A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whyamihere

    God are you there?...It's me Smelly. Brooke

  • love2Bworldly

    "many here who have suffered greatly but you have to give me there are also many who left the jw lifestyle so they could do whatever they wanted. Taking drugs, having orgies, sex with whomever and whenever and getting into criminal enterprises, gambling"

    This person is full of it and obviously just trying to piss people off. Or maybe he really believes this stuff that sounds like it's right out of a Witchtower magazine.

    Just for the record--I have never taken drugs other than prescription, never had an orgy, am a faithfully married woman, never been involved in criminal activity, only gambled a few times in my life--could care less about it. And I also have not suffered great abuse personally from the BS society. So you are way off base. I got tired of idiots preaching what is not in the Bible and scriptures taken out of context to suit their whims.

  • z

    Avi you always on target BRAVO

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Smelly Onions,

    The only suffering I did for being a JW was while growing up and being ridiculed by other kids in school because I upheld my beliefs.

    JW children aren't the only ones singled out in this way. Many other faiths and cultures experience the same.

    Now that I'm all grown and older, I've learned to see life in a much lighter side and thus no longer fit the firm JW culture all the way.

    However, my relatives and many other JWs I've known all my life are among the nicest, most decent people there are and I don't want to lose their connection. So, I'll do a little sacrifice in terms of few meeting attendance and little knocking on doors here and there. No big deal.


  • trevor

    Doubtfully yours

    Smelly left on an airplane this morning. What have you got in that carton you keep sucking on?

  • Sith

    "The only suffering I did for being a JW was while growing up and being ridiculed by other kids in school because I upheld my beliefs...So, I'll do a little sacrifice in terms of few meeting attendance and little knocking on doors here and there. No big deal."

    Yeah, and who knows DY? Maybe you can convert someone through your witnessing. Maybe THEIR children will be sexually abused or THEIR families will be ripped apart. Sacrifice their lives for your own. It didn't happen to you, so let it happen to someone else. Gotta keep those averages up, DY.

    "God are you there?...It's me Smelly."

    LOL @ Brooke. That makes me think of how sacrifices make a "restful odor" to Joe Hoba. Somehow, I don't think the Bible writers had "smelly onions" in mind.

  • sf

    smelly, you say:

    Just some words of care for you.

    There is that fake concern I was talking about in a thread I submitted today. Truly a brilliant-colored Mask. You wear it well.


    You are NO different than any other hypocritical jw online and off. You wear the mask well too. Doesn't it get hot under all those layers of deceit day in and day out?

    When out in field misery, what is your true agenda the householder is not privvy too? Does not the literature state that how you are to view this wicked system which is made up of wicked people of Satan? Why do you pretend otherwise? I mean, I know why it is required yet please, share with the lurkers and seekers what The Truth is really after and how you aim to accomplish this, at their door.

    Take your time, you've got plenty. As is obvious you do not feel the end coming anytime soon.


  • sf
    Does not the literature state that how you are to view this wicked system which is made up of wicked people of Satan?

    And if you indeed do not truly feel this way or think this way...



  • sf

    Sith says:

    Yeah, and who knows DY? Maybe you can convert someone through your witnessing. Maybe THEIR children will be sexually abused or THEIR families will be ripped apart. Sacrifice their lives for your own. It didn't happen to you, so let it happen to someone else. Gotta keep those averages up,

    Very profound. Indeed. But remember, conversion is not about the convertee. It's all about the rewards the converter is dreaming about. They really aren't CONCERNED with the potential convertee, just how much crap they can get past the bullshit filter and thus snag the prize.

    Isn't the cliche' "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE"? It is indeed. Lest they ever forget the true agenda of THEIR devotion.

    Again, fake concern


  • Kaput


    What happened to the old avatar? It was so "you".

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