A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Good job SO! Lots of emotions stirred up!

    Keep'em coming!

    DY, of the "JWs is only a religious business just like many other organizations out there. I'm not bitter towards them." class.

    Be well you all!

  • GetBusyLiving

    Gimme a fucking break.

  • itsallgoodnow
    Keep'em coming!

    DY, of the "JWs is only a religious business just like many other organizations out there. I'm not bitter towards them." class.

    Good for you. I'm happy for you. I see you have learned a lot from the Witness business. Learned how to be really judgemental and use falacious arguments, as can be seen from the the FMZ thread you had your panties in a twist about. Evidently, you feel that FMZ smoking weed proves his REAL reason for leaving the Witnesses is because he didn't want to follow the rules anymore, ignoring whatever evidence may exist against JWs. I think that's an argument they like to use, too.

    Oh, and you are not bitter? What shit.

    You think you are a troll or something? How sad.

  • foreword
    I am leaving on a trip to Asia and wont be back for 2 months.


    Man I blew it again. I thought I was posting something intelligent. Oh well...guess I'll go spend some time on other forums till they forget about me and then come back with a new persona. What's wrong with these people anyway...can't they recognize a superior intellect when they see one.

  • EvilForce

    *****The fact that I don't agree with their current 'controlling' methods, doesn't mean I cannot conform to their high moral standards.
    *****Many on this forum can't conform to the WT's high moral standards, so of course they'll use whatever they can to justify their own messed up behavior.
    *****I very well conform and agree with many of their high moral stances.
    You want to do the slow fade....blah...blah....blah.
    You just want to feel superior to those here and pontificate away. You are considered a heel, a lowly one, a slacker at the KH so you want to feel superior of others here. How about we really examine your life and see how "moral" you are. You are living a lie. You are bearing FALSE WITNESS by your actions going to the KH. You LIE everyday to your family about being a believer. You are leading a double life as the WTBS says. By coming to an apostate site and posting thousands of posts you are an apostate yourself. Most of all you are being hypocritical. Have we judged enough today Mrs Doubtfire?!? How many other parts of your life are you really being all that moral in? PULEEZE!
    Please stay at the KingDumb hall they need more automons I hear their numbers are dropping.

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    itsallgoodnow, I'll give you that there are many here who have suffered greatly but you have to give me there are also many who left the jw lifestyle so they could do whatever they wanted. Taking drugs, having orgies, sex with whomever and whenever and getting into criminal enterprises, gambling and for all this there are consequences. Your health, your life, diseases, your economic situation, self destruction towards oneself and others. So maybe we can reach common ground.

    Even Raymond Franz recognized that the GB meant well. He has never said that the GB was a great conspiracy to destroy people. PROVE ME WRONG. Find any one quote by Ray where he states that the GB, the wt desires was to destroy people's lives. You'll never find it. He has stated over and over again its man made errors which led to this whole mess. They have always meant well by what they understood to be God's will. By what they understood what the bible meant.

    Yes, Sith the plane leaves tomorrow morning. Thanx for caring

    Sure, evilforce I'll ask my mommy and daddy if I can go to the pool.

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    DY, have you haven't suffered greatly as a result of being a jw?

  • jeanniebeanz

    Smelly Dude!

    you have to give me there are also many who left the jw lifestyle so they could do whatever they wanted. Taking drugs, having orgies, sex with whomever and whenever and getting into criminal enterprises, gambling

    How many people like this do you know personally? I don't know anyone personally who left for any of these reasons. I left because I was sick of getting the snot beat out of me by an upstanding 'brother in good standing' while begging the elders for help for 15 years. I was disfellowshipped after I dumped the loser, got a divorce and found a decent man. It was a technicallity as they do not recognize divorce so viewed the new union as adulterous. Dumb-asses. lol Beat woman for 15 years, drunk as skunk ex-husband = good JW. Woman saying *uck this, divorcing said loser boy and re marrying = Bird Food.


    Since I don't have any experience with ex=jw's who left for the reasons you state, I sincerely would like to know if you know of any of those types of people personally. Not people who may have strayed into those activities after leaving the witnesses; people who specifically left to do them.


  • z
    could do whatever they wanted. Taking drugs, having orgies, sex with whomever and whenever and getting into criminal enterprises, gambling and for all this there are consequences. Your health, your life, diseases, your economic situation, self destruction towards oneself and others. So maybe we can reach common ground.

    Gimme a fucking break I was never JWS or will be one and just for you to know I’m married 2 kids
    And never did what you like to do yourself so go to the back room and have good dream and if not good than go for cold shower will help you

  • stillajwexelder

    You can go to hell, Smelly, for belittling what I and many others here have gone through. Go back and live the LIE.

    Here Here Sith

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