a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • AlanF

    I wish to thank my fellow really really really old people for bringing Dave up to speed on this commonly used word, "malarky". He needs a lot of help with the Irish language.

    How's it going, Dave old man? I oughta call you. Or vice versa.


  • jgnat

    Alan, I humbly suggest you work on your clarity in language. Vice versa is derived from latin, a dead language, and subject to misinterpretation.

  • seven006

    That's tell'n him jgnat. What a bonehead.

    Alan, I don't know what we have to talk about anymore. You design micro chips for a living and I paint naked ladies. I have already taught you how not to dress, what the hell else do you want from me? I'll be back in an hour, I'm going to the liquor store. I don't even know if you have my new number? I keep moving but Craig keeps finding me. That's your fault pal.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ok... so maybe I missed something....

    If friend is an active jw, and She is posting on an Apoztate site...isn't She directly disobeying the "reminders" of the faithful and discreet slave? Shouldn't She be going to HER elder body to confess her sins, rather then directing Others to go to Their elders to get answers to their questions when this whole time she should be able to make her Own defense? Further, if Friend is a Snoop for The Org, and the Ivory Towers are ALLOWING her to go on these sites to Spy, while at the same time they would at the very least counsel a Rank member for going on these sites, isn't that a Double Standard? As for Double Standards, isn't it Wrong to point yer finger at a religious org for various wrongs and in the meantime cover up yer own?

    Friend, if you are an active JW and you are sincere, I encourage you to go to your Sunday meeting TOMORROW and tell your elder body that you have visited and have had Direct contact with former members who are now considered apostate. Not one time but several. When they disfellowship you, I would really like to see your response. If you are an active JW and you are a spy, maybe you should consider why they would use double standards to allow you to come to these sites and yet sanction others against doing so. What makes you so special??

    So did I miss something? Forgiive and correct me if I did.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    You design micro chips for a living and I paint naked ladies. I have already taught you how not to dress, what the hell else do you want from me?

    Pictures of naked lady micro chips?

  • OldSoul
    So did I miss something? Forgiive and correct me if I did.

    BlackSwan, s/he claims s/he is posting by permission from a place where no known apostates would be allowed. I only know of one such place, which leads me to question whether s/he is actually a "she," not that women haven't been used in responsible ways by the "Slave" before. I suspect our friend afin is honest when s/he says s/he is posting by permission from a place where no known apostate would be allowed.

    Oddly, s/he became fairly irate that I suggested the s/he might be applying "Do not throw pearls...." to afin. It is a mark of most JWs to be very defensive even when being joked with about their own attacks. I left the option of afin discussing this matter in private through PMs, but s/he refused even that. This tells me that afin believes I AM SWINE. All s/he has to do to prove that s/he did not mean it that way is to answer my questions by PM. Otherwise, s/he called me swine and says that Rebellious Spirit is insulting.

    Now s/he probably believes that Jesus called me swine. But Jesus never applied that scripture to me. S/He apparently thinks s/he is as competent a judge as Jesus. I disagree. In doing so, s/he did sit her/himself in the seat of Moses - as a judge of me. (Matthew 23:1-12) Jesus was discussing the need to be humble with the crowds AND his disciples. S/He only speaks to disciples and she is far from humble.

    All I asked for was scriptural proofs of some foundational teachings. Neither afin, nor shadow, nor a body of elders some 15 years ago, nor my own father (PO at the time), nor any other Witness? is have ever asked has been able to provide me these scriptural proofs. Shadow is still looking, but so far only has given me more questions.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    well, hey, pigs are actually pretty clean animals, hahaha. I like pigs (swine) personally, I always wanted one of those potbellied pigs. Cute noses.

    Shadow, ifin.... you are regularly talking with people who are considered apostates. Who gave you this permission or authority? Man? Then you answer to man.

  • frenchbabyface
    OS : I suspect our friend afin is honest when s/he says s/he is posting by permission from a place where no known apostate would be allowed.

    Well afin I suspect you are suspect even to yourself

    the scriptures says that you have to verify everything that your leader (here the WTBS) says ... and when I've read you somewhere you say BUT ... IF THEY WERE RIGHT : IF what means IF if you are still on IF and you stated that you haven't to check any materiel out of the "WTBS" "BS" (somehow)

    So do you think that Your leaders will tell you : WELL you know AFIN we are Swins/Bullshiters and are taking advantage on your poor soul/pearl (to please ourself somehow) because you are a scared cat and we know how to handle people like you ??? TELL ME what's your FEAR ... AMARGEDON ... Ok we've checked for most of us about more than a few BS of the WTBS, DO YOU feel that we do fear something ???

    Ok so now your gonna tell me but : it is just because you are lost and like satan you want to drive me to hell/eternal death with him... oy oy oy

    Now realised that if you didn't check (cause you have to) and are in the wrong (believe me you are - but you don't have to believe me on words of course) you won't escape Armagedon (if amarguedon have to be) or win wathever you think you will

    You know there is a reason why the WTBS got us all in there basket ... THEY ARE NOT STUPID KIDS ... NO .... they are master in mind controle (Just read yourself) and they did and still do lots of dirty things to their followers ... ESCAPE from the nigthmare if you can and join the reality. IF YOU CAN ... and I hope you'll be able to

    Take care !

  • OldSoul

    My latest response to shadow:

    shadow: "If the scriptures using this term are being misapplied and should really refer to individuals rather than a class, would that preclude the formation of some organizational administration that could be instrumental in helping people adhere to the scriptures? If those scriptures were not applied in the way that they are and the arrangement was still the same would there still be a problem?"

    Yes. There would still be a problem, especially if a select group presumed to speak for the entire group. Currently, the Faithful and Discreet Slave is the pen name of the Governing Body.

    Now among those present at the meeting in Jerusalem in Acts 15 (oops) were people from all over that had come together to meet, having personal experiences to share and taking part the heated dispute (which obviously was not a product of "disorder") over the matter of circumcision and the requirement to continue adhering to the Mosaic Law covenant. This is the only scriptural example we see of how the "governing body" of old worked, and it does not come close to resembling the GB of today.

    Currently, for the rank and file Witness, the Faithful and Discreet Slave to all intents and purposes equals the Governing Body. Currently, their decisions are reached by a 2/3 majority. Currently is 85% of the Faithful and Discreet Slave (which has still not scripturally been established as a class of people) feel one way, but 2/3 of the Governing Body feel differently, I know which way the Watchtower will say Jehovah's spirit directed. And I suspect you do too.

    So, I have to say, if the arrangement does not allow for individuals but forces all into a "united" mold not of their choosing and possibly contrary to the leadings of holy spirit, then yes, there would still be the same problem.

    I don't intend to be confrontational but you seem to be asking, "If another way of doing it accomplishes the same objective would there still be a problem?" My response would be, "Should we do 'just so' or should we do 'near enough'?"


  • Sunspot

    ** Now s/he probably believes that Jesus called me swine. But Jesus never applied that scripture to me. S/He apparently thinks s/he is as competent a judge as Jesus. I disagree. In doing so, s/he did sit her/himself in the seat of Moses - as a judge of me. (Matthew 23:1-12)

    Old Soul,

    I think of the haughty, arrogant

    and judgemental JWs as bypassing Moses' seat and climbing directly into Jesus seat---but they are true judges of extremely faulty reasoning. Even Jesus' teachings were not to judge one another or you will be judged the same way......and to pray for and forgive those who are enemies (or opposers to your beliefs).


    Otherwise, s/he called me swine and says that Rebellious Spirit is insulting.

    We've all read her/his kind words and mild answers to the posters here. It seems that returning evil for evil is the norm for her/him and has NO room to talk!

    I seriously doubt that permission was granted by some so-called higher-ups, to speak that way. I don't buy that story one bit. Theocratic warfare being what it is and all that. Weren't we ALWAYS told in FS, to answer questions with a mild spirit, no matter what the other person said? THAT theory sure fell apart quickly, didn't it?

    Weren't we also told not to get into bible discussions with known DFed or DAed ones? THAT was done too, despite the claims that he/she was doing so with the full knowledge of whoever it was supposed to be. This person shouldn't have even BEEN here, let alone posting! And WHAT credibility was earned or vital information was given?

    Zip zero, nada.

    ** All I asked for was scriptural proofs of some foundational teachings. Neither afin, nor shadow, nor a body of elders some 15 years ago, nor my own father (PO at the time), nor any other Witness? is have ever asked has been able to provide me these scriptural proofs. Shadow is still looking, but so far only has given me more questions.

    ALL of us were waiting for those scriptural proofs......and got the royal runaround. There WAS no defense of her faith other than personal opinion, for the most part. The harping on the idea that she/he purposely wasn't going to answer the questions posed to her/him, was such a big cop-out, IMHO.

    Nuthin' but a big cat & mouse game, the way I see it.


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