It is finished, or is it just beginning?

by IP_SEC 183 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Well done for voting against them with your feet as many others have already done and no doubt many more will. It serves them right for refusing to defend their opinions in open face to face debates with their critics, especially certain extra ordinarily grandiose claims that they make about themselves. Just taking cheap shots at their opponents from the safety of their Brooklyn castle is not on.

    If their position is as strong as they claim what is it that they fear so much from free debate?

  • ezekiel3

    Matt welcome to the light.

    For those of us still trapped on the other side we salute you.

    you have got more balls than me

    ..and me as well. Good for you, I hope everything works out for you. We "were" both in similiar situations, now you are free and I am VERY happy for you.

  • IP_SEC

    Thank you lilbit, bebu, ivy, evita,


    If their position is as strong as they claim what is it that they fear so much from free debate?

    Thats what Im talkin about. The lie only need to fear the truth. The truth can withstand any acusation.

    ezek, and XBE :) you are free in mind. Thats the hardest part.

    Seeker, Thanks you are right, I take it as a complement when they say I think too much. They think Im stumbled over 1914, 15, 25, 35, 75, and 95 over lack of faith. No I just apply Deut 18:20-22 to the Org. They think Im infected with apostate thinking. No, I just started thinking for myself.

    The PO called yesterday, which I was thankful for. His family is the only family that was in this congo before mine. He's known me all my life. He was very kind and civil. Tried to give me some fatherly advice, which I appreciate since I lost my dad.

    As a reminder, I am still getting PMs but my pm inbox is broken. I cannot read them. Please just email me. [email protected]


  • LittleToe

    At least one bothered their ass. He has that to his credit

    I had two Elders call me, after I DA'ed, too. Both had been very dear friends, one from Mainland Scotland and one from England. They wanted to hear it from my own mouth, rather than listen to gossip. They've never been in contact since.

    Other than the Elders who visited that week, none of the rest of the body got in contact, nor members of my family who were Elders. You'd think they'd bother to at least hear it for themselves, huh? But, nope!

    Hope you have another great day, today, Matt!

  • arrowstar


    It's a brand new day, hon.

  • TheListener


    I want you to know that I've been thinking about you and the example you've set. I'm proud to know you and I consider you a friend. You've been a major help to me in my situation.

    I wish you all the best as your new status sets in and you have what I can only imagine - FREEDOM!!

    Question: How has your wife taken it? Is she outwardly angry? hurt, depressed? Do you feel that you have any chance of helping her see you as a good person whether or not you're a witness?

    I've been dealing with the up/downs of a spouse for a couple years now (as you know) and will always be there for you to talk to.

  • ljwtiamb


    I'm in similar circumstances and actually envy your new position. You are so much further along with your life. I'm still in this stuck mode, living a double life.

    You tried to do the honourable and diginified thing, by including your wife, but she had choices to make also. I fear/know that mine will react the same way.

    Best wishes!

  • Chia

    Wow, Matt, you're really brave. I know this must be such a difficult time for you, but kudos for your bravery. I don't go to meetings anymore but I can't bring myself to that final step of disassociation. There's still some lurking doubts I've got to take care of.

    You're a brave man, I can't say it enough, and I hope things work out for the best with you and your family. You deserve people in your life who care about you for who you are and not how "strong" you are spiritually or how many hours you spend in field service or how many magazines you sell or how good you are at public speaking!

  • Sirona

    Hey Matt,

    I just wanted to say, I'm sorry I appeared judgemental in the last thread. I just got hurt by certain elders and because you were an elder who didn't believe, it made me angry.

    I realise you needed your time to leave.



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