What does your name MEAN?

by RichieRich 170 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    When I was a kid, I practically worshiped my dad. He was the biggest, baddest, most awsome guy in the world and tougher than a raging grizzly bear. Mom always scared the living crap out of me as she was either delusional, weeping or beating/screaming at me so dad just started taking me everywhere with him.

    I know, I know; I was the spoiled little princess for a little, precious while, when I was very little. During that short time he called me his jeanniebeanz. It's how I'd like to remember him, before he cut me out of his life over the witness thing.

    So, when I was thinking of a name to use I tried to choose something that, just in case he might stumble across this site, and actually read these posts, and just maybe have something, anything, touch his heart so that he'd have the courage to finally question his beliefs, he'd know I was here and how to reach me without anyone having to know he had done so.

    Jean = God is Gracious (Celtic)

    Elyse =Consecrated to God (Hebrew)

    Phillips=Lover of Horses (Scottish)

  • the_classicist
    I'm no latin scholar, but from my limited knowledge I'm going to say it would be something like AW-day saw-PEAR-eh.

    the_classicist (among others) could probably give a more accurate answer.

    Aude Sapere: Au (as in the French au) - Day Sah - pear -ray (you want to meld to two r's and roll them; I suppose it could also be Au-Deh, since the emphasis would be upon the diphthong) / Euph. did it well, plus it is all dependent on what kind of accent you have in the first place.

    That's how I would say it and if you put a small bit of an Italian slant on it, there you go!

    PS. Latin pronounciation is not a perfect art, esp. since we base it on the phonetical carvings of stonemasons who couldn't spell.

    PPS. I'm not much of a Latin scholar either, but I'm learning.

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    My name is a funny twist on the name of the JW-organisation boss in my country for the last 35 years. His name is Thor Samuelsen.

  • seattleniceguy

    I have many interests, so I don't think I could choose a username that reflected any particular one of them, and still be fair to the rest. I live in Seattle, and I try to be a good guy, so I felt like seattleniceguy summed up my persona pretty well.

    My real name is Brian, which means "strong." My last name means "crayfish" in Hungarian. So I guess I'm a badass shellfish. :-)


  • Euphemism
    badass shellfish

    Try saying that out loud three times...

  • bebu

    bebu is the Japanese phonetical spelling of my name: Bev. No one calls me this anymore, as I lived in Japan a long time ago (nearly 20 years back). (I always wished I'd had a good nickname, and bebu is as short and yet still different than simply Bev.)

    It looks very cute and silly on paper/the screen, and I think my daughter's pics go with it well.


    Oh, and Beverly means a "talented angel with glorious chestnut hair and a melodious laugh." **


    **...Or, it means beaver stream, if you use a proper name dictionary...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Interesting thread!

    Some think that mine means 'Alaska Jeff'. Not true. Just initials really that are close to mine. Jeff is real. The GB has too many Jeff's to sort through to find out which one I am.

    I hope they try - it will make them use up time that they might otherwise use to create new doctrine, or find ways to hurt others with new ways to expell and punish them.

    Jeff [or is it really Jerry or Joel or Jake?]

  • Sith

    Jeannie, I really admire and respect your reason for choosing your name. I hope one day your father finds this board

  • willy_think

    Q) will he think?

    A) yes i will!!

  • wanderlustguy

    I've lived in over 30 places in the last 7 years.

    In addition, I have a really good friend who traveled a lot, who used Wanderlustgirl as her screename on yahoo. We met in 1991, and were friends until about a year and a half ago when she cut me off from her life out of respect for her new husband who wasn't comfortable with our friendship, which was handy because my girfriend at the time didn't like it either. But she helped me survive a really hard time in my life and I'll owe her for it forever. I know she already figured out the truth about the truth in her heart, and one day may actually make it to one of the sites. So if she does, maybe she'll see my name and realize the respect and love I still have for her as my friend.

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