lies. on all most every reference they give from the many worldly scholars. they quote in that mag. in fact you can find many lies or misquotes , in just about any wt mag were they quote the l.a. times or some historian. it's just a matter of research. and the wt is counting on you not spending the time to look these thing up. john
  • bigmouth

    lynmelon, good on you for coming here.So long as you keep visiting you will be able to weigh up what you are hearing.Keep sifting through.

  • hillbilly

    Commit, spend 20 years and we will talk about venom. Thank your lucky stars you just cant see your way into this cult.


  • daystar

    johnny cip

    I'm going to be somewhat critical and say that while I wanted to read your entire post, I could not bring myself due to the lack of capitalization and misuse of punctuation. I'm sorry to say that because of this I have missed anything useful you may have had to say.

  • Pistoff


    Can you answer me this question: DO you think there should be 2 witnesses to child sexual abuse??

    Do you think it is Jehovah's will that a child be raped, and the elders tell the victim and their parents to NOT talk to the police?

    Do you now have children, or plan on having them? I can't believe you are not addressing this question. If you have not researched this matter, why not?

    What do you have to fear by learning the truth about child sex abuse policy in the WT?

    Look at the new book for children; look at the picture of a 5(?) year old girl holding her hand up to an adult, as if to say, you may not sexually abuse me. NO CREDIBLE CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST thinks a child can possibly do this; WHY does the WT put the burden on a 5 year old child and not on the elders to turn in suspected child abuse?

    If you can't answer these questions, you are kidding yourself, and are already trapped.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Dave, you wrote, "Honestly, think about it. What you're saying is that the smart people in your life would think you were making a bad move if you involved yourself with JW's."
    Actually, I don't have all that much confidence in any spiritual advice I might get from my colleagues. Most of them either are atheists, agnostics, or are going through the motions of another convenient religion. To them, humankind is the ultimate arbiter of all things. I believe Jehovah is the ultimate arbiter of all things. That major difference means that they wouldn't understand where I'm coming from at all. I'd bet my next three paychecks that none of them know that much about the Witnesses, yet they'd condemn them based solely on hearsay or by the fact that they seem like kooks for going door to door. At least you guys have specific reasons for what you think of the Witnesses; many people don't have a clue, yet they still condemn them.

    You raise some good points. Going to an anti-religious person for religious advice might not do the job for you. (But don't write us atheists off entirely, we can still 'reason from the scriptures' in ways that can be helpful.) And you're very right that your colleagues probably have an uninformed prejudice against JW's.

    I will probably get flamed or banned for writing this, but I had some pretty strong feelings when I read this.

    Actually, let this be another thing for you to consider. You won't get banned for stating your views here (though you need to do so respectfully, which you have done). What if I (as a person disfellowshipped for apostasy) went to a Kingdom Hall and started sharing MY views? Though offered respectfully, I would surely be shown the door, and helped to find it if I seemed to be having trouble. Always be wary of anyone that say, "Don't listen to them." It's bad enough to say, "Don't believe them", but to say, "don't listen"? Gives a person pause.

    To all, the one concern I have about not joining the Witnesses is not being able to fulfill the requirement for witnessing unless I join. I certainly won't go door to door on my own, so how will I do it? How do you guys do it?

    There is considerable evidence that the first century Christians did NOT go door to door, searching for converts. I know that's hard to buy, but the JW's do a good job of chaining a few unrelated scriptures together and making it appear that this canvassing work is a command. I don't have the knowledge to back this one up, but there was a thread on it recently. Hopefully somebody can post a link?

    I'm concerned about not joining because I'm just not sure how I would fulfill some of these things without joining an organization, and I don't really agree with any other religion I've explored (I don't believe in the major doctrines of the Trinity, Hellfire, Immortality of the soul, etc.).

    It's the "to whom shall we go away, you have the saying of everlasting life" problem. Even if the apostles didn't understand everything Jesus said, they had to stay with him. He was "the one". But do JW's really fall into that same category? Research their doctrines for yourself (without their "help") and see if you really think they have "the truth".

    Take care, and thanks for continuing to discuss the issue!


  • Leolaia
    "For example, the word Jehovah was not used by Jesus. Not a single one of the 5000 ancient manuscripts of the New Testament has YHWH in it. The WTS has dishonestly changed the scriptures in the New World Translation, the very Word of God, in order to support an incorrect doctrine. Why is the word Jehovah not in the New Testament? Because Jesus taught his followers to refer to God as Father, a far closer relationship than that indicated by calling someone by their name."

    So, are you saying that Jehovah isn't the correct name for God, or that the God of the old testament is not the same as the God of the New Testament? I'm just curious since He must have a name.

    lynn...jwfacts wasn't addressing those two (rather theological) issues, he was making the simple but very important point that the Bible translation that the Watchtower Society has produced, the New World Translation, has "changed the scriptures" by inserting the name "Jehovah" in the New Testament, without any manuscript authority at all. That is to say, they were not translating the Bible, they were interpreting it and changing the text in the process. And to defend the changes, the Society alludes to a whole slew of Hebrew translations of the NT that similarly insert YHWH into the NT....making it look like these are textual authorities when they do not constitute manscript evidence at all. And such alterations change the meaning of the text on a theological bias, because they prevent OT scriptures that refer to YHWH from being applied to Jesus in the NT even if that is what the point of the text is. To see what I mean, read Romans 10:1-21 in the New World Translation and then compare it with almost any other translation.

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