Human Sexuality 101: Everything a young girl needs to hear?

by Check_Your_Premises 125 Replies latest social relationships

  • FlyingHighNow
    All this male-female difference talk reminds me of a Bill Maher line on the topic:

    "Our fantasies disgust you, and yours bore us."

    Bill Maher is a walking talking penis. Why would you listen to anything he says? And no wonder he would say something like that, he dates bimboes. I know my S.O. does not agree with him.

  • Check_Your_Premises
    All women do this.
    If this wasn't so pathetic, I'd laugh myself off my chair. Until you learn better, you will probably make any women in your life miserable with your inaccurate and harmful ideas about women. I feel sorry for any sons and daughters you teach this to. But hopefully they will not follow you like blind sheep and they'll rebel against this kind of inaccuarte prejudice.

    Oh boy. I thought this thread died along time ago.Yes, when I made this statement, I mispoke. I then went on to qualify it if anyone cared (I sure don't) to read through it all.

    Even then I got off track from my original point. The ENTIRE point of this original post was that there is a duality to our nature. Even if we decide not to act on these animal urges, we ALL (yes blanket statement time, to deny your human instincts is to deny your humanity) still have these animal urges inside of us.


    would have been the correct way to state the above. Of course it would be an incorrect blanket statement to say all people act on said instincts. Get the difference people? (And apparantly making a blanket statement is the worst sin a human being can possibly commit.)

    And on the subject of blanket statements; isn't there some percentage of a set that displays a certain quality, whereby it becomes acceptable to make a blanket statement without all the blanket statement police flocking to point out the technical inaccuracy? I mean if 99% of men picked there nose, would I be off for saying "all men pick there nose". Would it really be that awful if I didn't add all the qualifying statements?

    Just curious. It just seems a little uptight to me, that is all. People who are comfortable with themselves just don't usually seem to need to make such a big deal out of such things. Uh oh, did I make a blanket statement?

  • FlyingHighNow
    People who are comfortable with themselves just don't usually seem to need to make such a big deal out of such things.

    What makes me uncomfortable is anyone promoting the idea that women prefer being mistreated and will mistreat a man who treats them decently. This may be true in some cases, but it can work in reverse with men and women as well. Men and women can have great relationships. Men and women can have bad ones. Men can be a$$holes. Women can be a$$holes. Neither gender has a monopoly on game playing and jerkiness.

    It's a very bad idea to teach gender prejudice to your children, especially when it's bull$shit. I watch my son in law use this kind of crap philosophy in dealing with my daughter and my grandsons all the time. He nearly broke up a family, going by myths on men and women he hears at his job as a US Navy Chief. He also learned a lot of this garbage from his father who was career Airforce. His mother is so damaged by the faulty ideas that she cannot have a normal relationship with her son and she has no relationship with my daughter and grandsons.

  • stillajwexelder

    Biology is strong I agree - but social mores and morals also control the mix

  • darth frosty
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    End of an era bump

  • darth frosty
  • VampireDCLXV

    It astounds me that no one has commented on this thread darth frosty bumped it 5yrs and 2yrs ago. This is truly one of the most profound explorations of human nature I have read on JWN in a long time. I think it's really a shame that CYP no longer posts here.

    As for MY take on all of this:

    I will first preface this by saying: The measure of a person's character lies in his/her ability to resist his/her most base instincts in deference to the welfare of others.

    Let's face it; there HAS to be a dichotomy between mind/mental and body/animal. In psychology these are called the Super-ego and the Id, respectively. The Ego (you) has to decide which one to follow, when and under what circumstances.
    Here is a wiki that discusses this:,_ego_and_super-ego

    A female human's most base instinct is to push a male as far as she can into sacrificing his own dignity and resources before she allows him to mate with her.

    A male human's most base instinct is to seduce as many different females as he can into mating with him, the more physically attractive, the better.

    When a male rebuffs a female's attempts at getting him to sacrifice his dignity, there is then a change in her attitude and behaviour. The female then starts to see the male as a worthy partner to make long term plans with and her nesting instinct kicks in. If a male gives into her attempts and actually does sacrifice his dignity, he "fails the test", as it were, and he is no longer considered desirable as a long term partner because on some unconscious level, he is seen as weak and unable to protect her.

    I don't care what side of the gender divide you're on; these are both commonly observable behaviours and as close to being fact as one can get when it comes to psychology. There's no point in denying them.

    I repeat: The measure of people's characters lies in their ability to resist their base instincts in deference to the welfare of others.

    When a man continually gives into his basest instincts on a regular basis, he is seen as a Dog, a Cad, a Player, etc...

    When a woman constantly resorts to her base instincts, she is seen as a Slut, a Man-Eater, a Gold-Digger, etc...

    YES, ALL humans have these base instincts. NO, not all humans act on them.

    When people pair off into romantic relationships, think about the long term, resist the base instincts that would destroy the relationships and care about the other's welfare as having equal or greater value than their own, that is what we call LOVE.

    It makes perfect sense to me and I will stand by my opinions stated here.


  • Robdar
    When people pair off into romantic relationships, think about the long term, resist the base instincts that would destroy the relationships and care about the other's welfare as having equal or greater value than their own, that is what we call LOVE

    Bravo, Vampire! Bravo!

  • mindmelda

    My dad told me a lot of that stuff when I was 13.

    But there is altruism in the human makeup, it's also a survival thing. Cooperation and reciprocation aid survival.

    I've been happily married 23 years because I pretty much expect men to be men and actually like them the way they are. When I want a girlfriend, I go talk to one.

    I think this whole thing written above is a little overly gender played, but where pure old reproduction is concerned, biology is admittedly rather sexist. It's the price we pay for necessary genetic diversity, sexual reproduction.

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