a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    os ... you may not have asked for an elder but that was the answer you got from me. Obviously you don't like or want my answer ... well too bad! Quit whining about it and get on with it!

    Remember I never offered to give you anything .... you demanded!

    Sounds like you are a witness anyway ... go to meetings? If so, you have many elders you can ask in person ... or have they all had enough of your whining too?

  • jgnat

    Too bad, A F I N. People like me could really use a straight answer.

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    gnat ... if I'm not mistaken ... you go to meetings with your husband??? Not sure ... but if you do, I'm sure the elders there can help you.

  • RescueMe
    People like me could really use a straight answer.

    You won't get one from, at least not from afriendinneed, because he/she/it cannot give one.
    I did as he/she/it requested, and went to the watchtower site and showed on pg 17 of this topic that there is NOTHING there that answers the questions Old Soul asked.

  • frenchbabyface

    ... ... AFIN ... I suspect you've been virtually lobotomised (it's not funny in fact )

  • Sunspot

    **os ... you may not have asked for an elder but that was the answer you got from me. Obviously you don't like or want my answer ... well too bad! Quit whining about it and get on with it!

    Just one more cop-out, eh? IF you could answer the questions, why don't you DO it and end these pages and pages of posts about you not answering them!! Or does THAT make too much sense?

    **Remember I never offered to give you anything .... you demanded!

    Okay.............so if he BEGS pretty please will you answer him?

    Can you picture Jesus standing there saying this? You sound like a big spoiled brat---"I know something YOU don't know". So much for lifegiving information.

    If you're NEVER planning on giving these answers, why don't you pick up your bookbag and go somewhere else to peddle your goods?


  • OldSoul
    a f i n: gnat ... if I'm not mistaken ... you go to meetings with your husband??? Not sure ... but if you do, I'm sure the elders there can help you.

    Not a bad idea, if you are wiling to risk the potential fallout. What say, shadow? What honestly would be the effect of one of us baptized souls questioning the BOE this way, in your experience as an elder? How about you, jst2Laws? Chuckyy?

    What's the matter, afin? Are you so hot to prove that all thinkers will be excommunicated that you want to line them up for the rifles? Never having been an elder, what could you possibly know bout the potential consequences of me asking these questions of an elder in my hall? I was very nearly disfellowshipped once for asking these exact same questions of my BOE, so you'll just have to excuse me if I'm a little gun-shy of expecting kindness from that quarter.

    Now, afin, let me get this straight ... since you have been so veddy, veddy sneaky ... do you think the elders will help by providing satisfactory Scriptural answers or by convincing us that we shouldn't be asking these questions?

    What about you shadow? Which would you say would be more likely to happen?


  • jgnat

    A F I N, my husband is my spiritual head, not the elders. Why would I go to them? If I did, I would be no better than an apostate, rejecting the teachings I wholeheartedly accepted.

    Why is it that a regular JW, my husband, my study leader, and you, cannot answer basic bible questions?

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Sunspot ... don't tell me you are taken in by os too???

    He is a witness.

    He has a congregation.

    That congregation has elders.

    Elders will answer and guide serious persons.

    os ... what fall out would you be refering to? Didn't I just read where you are nudging your wife out? If you are leaving anyway ... do it with a bang! ... not with a whimpy pout!

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    gnat ... you and your husband could go to an elder together then.

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