A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Rabbit

    Doubtfully ambivilant,

    ...So, I'll do a little sacrifice in terms of few meeting attendance and little knocking on doors here and there. No big deal."

    No big deal ???? No big deal ???

    I remember with sadness every person I studied with and 'brought into the Truth' as a pioneer. I remember raising 3 children in the same false "Truth", who have now 'marked' and shunned me. I have made it one of my missions in my life to not only 'get out' those people, but also help newly exiting JW's.

    As Sith said, you go out in Service ? Suppose that 'good' JW 'work' plants a seed and produces another family, another generation of slaves of the GB ? You don't see a problem with that ? Oh...that probably wouldn't affect YOU...so who cares, huh ?

    I've lost half my family to shunning and my Mother is dead, because of the Watchtowers' Blood Policy. It has gotten p e r s o n a l for me.

    Like Smelly, you've never been touched personally by the WT's crap which is why you are complacent. You also have shown a sad, but truly remarkable lack of empathy. It is my belief, empathy is inborn, if you don't have it...you can't get it.

    You two -- don't 'get it' .



  • EvilForce

    Rabbit great post!!!!! I couldn't agree more, and you said it very clearly. Thanks.

  • Odrade

    Avi, . Keep on keepin' on. When are you gonna get up our way again? Love to see ya...

  • jimakazi

    Well smelly seems to have hit a nerve, including mine! I don't think smelly get's it, and if he ever was a witness he wasn't much of one. Basically if you tried to be a good obedient witness for too long it is going to reduce your life choices, obviously if smelly doesn't have any issues he can't have really embraced the 'truth' so it's impacts are going to be less.

    In my case I didn't go to university, but I did get a job in Telecommunications which has given me a good career - I wasn't in to it enough to go pioneering like many of my friends did. So the impacts on me - not so much. However many of my old pioneering friends are now on what I'd consider the bones of their arse - still renting, no savings, trusting on Jehovah to provide - these people are genuinely hoodwinked!

    A guess I was neutral inactive until recently when I found out just what sort of doctrine changes and lies the JW's have been telling people. As I have peop[le I care about still in the borg it does piss me off - it's unlikely that they will ever see what has been held out as bait, nor will they fully enjoy whats on offer here and now.

    Anyway a lot of the great people on this site have experienced 1st hand the injustice of an organsiation they trusted - and they have taken responisbility - they are here and most are safely out. Try, if you have the capability, to understand what it would be like to have those who may have been your closest friends treat you like were some skin head racist freak, total shunning! Imagine if you were born into this and had been brainwashed from birth then to end up shunned - yes this could cause a tad of justifed bitterness.

    The people on this site are for the most part getting on with their lives, and sharing via the web their experiences so that others don't feel they have to go through it alone, it is a healing process.

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    Smelly's back atcha again. How are all the confused souls out there?

  • mrsjones5

    Who's Smelly?

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    Smelly's the one who is going to help you back on the path to the truth.

  • avishai

    I thought I smelled something....

  • mrsjones5
    Smelly's the one who is going to help you back on the path to the truth.

    Big ego for such a smelly person me thinks

  • OldSoul

    Smelly logged in to buzz the place. Basically a know-it-all about how everyone should react to the WT. Love that word "should."

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