Human Sexuality 101: Everything a young girl needs to hear?

by Check_Your_Premises 125 Replies latest social relationships

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, it's time for me to make some sandwiches for two little charmers that I am going to try to influence to not grow up to use their biology as excuses to use women. See you guys later.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Guys, guys, guys. There are lots of jerks who have absolutely NO sex appeal. Come on girls, tell them. There are plenty of disgusting jerks who are revolting looking and smelling and so on. They have no personality or anything appealing about them. A guy has to be appealing in some way, or he is not going to get women, no matter how nice or mean he is.

  • Mecurious?

    Hey Else next time you find yourself liking a women check your asshole meter. If your lets say on the scale of 1-10 (with ten being the highest) a 1-4 then your probably not an asshole of enough to date that particular women. I have found that the prettiest women are the ones who are most susceptible to this kind of "charm" esp in thier younger years.

    But, yes I have seen this kind of thing in action over and over. Yep, aint life grand?


  • Check_Your_Premises
    A guy has to be appealing in some way, or he is not going to get women, no matter how nice or mean he is.

    Fly, if I am not mistaken, you are implying that I am somehow studly.

    awwww. shucks.

    (actually, I know you didn't mean to say such a thing, I am only pointing it out to be a butthole )


    Censer Watchtower esse delendam


  • Check_Your_Premises
    But, yes I have seen this kind of thing in action over and over. Yep, aint life grand?

    So have I. Thus my fatherly lamentations, and my post designed to help my oldest to...

    WISE UP!!! And sorry, I think the reason why women always have to chime in whenever we make these observations is just because they think, "oh I am not like that". Ok. You are the exception. And of course they also have to chime in and say that all guys aren't driven by a desire to sleep with all women. (notice no GUY chimed in to say that was so) That is because they don't want to imagine that their guy would fall into that category. Ok. Your guy is the exception. I will now do what only a real jerk would do, thus making me more exciting and attractive to the women on this board , I will quote myself...

    Fact 11: You are better off in the long run, seeing the world the way it is, not the way you wish it was

    The simple fact is that if we run around thinking and acting like the world is one way, and it isn’t, the world usually is very nasty about letting us know how wrong we are. On top of the awful correction the world gives us, we usually end up feeling pretty bad as well for being so dumb. As a result, it is always better to see the world as it really is, then to run around kidding ourselves.

    You often find that if you are mistaken about reality, it is because there is some thing that "body you" isn’t happy about. There are facts that can be so uncomfortable, that we will go to tremendous effort to fool ourselves, and usually with painful results. Man that "body us" guy is a moron!

    Now if you are very realistic in your views it will rub a lot of people the wrong way, because now you are interfering with their efforts to not be realistic. They may act like you are a big, mean, old grump. That may be true. But usually the real grumps are people who ran around with all these big, dumb ideas, got burned really bad, and now they are very bitter!


    Censer Watchtower esse delendam


  • RichieRich
    A guy has to be appealing in some way

    I'll take that as a compliment!!

    Maybe it's my "bad boy" demeanor or maybe I just have a great personality...

    Or maybe they just notice my big feet...

  • RichieRich

    DOuble post! I'm not too much in the brain department lol

  • Mecurious?

    Oh, yea. One other thing I forgot to add. I don't think there's quite enough assholes in the world, cuz if there were, then nice guys would be a minority and all the women would flock to the good guys. As it is most guys are just regulor ole "nice guys". Bummer huh?


  • FlyingHighNow
    (actually, I know you didn't mean to say such a thing, I am only pointing it out to be a butthole )

    Yes, I did mean to say such a thing.

    Richie, you are funny, smart, witty and a thinker. There is a lot appealing about you.

    Guys, if you want to appeal to women, without being jerks, learn how to flirt properly like women like it and make a woman feel wonderful about herself and you. This is the key.

    Make sure that you have good grooming and wear clean clothing. Smell good. Use some intelligence when picking hairstyles. Use some wit and have some intelligence. Develop some confidence and some charm. Ask some women you know, a variety of them what they find charming about men.

    One other important thing, stop going for just the playboy centerfold type girls. Most of them will look for guys with the same level of attractiveness. And I hate to say this, but don't have too much faith in women being any nicer than guys are, when all you are looking for is a good looking "piece of a$$."

    Look for the superficial and you will get superficial. Just what kind of girls are you looking for? Maybe what you should say is that the foxes you are chasing after go for the good looking, sexy jerks. Probably they are going for very good looking guys who coincidentally happen to be creeps because they know they can get them. Those women are looking for the superficial, too. As long as they are, they also deserve what they get.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Guys, if you look like this:

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