a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Please ... RS ... show them your last post ... shows your true character.

  • Joyzabel
    Actually minimus ... I'm house bound for a bit and bored ... so here I am.

    *snicker* I told you she was here counting time, return visits and a study with RS. Boy, won't the elders be proud of her this month.



    I am technically a lurker

    lololololol, lurkers don't talk and have a "junior" status. They just read. You, afin, have soiled your hands.
  • outoftheorg

    No fin you did not reply to my last post.

    Please read it and give me your thoughts.


  • Sunspot
    Annie ... if you can remember ANY of your Christian training ... do you remeber Jesus' words about calling anybody a fool? "Will be liable to the firey Gehenna"


    Do YOU remember how many times this word was used in Proverbs?

    Soooo, which ARE you? (from my previous post)


  • kls

    Joyzabel,,,,,I can't seem to get that into her head that is is an OFFICIAL APOSTATE POSTER.

  • calamityjane
    You, afin, have soiled your hands. pants

    Good one Joyzabel, that's what I thought you had said.

    My, this thread has been very entertaining. I believe AFIN is a little on the daft side. She totally misses the point that RS is saying


    continuing to watch in on this three ring circus.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    do you remeber Jesus' words about calling anybody a fool? "Will be liable to the firey Gehenna"

    From the New World Translation:

    However, I say to you that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, `You despicable fool!' will be liable to the fiery Gehenna. -- Matt. 5:22

  • Joyzabel

    BT, please say despicable like daffy duck, please.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    ***munching popcorn the past 45 minutes reading this thread .... popcorns now gone ***

    Well, since I've never been a dub I usually leave these type of threads to those with "JW" experience ... but this is so interesting to me, because this entire thread reminds me of why I came to this board. I have a close friend for over 15 years now who is a JW .... this entire thread has summed up numerous conversations that we've had, the only difference is, to AFINs credit, that she's still here. Everytime my friend would get cornered on the unanswerable questions, they would bail out on me for a few weeks and ignor me (I guess I was "worldly" and Satan's pawn).

    I guess everyone's allowed their own opinion, even if they can't back it up. Since I try to follow the example of Christ, I consider myself a Christian. His words are more important to me than Paul's or Peter's or any manmade religion ... He said - All of the laws and the prophets hang on one thing..... LOVE. Either your works show it or it doesn't...PERIOD. It's a very easy test. But them, Christ likes to keep things simple .... "My yoke is light".

    Either the yoke is light or it's not.

  • seven006

    I can't believe I read this whole thread. Being one who has investigated facts and fiction beyond the confines of the Christian take on everything, I find this thread typical given it's subject matter. It has the same circular logic as a discussion about Superman Vs Mighty Mouse and quoting evidence from the original comic book and a rewritten version of the directors cut of the animated cartoon show.

    When people lock themselves into the confines of discussing issues based only on the evidence that a large portion of mankind sees as myth, this is what you get.

    Just once I would like to see the bible believers on this or any other forum show evidence "outside of the Christian confines" that Jesus actually existed. They just take it for granted and argue endlessly without seeing that the many miraculous aspects of the biblical character Jesus has been taken from many other miraculous aspects of older religious characters prior to his supposed existence. You automatically bow down to, and accept as a truth, what Emperor Constantine's religious and political advisors said will make up the truth according to his political aspirations thousands of years ago.

    You argue about what is truth based on your individual interpretation of Constantine's synopses of his take on it all and thrown into his offical version but will not look beyond it's narrow confines to examen any non-christian-god-inspred aspects such as historical, archeological, and scientific evidence that provide evidence to the contrary. Neither OldSoul nor AFIN seem to have the open mindedness or desire to search for truth beyond what they have been spoon fed by their religious forefathers and culturally accepted religion.

    You have one fairly close minded person trying to convince another very close minded person they are right. Given the source of your arguments, truth is what either one of you make of it. It is not any kind of absolute truth but instead, it is only truth as you personally interpret it largely bases on where you just happened to of been born and what version of religious product is most popular in the country. It is the truth as you personally wish to believe as truth. That truth is confined to an assumption that the bible is an absolutely factual and historical collection of documents and then given the God Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Your arguments can only validate personal beliefs, not any factual or absolut truth.

    That being said it is my opinion, and this is only an opinion, that Old Soul is putting up one damn good example of superior argumentation skills. Every time he writes this "the Faithful and Discreet Slaveā„¢ (All Rights Reserved, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.)" I laugh my ass off.

    Old, as I told Onacruse several years ago when he would call me on the phone a couple times a week and quote scriptures, "You're a smart guy with a good head on your shoulders, you''ll figure it all out someday."

    AFIN, Just posting here makes you a hypocrite just like the organization you come here to defend. You, just like they, cannot see what you refuse to acknowledge let alone understand. A delusional person is usually the last one to accept that they are delusional. They refer those who see their delusions back to that which has cause it. In your, and most JW's case who are confused by the one who originally confused them, you say, "ask the elders." As if a hand full of janitors, carpenters, and rug shampooers, have all the answers.

    Get a clue, the good old boys in Brooklyn have just recently shined new light on how to deal with chid abuse issues. That little bit of new light did not come from their all mighty God but instead by those within the religion who questioned and then exposed it's "old directive" and then forced a cover your ass change. You should thank people like Bill Bowen for helping the watchtower company shine that new light. Lately it's those of us you consider "apostates" that have been inspiring and influencing the topics in your magazines and talks on the platform, not God.

    Hopefully you will wake up before you drink the kool aid.


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