Women What do you Look for in Men

by LouBelle 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    Define "fish"...

    u/d (of the guppy class)

  • gumby

    FlyingJack.....I just had to add #7. I figured Mary wouldn't notice.....then you hadda go and tell everyone ......ya big teller! Who's gonna brag on me if I don't?


  • FlyingHighNow
    Who's gonna brag on me if I don't?


  • Legolas

    Thanks Gozz I understand you now. What Flyinghighnow said is what I meant. Any idiot can open a door to try to impress someone but a REAL gentlemen will always do it no matter who it is for!!

  • Mary
    Gumby-the-sneaky-well-endowed-bastard said: FlyingJack.....I just had to add #7. I figured Mary wouldn't notice.....then you hadda go and tell everyone ......ya big teller! Who's gonna brag on me if I don't?

    LMAO!! I didn't notice until FlyingJack pointed it out!! Ah Gumbers, you know I'd marry ya in a sec if you weren't already spoken fer.......we could get all liquored up and crash all the local JW weddings in California where I don't think I'm known......that'd be a solid basis for a marriage, dontcha think?

  • LouBelle

    oh he mustn't be selfish in the bedroom

  • vitty

    Loubelle-------------very important, my husband insists I eat the last slice of toast when we have breakfast in bed............What ???????????

  • Purza

    Chemistry and a sense of humor are the first things that come to mind.

    Also, my husband considers me an intelligent equal to him and he is never condescending or arrogant (like my father was). I think that is pretty important.


  • luna2

    I'm afraid to make a list. LOL I stopped looking 15 years ago because I decided that I didn't want to get married again and I was a dopey dub (so no nooky for me...dumbass that I was). Now...well, I think it's a bit late to start looking, but just for the sake of discussion, I agree with Mary and FlyingHigh. ...did they say that he likes sex and can perform? That's a bit important too. I have a friend who's husband supposedly loves her but the equipment doesn't work (so he says...I have some doubts) and he won't go to a doc. She's not a nympho by any means, but she's extremely frustrated...so, occassional sex would also be lovely.

    (LMAO @ blondie...now that's the kind of list I should have)

  • G Money
    G Money

    Where to start with my wishlist...

    Taller (like 5'6 or 5'8 is nice)
    Long, straight hair
    Nice skin
    Nice smile
    Friendly, but not flirtin with every guy and not too mean, just the perfect balance of genuine niceness but also the ability to thwart those who want her for no good purposes.
    Goals in life and someone that can hold down a job for over a year.
    Someone smart, both book smart and with street smarts.
    Someone that dresses well, not necessarily label conscious but who looks good and has a sense of style.
    Somebody fit, that exercises regularly and takes care of themself.
    Somebody that loves good sex and often and for hours on end.
    Preferably younger and young isn't an issue if the maturity level is there.
    Someone with a good group of friends so I'm not their only friend.
    Someone with a good family and a good relationship with them.

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