Since you left Jehovahs................................

by defd 119 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stevenyc


    I believe you are a decent person. I'm not entirely sure why you post here, you do not appear to be like scholar who has self professed to defend the ridiculous rewrite of history.

    When you and scholar post I always read them. Your views regarding the little sect you allow to control your lives, are certainly far from mine, but, understanding the eclectic nature of the anthropic enlightens us all, IMHO.

    I'm not convinced that your thread here has been a bait and switch to show how we all have no future hope. I think that there are some niggling doubts in your head. You are a smart cookie, and you know that you can't exercise that brain muscle of yours reading the watchtower, (which by the way has a reading age of 11).

    Please don't take what I am about to write here for you as an attack or an insult. This is purely my opinion of your alter-ego that posts here as defd.

    Reading any publication written and distributed from the watchtower contains no hope for the future. Sure, it is pre and post fixed with statements such as "Our Hope for the Future" but everything else is about the chaos we live in on the planet. Eco-destructions, political upheavals, genocides, suicides, violence, hunger, disease, greed and exploitations, ... well you get the picture. Jehovahs Witnesses have a mental state co-erst into a hopeless future. You my friend have no hope for a future on this planet earth. You believe that it is going to be complete destroyed. Destined to be destroyed.

    You don't know where to turn, you are unable to have decent, challenging communication with fellow Jehovahs Witnesses for fear of being reported and reprimanded. Your only outlet for deep consideration of your spoon fed theocracy and philosophy is with fellow brain atrophied witnesses who will also follow the Brooklyn line, in fear that you may out them for any dangerous thinking which does not toe the line.

    Think I'm exaggerating? How many old truths, have become new truths? Why haven't you said, 'whoa, hold on there, this is getting a little fishy!'. Your line, my guess, would be something about food at the proper time, and ignore the now blatantly obvious and stupid theocracy and philosophy of the past and take on the new one. If you were to say, 'blow this, I'm off' your response would be 'but where else is there to go?' Your scared. You have no future.

    This is not your fault. We were all scared at some point, and many of us still are. This has nothing to do with the reality of life on this planet, but more with the repetitive recitation of the fantastic ideology of the few who live in Brooklyn and Patterson.

    Keep thinking my friend. If I may offer one piece of advice, think of all possibilties when discussing, then work out for yourself which is correct. Then check out if your thinking fits with the Brooklyn boys. If it doesn't then they have it wrong.

    Take care


  • defd


    you post was like a two edged sword. Sincere and nice/mean and nasty, with a few insults thrown in. Thats ok, I do the same thing. You say, "Your scared. You have no future." Steve that couldnt be farther away from the truth. I have no fears concerning the truth. I do have fears of another kind not associated with the truth, we ALL DO. My future is very clear to me. I know what to expect, Jehovah tells us. I look forward to that day, the day when there will be no more sickness, sorrow, death, pain and everything else that causes us to suffer. It will be wonderful and I TRUELY thank Jehovah God and Jesus for what they are doing and have done for me.

  • 144001


    Could I interest you in some lemon-lime Koolaid to go with that icewater and lemon?

  • stevenyc


    My apologies if this came across as mean or nasty, this was not my intention. As a Jehovahs witness myself, I do understand your hope and belief. It can be difficult for me to express myself in writing while trying to maintain a prose of discussion without the appearance of attack. Please feel free to let me know if you take my responses to you as underhanded, and I will try to make amends.

    Your relationship with Jehovah and Jesus, and your hope for a future is not the intention of my post. That relationship are between you three alone. Let's try something purely hypothetical, for the point of discussion to explain my comments. Let's say that there is not going to be a supernatural armageddon. That you came to a conclusion that some things in the scriptures were metaphors. Which relationship would change. The one you have with Jehovah and Jesus, or the Watchtower corporation?


  • Soledad
    know what to expect, Jehovah tells us. I look forward to that day, the day when there will be no more sickness, sorrow, death, pain and everything else that causes us to suffer.

    How exactly does illness, sorrow, death and pain make you suffer? I mean you personally, not anyone else.

    Also, you had mentioned before how some people in your congregation let you down and mistreated you. Are you also expecting to share paradise earth with these same people? Or are you looking forward to their demise?

    And again I ask you: where does "Jehovah" say all this in the bible?

  • forsharry

    I'm sure this probably won't be responded too seeing that the last response was made a week ago...but after reading this entire thread, I'm going with the assumption that defd or whatever it's spelled is still an active witness? If my question is correct...why is he/she/it here? This is a non-witness site filled with apostacy and hatred towards the Truth. Now, it's been a couple of years since I was active in the organization, but I was always told that reading or going on the internet and seeing anything that wasn't 'santizied for dubs' protection' was an absolute no no!

    anywho...I store up faith that I will live my life as it is meant to be lived. That I will hug my husband and tell him that I love him, show my mother and my father the respect and devotion to which they've earned, and by treating others with dignity and respect, through listening to their opinons and beliefs, even, EVEN IF, I disagree with them, at least understand where they are coming from and accept their choices and thoughts as long as they harm none.

    And I will DIE! knowing that I have lived and honest and good life, treating others as I would wish to be treated, showing through works and not words that I am a person that was worthy of friendship and love.

  • twinflame

    Since I left the JWs I haven't thought too much about the future since I used to feel so oppressed by the present. Even though they say they all look to a bright, promising future, what they really dwell on is how horrible it is living temporatily in this 'wicked system of things'. My JW husband always tells me how typical it is for the apostates to tear down all my beliefs but then not give me anything in return. My response to that is this:

    I'm in no rush to fall victim to control again. I find it a tremendous relief to not live each day agonizing over yet more bad news and the downfall of mankind and the wickedness of 'this system'. To me, the JW doom-and-gloom outlook on everyday life, far outweighed any promise of living in a paradise on earth.

    For now, I am happy to be alive; something I lost being a JW. All the years I thought it was depression and it was simply unhappiness. I have discovered the truth about the lie (s) and will enjoy that freedom each day.

  • daystar


    He's been asked the same question multiple times, and I have yet to see a direct response to it. But that's okay by me. As long as he stays here, he's at least a little bit out of the Org.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    the rest of you

    You all remember what it was like to be a JW. - so convinced that even if the WTS makes mistakes it is still the truth. And yes I know how annoying it can be now when you see someone else doing it. But y'all gang up on newbie JWs that come here and it always wind up the same way. Who are you really trying to help here?

    This is a discussion forum for ex-Jw's? He's not an ex. And he certainly is'nt a newbie. Personally I'm not here to help anyone so to speak. Who are we to think we have all the answers.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You all remember what it was like to be a JW. - so convinced that even if the WTS makes mistakes it is still the truth. And yes I know how annoying it can be now when you see someone else doing it. But y'all gang up on newbie JWs that come here and it always wind up the same way. Who are you really trying to help here?

    Yes, I remember so very well. Last time I looked I was still a JW, officially that is.

    In the case of this guy - defd - I and several of the good posters here have worked hard to get him to reason on sundry points - He just hit's and run's. Just like the door to door ministry when someone tries to actually make a point - ignore and push on.

    I would love to see anyone who comes to this forum get out of the borg. But not all will get out - some will just come here to keep others from getting out with the same old tired Watchtower Bull-poop.

    Defd has one foot in and one foot out - but he favors the one that is in at this point. I think he is sitting at a Bethel computer myself - although I doubt many share my sentiment. I respect him as a person- but he has given no respect in kind to those of us trying to help him use his brain.



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