I still think it might be the truth - what is wrong with me?

by slimboyfat 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • love11

    Guilt will do funny things to people. But if you still believe that this is the "truth" than it may be the truth for you. Everyone has to do soul searching and figure out just what kind of life that they want. No one can tell you that you are right or wrong for feeling the way you do and it may just be the way you feel right now at this moment. But feelings change and most or all of the people here are extremely hurt from the WT organization. If you are not ready to completely leave than it may be that you need more time. I know with my own experiences that I had to be kicked out and treated very badly before I finally got what everyone here was saying. I think that we all would hope you would leave so that you don't have to experience the hurt and pain of this religion but rather learn from our experiences.

    Nothing is wrong with you. Back when you were a teen ager I am sure you were just trying to find out who you were. But you need to really see the full picture of you from when you were a baby until you are an old man. If you make a mistake then you will lose all of your "friends/family". Maybe it's unrealistic for a human to follow all of the rules that they put on you. But if you, your family, and all of your friends can reach perfection, than rest assured you will never have to suffer like we have. Good Luck!!!

  • berylblue

    I fought "the truth about the truth" for a long time....but, in the end, my love for genuine truth has set me free.

  • bisous

    How could an organization that doesn't speak the truth... be the *truth*?

  • Ténébreux
    If they can answer it, how can they refuse to answer any question with the response "that's an apostate question"? How can any question in and of itself be apostate?

    Because some questions are asked in order to manipulate the other person's thinking, rather than to learn something from their response. They can detect when someone is trying to reprogram them in this manner because they are masters of it themselves.

  • seesthesky

    sbf - u r processing (MENTALLY) out loud - based on your posts it seems like you have questions about how and with whom to worship -

    the posture of your questions also indicate that you see the jw path as the right one - take it if u think it's correct

    other people take their paths with and without question, u can do the same

    walk on


  • what_Truth?

    fatboyslim, If you really beleive that the JW's have the Truth then by all means go back. If you can read every story, testimonial, and bit of evidence and still beleive that they FDS have it right then there really isn't anything esle that I or anyone else here can tell you.

    If you decide to leave for the simple purpose of "doing your own thing" then you will never be properly satisfied with your life. You will always be convince that your "own thing" is horribly sinful and that thought will eat away at you no matter what you try to do to supress it.

    Keep in mind that you are NOT weak, stupid, or brainwashed. You are a grown man capable of making your decisions. Make the one you feel is right for you. Just be warned that neither I nor my pitbull apreciate early saturday morning visitors.

  • avishai

    You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time

    Abraham lincoln

    Some people just fall into that second category. It is likely that you are one of them.

  • moanzy


    When I was DF'd, I thought JWs had the truth and that I was DF'd for not listening to Jehovah. I hated going door to door and meetings because they sucked, but I also thought I was a rebelious spirit and in time I would go back if there was still time left. (drinking and stuff was fun)

    I did go back and tried to be a good witness, but I started to notice strange things about the witnesses. The way they thought and reasoned about life and what was important to them. The fact that you have 0 privacy, 0 decision making ability, I had to be talked to about proper sex because my husband was not JW. Little things like that made me wonder about this whole thing.

    At DC's they would count things like "hair gel" as some of the "more important things" to be giving talks on. My mother would hysterically bawl through the drama's. It all started to seem fake and too controlling. I started checking what Jesus message was really all about. The Watchtower Org is so far away from what Jesus really came down to teach. That is, how to love and forgive others, not keep them in line. That's what the scribes and pharisees did.

    Jesus message was to free people from any sort of imprisonment by showing them that they are forgiven for all they do. That no person/group should hold them back from this. In the org I remember being told "pioneer, pioneer, pioneer and probably you will be saved". Jesus just said we are forgiven. He didn't require people to live the way JW live or feel the way they do (drudgery). He didn't even require submission from others. So why are these men thinking they have the right to have something Jesus didn't even require? He freely offered the kingdom to people. And while he did ask his disciples to spread the message, look around the world. How many people haven't heared of Jesus Christ?

    Most people know who he is and it isn't because the JW 's are the ones who spread the message. It is so many religions that missioned in other countries. No one knows the exact truth anymore. All we can be sure of is what is Good and Kind and Loving and Honest. Who cares whether Jesus was born in Oct not Dec. The world is in trouble.

    It is hard to get that to sink in if all you have ever been told your whole life is" you must be in Jah's org to be saved", "we are Jah's only true org", "anyone outside of Jah's org will not be spared". Over years you would be amazed what that stuff does to a person. Of course you will think they are God's Org.

    This Org has taught me many beneficial things. It still doesn't make them RIGHT! They bind up the kingdom for all of us so as not to let us in. That just is not their job. They also judge us all which is also not their job. I just don't care if it is to keep "God's Org clean" . They get rid of people for just raising too many questions and not agreeing openly.

    If you must go back then keep this stuff in mind because eventually you will see it and then maybe it will be easy for you to finally break free from their mind control, family control, personal life control etc


  • diamondblue1974

    SBF. Congratulations on another widely read and posted thread.

    I dont think you are a troll however, I am prepared to give you the benefit of doubt on this one but I think if you can justify and or downplay the joining of the UN then you are more indoctrinated than you like to admit. Most of us here are here to heal, that is to say (paraphrasing SNG) deconstructing our belief system to its bare bones and starting again but this time allowing our own research and intelligence to be included in this process. You have taken the time to research 'apostate' literature but the fact that you view this literature to be actually apostate and view apostates in a negative way and not free/independent thinkers, indicates your continued indoctrinated disparaged view of people who are prepared to think, assess and analyse.

    I do not agree with you in your previous posts when you say you are not an apostate, if you are an ex JW as you say then you are an apostate, like it or not. That doesnt mean that you feel the need to picket outside KH's or that you eat grannies for breakfast it just means you have turned your back on something that you previously believed to be true.

    Your use of labels indicates that alot of what you were taught as a JW is still engrained and thats natural, many here find the same thoughts springing to mind but the point is my friend is whether you allow those indoctrinated points of view to become fact without question, your downplay, justifications, and general view of others on this site are clear indications that you have only just begun on your journey of discovery and indeed it is set to be a long one. This is 'what is wrong with you', see it, embrace the fact and change for the better.

    Stay awhile....see you round.

  • Balsam

    We are all the creators of our own reality. You will go were you choose to believe is the right place. Some people reach out for happiness no matter what life throws at us. Some will chose to see doom and gloom in every aspect of their life. If you find something positive and good in JW's then there is where your heart will be. I think it also depends on the family and friends are and whether we are willing to live with or without them to strike off on something new.

    Get the movie "What the bleep do we know?" just out yesterday. The point is truth is what ever you want it to be.


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