What is WRONG with people? (Looters, shooters, et al)

by AlmostAtheist 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gerard
    Let's make it CLEAR...there is a HUGE distinction between people trying to survive and PREDATORS on the loose.

    Last night I heard a report that a private ambulance center became nearly inoperative because some assholes thieves stole their generators so now they have no radio contact with their ambulances.

    It will be fair and fit to have the National Guard shoot and kill any armed rioters/looters.

    Can you REALLY blame the people who chose to stay and look after their home?

  • LyinEyes

    I am just disgusted at what I am seeing and hearing on the news.

    Four days after this and these people have no food or water,,,,,,,,,at the Superdome? How can the US not provide at least that?

    I am just sick over the ones with guns shooting the choppers trying to get them out? What in the world , why are they shooting the choppers?

    I just heard there are dead bodies inside and outside the Superdome. That is horrible. The people were told to go there and they are dying there, or scared to death because of the gangs and criminals. I would get my family and start walking out I guess. I rather die on the way on , on the road than stay there.

    So Fema or the Pres. is begging for volunteer firefighters to help out........how many of our troops are there now?

    This is making no sense.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Sound like things are falling apart very fast. Scary.

  • freedom96

    Those participating in the criminal acts after this disaster are simply pitiful people.

  • hillbilly

    I hate to say it but what would one expect when disaster hits a city like New Orleans. This city in the best of times is a haven of debauchery. A vast majority of her citizens are Ghetto dwellers.. folks who are so disenfrancized they will never find a way out. These people are thugs on a good day...how far will they go with no order to be found?

    The last time I was in New Orleans a man pissed on my car and I was solicited by a hooker....within 30 minutes of parking my car. The fact is New Orleans has always been willing to let the REST of the US puke on it's streets and act-a-ass under the guise of 'tourism'. Breakdown of social order should be expected in a population that allows itself to be treated the way the people of New Orleans are on a regular basis.

    Folks who have nothing to live for have nothing to loose. The City of New Orleans and the State Of Louisiana told those folks EXACTLY what they were worth by not FORCING evacuations and herding those people into the Superdome without a solid plan for the aftermath.

    So what will they learn from all of this? I just hope they get smart down there. US history shows that the Government has been willing to use deadly force, en mass, against populations that are out of order. I hope the remaining people in the city chill befor they all get killed or die one way or another.


  • SixofNine
  • Billygoat


    Pardon me for being harsh, but this isn't the time or place to be making comments like that. Our first goal should be to help, not condemn.


  • Billygoat

    Six, this is breaking my heart. Those babies. All those babies. And the elderly. What can we do????? We have to be able to do something other than just watch.

  • SixofNine

    Andi, I don't think Hill meant his comments to be condemnatory.

    And unfortunately, I don't think there is anything to do right now, except hope, and give money, goods etc.

  • hillbilly
    Pardon me for being harsh, but this isn't the time or place to be making comments like that. Our first goal should be to help, not condemn.

    Andi...you miss my point. The PEOPLE OF NEW ORLEANS have been screwed by their City and State Governments during this whole ordeal.

    I consider the Superdome plan to be almost as evil as Hilters gas chambers. Whoever thought that up was either stupid or racist. You decide. Quoted from a forum I read....

    "Looters used garbage cans and inflatable mattresses to float away with food, clothes, TV sets - even guns. Outside one pharmacy, thieves commandeered a forklift and used it to push up the storm shutters and break through the glass. The driver of a nursing-home bus surrendered the vehicle to thugs after being threatened. Sorry but this is not the action of "poor" people, this is the actions of uncivilized selfish lowlives. I just read another excerpt revealing how shots are being fired at rescue helicopters. How foolish is that? Shoot the hand that feeds you. And they wonder why they live in squalor. You may not choose to be poor, but you choose to be a criminal. These people, black and white, are old enough to make the wrong choices and poverty has little to do with it. I grew up poor and never once robbed or hurt someone because of it. If you want a shining example of someone who grew up in the ghetto with nothing and pulled himself above it all try Gen Colin Powell."


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