Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • FlyingHighNow
    But looking at her photo and reading about her, I cant help but wonder what happened ?? Or, how can this happen? What makes someone act this way? WE see it in the news too. Andrea Yates drowning her young ones. It heartbreaking.

    The answer is severe mental illness. In Andrea Yates' case, her illness, post partum psychosis, was treated inadequately. In Tonya's case, it was never diagnosed or treated properly. If you read the things Mario has posted about her, she would seem to be either severely bipolar with psychosis or possibly schizophrenic. Getting care for mentally ill adults who will not accept that they need help, well it can be next to impossible in some states.

    I posted a link earlier in this thread about grief, guilt and regret. I hope somehow Mario can get that information from somewhere. It would help greatly for him to learn the difference between guilt, which is destructive and regret which is much healthier and easier to bear.

  • bebu

    Speaking again with the minister at the church, he felt that sending checks directly would probably be easier for Mario overall. For Mario as well as us. I feel that urgency lends itself that way.

    If Mario still has his yahoo address, Paypal could be an option for people, too. It's not hard to set up an account, if you want to consider that. Here's the address he gave us earlier:

    [email protected]

    I'd suggest pming him to let him know, if anyone decides to do it this way.


  • LoverOfTruth

    The only drawfack I can see to PayPal is they will charge Mario a fee for funds received.

    If we send Checks or Money Orders, he will get the entire amount.

  • TresHappy

    I am going to get a U.S. Post Office Money Order.

  • bebu

    From what I read on the Paypal info site, only if one is has a business/premium account is there a fee for accepting money. It is free for private individuals to receive $--as far as I can see. The fee for business accounts is like 2.5%.

    Actually... I decided to do it this way, just to see how it would go (guinea pig, I guess); if there are any problems, I'll post about it here.


  • outnfree

    (((Bebu, Tres, LoT, LDH, and the "Pioneer" lady whose avatar I can't now remember)))),

    THANK you all for not letting the ball drop on this and on letting us know that Mario is alive albeit still hurting. I will continue to send him positive energy (and a card, too)! I am doing a lot of praying lately and remembering him and his hurts is not hard.



  • codeblue


    I am so happy Mario has contacted you!! But very sorry his experience was so terrible....

    I am assuming the PO box is the place to send him a card and he will receive it?

    Mario: If you are reading this, I am so happy you are alive and on the road to recovery. I think you have a great purpose in life and beneficial to everyone. Please hang in there!!! Go visit your relatives in Italy....you need their support!!! I have lived far away from my family and know how healing thier love will be.

    Sending you many hugs,


  • Jesika

    I have been sitting here reading this thread from page 1 to the end.........all I can say is WOW!

    Mario......I am so sorry for everything you have had to endure. You have touched my heart and will have a place there forever, along with your precious daughter.

    Just like Lisa said........all you can do is take it minute to minute and day to day.

    I am glad you have this place to come to for support. I will be sending you a card in the mail.

    I honestly just dont know what else to say...................


  • LoverOfTruth

    Paypal Charges Less in fees to people with Business Accounts; Individuals pay higher fees. My daughter and I are sending Checks so if they somehow get misdirected, we can re-write them if necessary.

    This world is so full of sadness. The group of people on this forum make it a much better place.

  • bebu


    Mario, I hope your mailbox overflows!


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