Somethings just not true!

by defd 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • EvilForce

    Defd ....
    I'd like to know what the "official answer" is regarding this. I have no idea.
    I do know what I BELIEVE to be the reason they do not put it up. But was curious as to the official version. Let me know if you find out.
    Thanks! :)

  • defd

    I dont know the official answer but my GUESS would be that ( mind you this is only my thought) if the WTBTS put the literature on the site for all easy access the brothers and sisters may say " Since it is on the web why go from door to door."

  • stevenyc

    EF: Its pretty obvious why they don't PDF their materials.

    People need help and guidence in interpretting the bible and the watchtower lit. Any conclution that it would interfere with the $$$$$ is just an apostate thought, and the person should be shot immediately.


  • Crumpet

    Billy didn't say anything unpleasant to you Defd so you shouldn;t take offense.

    I was definitely taught that apart from being bad associations all the children that I went to school with were going to die at Armageddon and therefore it wasn't worth getting to know any of them as it would only be painful when they died.. JWs definitely do teach and believe that everyone who is not a JW will be destroyed. I will allow, that they do say that those who have not been given a witness - ie starving people in Africa may be permitted to survive armageddon and given the opportunity to accept or reject the truth, but that they don;t know this for sure. Anyone who has had a JW knock on their door and not accepted the truth is condemned to death by their loving God Jehovah.

  • Billygoat
    why are you so angry. We are just having a calm discussion. I am TRUELY sorry your experience with JW was a sour one. But dont put us ALL in the same mold. I havent done anything to you have I ?


    I'm NOT angry. No, you haven't done anything to me. I just sooo do not believe the WTS to be The Truth, so your questions to me are laughable. Truly. I find humour in them...I'm not upset. Perhaps you are just a little too sensitive? You're reading things between the lines that aren't there. We're cool.


  • EvilForce

    I think that's a good guess.
    But wouldn't you think making timely biblical information widely available for virtually no extra cost reach more people? Maybe even in lands where it was hard to get info into? So instead of imposing the PDF to "burn" printing plates....they would take that same PDF and put it up on the web. Thank God for Adobe PDF format :)
    Granted the WTBS wants people to still go out in service...but Ja said he would make the stones cry out if need be. Would the world wide web be an uber efficient means of furthering God's message?
    If a householder says "no thanks" which we know is most of them, in passing you might say, "Well, if you change your mind, they are available on the official website"? Donation arrangements could be used on the web too.

  • defd


    ok we are straight.

  • blondie

    *** w99 11/1 p. 8 Prepare for the Millennium That Matters! ***

    Even now, the "great crowd" that will survive Armageddon are being gathered.


    w99 12/1 p. 18 Be Happy Readers of the Book of Revelation ***

    The message is clear: If we want to survive Armageddon, we must remain spiritually alert and keep the symbolic garments that identify us as faithful Witnesses of Jehovah God.


    w94 4/1 p. 28 How Can Man Be in God’s Image? ***

    Those today who dedicate their lives to serve Jehovah and follow through in faithfulness are declared righteous, justified, leading to their survival of Armageddon.—Romans 3:24; James 2:24-26.


    w92 5/1 p. 15 Who Will Escape the "Time of Distress"? ***

    As with the anointed remnant who led the way, those who hope to be of the great crowd of Armageddon survivors must act decisively. If you hope to survive, you must drink deeply from Jehovah’s purifying Word and apply his righteous standards in your life. You must be decisive in dedicating your life to Jehovah, symbolizing this by water baptism. Your calling on Jehovah in faith also includes witnessing for him.

  • wannaexit

    Well you just go out and get yourself a a whole bunch of wordly friends and then be sure to spend lots of time with them and don't forget to tell the brothers and sisters and your elders and see what happens.

    You are living in a bubble my friend


  • Bryan

    why are you so angry. We are just having a calm discussion. I am TRUELY sorry your experience with JW was a sour one. But dont put us ALL in the same mold. I havent done anything to you have I ?

    He's upset because people like you come here, lying, trying to show yourself as something you're not. And I'm not saying you are not properly quoting the Tower's mind controling propaganda. Your topic says it all! You are saying it's not true that Witnesses believe everyone but them is bad association. Do you take us for fools or are you just trying to catch lurkers on the fence off guard? I lived practically my entire childhood ALONE, because I was not allowed to play with the WORLDLY kids. It was not, 'this kid is bad because...'. It was, 'All the kids are bad and you will not associate with any of them!' So stop lying - you know the Watchtower's stance - and no one will get mad. Have a great day. I'm sure you'll be out playing handball after work with your Catholic best friend... Right.... NOT! Bryan Have You Seen My Mother

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