Goodbye everyone

by holly 162 Replies latest jw friends

  • seesthesky


    "First off I don't believe a word you've said on any of your posts...I think it has all been an insidious attempt, ( a rather creative one though), to spout off your JW rhetoric, that has NO foundation in actual truth. Anyone that claims to have an open mind and does the fair and balanced research, with all you have at your disposal, would make the decision you have. Rest assured there is at least ONE person on the board who has seen through your ruse. I'd wish you good luck, but not only do you not believe in luck, but you obviously wouldn't know what to do with it if you had it."

    yeah - i agree - an odd way off giving a witness - quite deceptive

  • NewLight2


    I will give you about 6 months to a year AFTER you become baptized to realize that what you have read on this forum was true. You WILL be back!!


  • bem
    i believe this. if you can be misjudged and badly hurt and then punished for something that isnt your fault, and you can bow to that punishment and accept it, and forgive those people that did it to you, and accept that punishment like it was your fault, even when it wasnt, then i think you have found the true meaning of love and forgiveness, and hold the keys to the kingdom.
    Funkyderek< thanks for this comment:

    No. No, no, no. It is one thing to accept unjust treatment with stoicism and grace, but quite another to voluntarily submit to such abuse. Your statement above sounds like the words of a battered wife, justifying her husband's ill treatment. But even if she doesn't burn the dinner or come home late, he will still hurt her. Should she accept it? Be grateful? There is no pride to be had in surrendering one's dignity, no merit in perpetuating a cycle of abuse. It is not love to allow yourself to be mistreated. Forgiveness should only ever be given to those who repent.

    Holly, you don't hold the keys to the kingdom, but to a cage. You can choose to be a prisoner, or you can choose to be free.

    I spent the day thinking about Holly and just got home from work to this thread. I hope things go well for her. When I think about the other thread she had & her children. we may not see Holly again, I worry that we may see her children here. Some of my best sweetest friends from this board are the ones who were shunned by there parents. You know who you are & I love you. Many of you also know I was not Df'd but was unable to shun my son, who is df'd.

    This thread just makes me more sure of my choice to be out of the org.

    Thanks folks, and I agree with some who had to vent there anger at the parting shots. Some have been hurt beyond repair. Or are not ready to be repaired. To you all I send my hugs.


  • onacruse


    This thread just makes me more sure of my choice to be out of the org.


    We each pays our own dime, and pays our own damages.

    imvho, this is the very best purpose served by JWD; for people to see what others have gone through, are going through, or insist on going through (against all odds) in a high-control religious environment; only to end up at the same inevitable and usually unfortunate conclusion.

  • TheEdge
    Holly had also been posting on the Tower Watch ministries forums

    Just had a look on here - and couldn't find her postings (I did, however spot another JWD poster - lol).

  • Mary

    Integ said: I don't believe a word you've said on any of your posts...I think it has all been an insidious attempt, to spout off your JW rhetoric, that has NO foundation in actual truth. Anyone that claims to have an open mind and does the fair and balanced research, with all you have at your disposal, would make the decision you have.

    I tend to agree. Any Dub who was really and truly open minded, and who had at their disposal all the information about what's really going on inside this religion, could not possibly come to the conclusion that this is "the Truth". I have a feeling that Holly did absolutely no research at all on the Borg, she just pretended to, to make it appear as though hers was the only logical conclusion......

    Be that as it may, I wonder if she's gonna be a good little Dub and tell them that she was visiting on this "apostate" website!! Oh well, like the bible says "the dog has returned to it's vomit".

  • bisous

    mary - true words. My mother returned to jdumbdom after a long break. Never in her life, neither prior to her 1st inculcation (where she dragged me in as well at 5yrs old) nor during the 20 years out before returning, did she attempt to research or investigate other religions. Not because she was stupid but because she is intellectually lazy.

    After escaping myself, I gave her the benefit of the doubt for her first go around, being in her early 20s and dumbstruck in love with the JW man she would marry.

    When she returned 20 years later and none the wiser, I disfellowshipped myself from her in disgust. Some people are too lazy - and WEAK - grasping at any straw they can find to fulfill their need for structure and to be told what to do and when vs. the intellectual fortitude to do the work it takes to figure it out for yourself.

  • stillajwexelder

    goodbye holly

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    *tsk* *tsk* *tsk* "Holly", "Holly", "Holly", .... why didn't you just flip a coin and save every one the trouble before posting here? Never before has the following statement been driven home so forcefully to me as reading your "goodbye" post: ..... "You can lead a JW to the real TRUTH, but you can't make him think".

    (It's almost like saying "goodbye" to an ever-descending-from-reality Alzheimer's patient.)

    Goooooooodbyyyyyyeeeeee Hoooollllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!

  • Neo


    AlanF said:

    If Holly isn't a troll, she'll be back. She'll regret enormously, in just a few years at most, this decision. (...)

    There exists a picture that's an optical illusion that illustrates this nicely. When you first look at it close up, you see a fuzzy image of an attractive woman from behind sitting at a makeup table with a big mirror in front of her. As you stare at it, you gradually begin to see a huge, grinning skull staring back at you. From then on, you can't look at the picture without seeing the skull.

    It's the same with getting to know Jehovah's Witnesses. At first, you see some attractive features. Then you gradually begin to see evidence like a grinning skull. Once you admit to yourself that the "skull" is there, you can't see the attractive things without seeing it. And once they see it, many leave the cult.

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