The Ten Commandments!

by hibiscusfire 367 Replies latest members adult

  • funkyderek

    This could be such an interesting thread, if only hibiscusfire was capable of rational argument.

  • hibiscusfire

    Evil force:

    but who made him (Buddha) a god? and what qualities does he posses to make him such?


  • hibiscusfire

    funky derek,

    I would love to do just that but I don't have much time in using the computer - only when I have the chance to.

    That is why I am grateful to comeback and repond...I know my answers are very brief sometimes but I am trying.

    I think that you all are doing very well though. When I do come back into the threads it's nice to know there is someone interested enough to respond ---- and i will respond as soon as I can.

    Thank you


    PS I would love to get a computer at home so I can do this for a longer time period. I am sorry I give such short responses.

  • funkyderek
    That is why I am grateful to comeback and repond...I know my answers are very brief sometimes but I am trying.

    You have no idea just how trying you are.

  • hibiscusfire

    Be kind funky. I am multitasking you know.



  • hibiscusfire


    Maybe if you keep on discussing it you will make it more interesting eh?

    I leave it up to your imagination and intuition!


    1. Thou shalt have no other gods before the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY......etc


  • hibiscusfire

    Here's a question for you folks

    Question: In the Ten Commandments where it says "Thou shalt not kill" what does it mean? Like you shouldn't kill at all? Or can you defend yourself? Even if you don't kill.

    My response is:

    Answer: In a big issue like killing another person, it is important to read all the pertinent Scriptures. "Kill" can be used in many different ways.....


  • funkyderek
    Maybe if you keep on discussing it you will make it more interesting eh?

    I've been discussing it. How about you respond? Maybe instead of posting dozens of small posts that say nothing, you save up all your posting time and actually answer.

    Maybe you would like to critique the ten commandments of Solon, and whether you think they are better or worse than those of Moses. Perhaps you could explain the differences between what was written on the first set of stone tablets (Exodus 20) and what was written on the second (Exodus 34). You might even like to tell us how you believe people who worship gods other than YHWH should be treated.

  • hibiscusfire


    Tell me who Solon is and would you please repost his so "commandments"

  • EvilForce

    Hibiscus....are you at all familar with Buddhism or Taoism???
    Also, in the past you have simply prepared posts and plastered them on this board and not answered direct questions and issues I presented you with. (I can dig those posts up if needed) Are you truly interested in Buddha? Will you consider what I write? If you say yes, I will post an in depth response to your question. If you aren't going to consider it....I won't waste my breath. So simply tell me yes or no and then be courteous enough to consider if I reply? Sound fair?

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