The Ten Commandments!

by hibiscusfire 367 Replies latest members adult

  • hibiscusfire

    Reaping what you sow!!!

    Yes what you reap you will sow.

    If you plant corn would you get mangoes?

    When you "get even" with a person.....if makes you no better than they are. Some-one else on the outside will look at you with just the same impression of the "bad" person. In reality we will say, "But I'm not a bad person, I'm a good person. They are the bad ones!"

  • mrsjones5

    Nope sorry the sabbath is Saturday. If i'm going to observe it I'll do it on the right day, I'm anal like that.

  • mrsjones5

    Reaping what you sow!!!

    Yes what you reap you will sow.

    If you plant corn would you get mangoes?

    When you "get even" with a person.....if makes you no better than they are. Some-one else on the outside will look at you with just the same impression of the "bad" person. In reality we will say, "But I'm not a bad person, I'm a good person. They are the bad ones!"

    Who said anything about getting even. I think you missed the point of the proverb:

    The words "What you do comes back to you" is an excellent paraphrase of the Biblical truth, "You reap what you sow." You plant the seeds (sow), and then later you gather the resulting harvest (reap). The harvest that you reap depends on the kind of seeds you sow. If you sow corn, you will not reap olives. Whatever you give out to others, God will eventually give back to you. This is the basic nature of God's Justice: "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW."

  • hibiscusfire

    5. You shall not dishonor your parents.

    Simply "dishonor" means:

    1.Not obeying your parents

    2. Cursing your parents

    3. Fighting with your parents

    4. Murdering your parents

    5. Hating your parents

    6. Answering back and being rude to your parents.

    Ofcourse in the bible God also said to parents "Provoke not your children to wrath"

    Being a parent is a great responsibility and by following the guidlelines God Almighty gave it will help children grow up the way He wanted them to be. Children are the future of tomorrow.

  • mrsjones5

    Hibiscusfire honey,

    Are you counting time here?


  • hibiscusfire


    Yes that is excellent, your interpretation.

    Reaping what you sow.

    HOWEVER ALSO....Whatever you do in your life you would get the results accordingly.....

    Just like saying getting even with someone who did you would reap the outcome of it.

  • hibiscusfire

    I am referring to my own life as well MrsJones.

  • hibiscusfire

    Funky derek

    Would you apply those other commandments to your life?

  • mrsjones5


    Has anyone ever told you that you have a habit of stating the plainfully obivous?


  • hibiscusfire

    LOL MrsJones,

    Just being sure that's all.

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