What is WRONG with people? (Looters, shooters, et al)

by AlmostAtheist 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • chrissy
    Yeah, why can't "those" people be more like Colin Powell?

    LOL. and believe me it took a lot to make me laugh right now.

  • Gerard
    it is not like these are organized guerrillas with contraband. these are poor desperate people with stolen hand guns from walmart. geez.

    Don't need a rocket, it takes only one bullet to kill a human. But, for all we know, it may have been a thirsty 75 year-old woman with a 0.22 gun trying to get the pilot's attention .

  • upside/down
    his people

    Aren't they all of our "people"..?


  • roybatty
    i was thinking the same thing a few days ago, but then you have to take this into consideration. the weather service actually downgraded the hurricane. the said, ''it's not as bad as we thought.'' and it wasn't the storm itself that destroyed the city, it was the levees that were damaged by the storm. i was watching an interview w/ the mayor of new orleans. people kept calling in and asking her the same thing. ''why did you wait till the last minute to deploy the national guard?''

    Hi Jojo,

    I might not have tracked it as closely as some people, but from what I remember seeing on CNN (as the storm was about to hit the coast) was that the hurricane was reduced from a catagory 5 to a catagory 4. However, the levees were only built to sustain a catagory 3 hurricane. So I can't believe that anyone is surprised that they gave way.


  • LyinEyes

    Chrissy :

    Also, i think they are exaggerating things a bit

    I think they are very accurate..... Gangs in Louisiana are awful. New Orleans is filled with gangs and drugs. Ever watch Trauma: Life in the ER?

    I watch that quite abit and one of the main hospitals they regularly use on this show is the charity hospital in New Orleans . The number of young men that come into that place every single day full of gun shots is ...shocking.

    I live in Louisiana 5 hrs away, and there are parts here in town, you don't go down in. Drive bys, rape, drugs you name it , it is happening. So many gangs .

    I just heard on the news they have unconfirmed reports of women being raped. There is no excuse for this,,,,,especially in a time like this you would think even the most hardened criminal gang banger whatever, would have some kind of soul. They don't. Sick, sick. They need to be shot.

  • Preston
    you know someone is hollywood is going to make a movie out of all this. I wonder who will play the lead...will smith, tom cruise, or bruce willis?

    It better be Wilford Brimley damnitt!!!.....or preferably Joe Don Baker.....I"M SERIOUS!!!!

    - Preston

  • Leolaia

    What is WRONG with relief authorities in New Orleans? People are starving and dying at the convention center, and no one and nothing has showed up to help them. FEMA says they are doing everything they can to get to people, yet the news media can easily get in and out and show us these appalling pictures. Why can't food and water be airdropped at least for them? Land a few helicopters with basic supplies....I'm sure cases of water bottles are not hard to find. I just don't understand it. If these people have to break into stores to find the water, food, and medicine to keep their loved ones from dying, so be it...I'd be there to help them, if I was there. I think the mayor was insane to take manpower away from relief and recovery efforts to the protection of property.

    And I'm tired of hearing blame put on the victims for failing to evacuate. Yeah, there are a lot of stupid people. There are also a lot of poor people without the means to leave, homeless, elderly and sick in a city of that size. And they're all in need and many at the brink of desperation.

  • chrissy

    um no, i have not watched trauma life in the ER, but i do have family in New Orleans. I understand the gang complications and this is an excuse for a nation holding the single most powerful organized military structure in the world.

    Aren't they all of our "people"..?
    of course you crazy monkey...which is why someone of authority needs to be standing up for them so immediate action can be taken.
  • free2beme

    I would love to get on a blow horn in New Orleans and when ever someone ran buy with something stolen ... I would yell


    Maybe it would be mean, but god dam, these people loss everything and they think it's cool to take stuff from others in times like this. SICK! Not to sound bad, but did the news media do it on purpose when they only showed black people doing this or was that just the case?

  • LyinEyes

    You know, they should have had some kind of freakin' marshal law down there in some of the areas before this storm hit.

    In parts of NewOrleans their everyday life is like a war zone.

    The military needs to go in there now and take control.

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