Since you left Jehovahs................................

by defd 119 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BrendaCloutier

    I truly doubt DefD has been or will be back to this thread.

  • OldSoul


    I second Brenda's words, however I understand and appreciate AK-Jeff's motives in posting, too. What you want from us you are not willing to give to us. You want an environment where you can feel free to express your views, that means you have a responsibility to ensure this environment remains that way for others. It is called "responsibility," it is a concept that comes with freedom.

    Feel free to enjoy the forum, but don't abuse those who hold it up. You may very well be looking for comfort someday and although many here (including myself) would gladly provide it, you might find that your own wracked guilt over how you have treated us stands in your way to prevent you asking for much needed comfort and consolation from those who understand first-hand what you are going through.


  • startingover

    As I look back on Defd's posts, I see a Jeckyl-Hyde. Sometimes he is nice and other times just plain rude and obnoxious.

    I would like to talk to someone from his congregation. I bet they would paint a pretty interesting picture of him.

  • defd

    I would like to talk to someone from his congregation. I bet they would paint a pretty interesting picture of him.

    I am sure you are right. But I dont care what THEY think of me. 2 individuals opinions is all I care about. Well besides my immediate family.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I AM I am not wasting my time on people like that. RUDE BITTER OBNOXIOUS and the list goes on and on

    I prefer to deal with these things in PMs but this has gone so far that I think iut is better handled here in the thread.


    I have tried very hard to support your presence on this board. I totally understand you are one person and have a gang of folks pouncing on you.

    But the post above was uncalled for. I'm sure you have heard the expression

    What goes around comes around.

    It seems that you are caught up in an endless circle of fighting here. As for the finger-pointing in the post above - hey if you look closely there are three more fingers pointed right back to you.

    the rest of you

    You all remember what it was like to be a JW. - so convinced that even if the WTS makes mistakes it is still the truth. And yes I know how annoying it can be now when you see someone else doing it. But y'all gang up on newbie JWs that come here and it always wind up the same way. Who are you really trying to help here?

  • defd

    Lady Lee you are right on all counts. I just dont belong here. As long as I am here it will never change. I see that now.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Lady Lee you are right on all counts. I just dont belong here. As long as I am here it will never change. I see that now.


  • 144001
    Lady Lee you are right on all counts. I just dont belong here. As long as I am here it will never change. I see that now.


    I think the "I just don't belong here" is a pathetic attempt on your part to curry sympathy for your undefendable cause. As for your conclusion that "it will never change" as long as you are here, you need to realize that change is the one of the few things in life we can rely on besides death and taxes. You are irrelevant to such change; it will happen with or without your presence here.

    If you're here because you have doubts about the cult that you are part of, read up and learn something, or because you want to convince others that your cult has the "truth," please do so. But if you're here to insult seniors, women, and others on this board, get lost.

  • Finally-Free

    I have never been in "Jehovah's Organization". I was associated with a cheap ass publishing company for a while, but now I have a real job.


  • Frogleg

    I didn't answer Dfed's question right away because I was thinking about it. After reading the subsequent replies and his(?) remarks it became obvious that the original intention was to bait those who supposedly have no hope for a future. So I wrote this and decided to start it as new thread. If it works fine, if it doesn't, fine.

    Hope, at its most basic, is a baseless belief. JWs want to make much of the fact they (and only they) have some sort of hope for the future; yet, they would be more powerful if they claimed that they didn't have a hope, but, in fact, they had an assurance. But such is the squiggly nature of faith when it is based on only men and words.

    My future had always been based upon people. Just people. No God, no Jesus, no anointed, no bullshit promises and checks in the mail. The people I saw, read about, heard, and prayed for every day were the future of anything that was going to amount to any worthwhile substance on this planet. But they were confused, skittish, hurtful, hateful, sad, dreary, soft, warm, loving, needful, needy, and triumphant. They took all that God, or whomever (does it really matter?) could dish out and they cried, buried, bowed their heads, and carried on. What a middle finger to the universe; to take it up the ass and come back for more. If there are any "devine" individuals, let me, please, be the first to say "Fuck you! We're still here. Now take your selfish, infantile infighting and go somewhere else. We didn't ask for this shit and we didn't deserve it. But we beat it. And we beat you. You want to kill us? Then get it the fuck over with; otherwise, accept it that we won't give up, give in, or kneel to the likes of something that can only try and prove itself by pain, sorrow, and suffering. We don't care if you're the person who did it, or the one who let it be done. You want to be worshipped? Then earn it, motherfucker. That's what we 'lower than angels' lifeforms have done: earn it. Can you?"

    My hope for the future is the same as its always been: I am living in a world of individuals who demand and give respect to all the other forms of life, and a God who does all that He can to promote the well being and futherance of the individual. That may not be possible. In fact, it is probably improbable, but it is what I hope for. As long as death is the end of it all, there is no hope. The dealer has pocketed all the aces. Gee, I wonder why? Afraid of what I might do with a little edge?

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