a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • Sunspot
    so why are you here?

    And THAT is the question now.


  • minimus


  • Sunspot

    Ummmmmmmmm....................Ya got a point there, Min!


  • minimus

    This person is obviously feeding from attention. A friend who needs a shrink....

  • holly

    i think friend has her own doubts. or she would never have logged on to this board. you wouldnt if you were confident would you? maybe thats why she feels the need to come on here and be so defensive.........

  • minimus

    I think and of course could be wrong-----she's havin' a good time here playin' with us.

  • Kenneson


    Turnabout is fair play.

  • bebu

    Since the JW religion truly makes utter sense to her, and she is determined to believe it at any cost, she feels obliged to help back those who are near to stumbling out of the truth.

    This is pretty commendable, actually--the part of her that probably does care. She is obeying a higher and better law then than the WTS has commanded. The WTS says, "STAY AWAY!" but in James it is written we should help turn those back from error:

    James 5:20 ...remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

    It is hard to follow the Bible and the WTS at the same time. One cannot follow both God and Mammon/idols either, you know. She has my sympathy...

    BTW OS, I enjoy your posts.


  • Sunspot
    I think and of course could be wrong-----she's havin' a good time here playin' with us.

    I don't think you're wrong, Min. She's enjoying the banter (and the sarcasm) a bit too much to have the serious answers.

    If she HAD the proper answers or a nicer response (swine and all that) she would have given them by this point. Period.

    Just another troll, I'm sorry to say.


  • OldSoul
    shadow: Were the Israelites God's people in spite of the failings and corruption of many of their leaders?

    Yes. But Hebrews 5 shows clearly that in Paul's estimation we have a new arrangement completely absent such human leaders in the Israelitic sense.

    shadow: I don't believe that there is any definitive scriptural evidence to support the FDS doctrine of JW's. However I believe it is permissible for humans to create an authority structure that will be approved and used by Jehovah.

    It is not this belief that I am looking for proof of. I am looking for proof that humans can create an authority structure that undermines Jehovah's authority that will be approved and used by Jehovah. Mind you, the Kingships over Israel and Judah was an arrangement contrary to Jehovah's will that he did not approve.

    shadow: So I just don?t see much evidence to support the contention that there was a 1st century governing body administering the congregations. Some such arrangement may be appropriate now (although somewhat Pharisaical and proud as portrayed in the literature, IMHO) in view of the fact that we don?t have the benefit of inspiration or direct communication with Jesus or angels, but I don?t really see that is the way it was in the 1st century.

    I agree. I feel somewhat disappointed that you did not answer my question regarding what would happen to me if I behaved like Jesus (Matthew 23) or Paul (Acts; Galatians). If I am excommunicated for following in the footsteps of Christ, would that also have Jehovah's blessing and approval? Can every organization rightly claim Godly approval just because he does not wipe them out with a plague or work against their conditioning/recruitment efforts? I cannot believe so without proof.

    I appreciate the patient consideration you have show thus far, it is a sharp contrast with what other posters provide although I doubt that it is only because you are an elder. As you said, you are an unconventional elder. But your posts have raised a question regarding your personal choices: I would also like to know whether you teach people - in the field ministry or from the platform - things that you do not believe to be true. If so, please provide Scriptural precedent for that choice and explain how you justify that. I would have to know this in order to ever choose to continue as one of Jehovah's Witnesses while not believing.

    I think you have said a lot already about how many elders do not agree with what they are taught, I would like to know how they justify it. I thoroughly appreciate your candor thus far. I'm pretty sure most of the posters here appreciate that and many here know exactly how difficult it is.


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