Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Sunspot


    I was so digusted and enraged at what was done at the service--how DARE he!

    I was also thankful for you that Hubert was there for genuine support and comfort as a real friend. (((Hubert)))

    I'm still having problems with my computer and keep getting booted off when trying to change pages (not just here but all over the net) so I can't post as often. I just wanted you to know you are thought of every day, and included in my prayers at night.

    Take care,



  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hi Everyone:

    Since the services ended and I returned to work, I have been thrust into a whirlwind of activity beyond imagination. At work, the powers that be have literally overbooked and overscheduled assignments and projects for me so that I am already behind in writing reports, reviewing paperwork and returning daily communication.

    In between all of that I have still not had a chance to scan in the important photos I wanted the JWD family to see before and after the injuries. I also have funeral pictures that prominently display all of the flowers and support Talia and I received from all of YOU!

    You know, yesterday at the post office in Johnston, RI, I picked up my mail and there were another half-dozen cards from around the world for Talia, all from the JWD family. WE LOVE YOU sincerely!

    I have to join a morning conference call in two minutes, thus I will post this and try to post again later tonight. I apologize for the delays and thank you again for everything.


  • LittleToe

    It certainly sounds like you're in the thick of it.
    Thanks for making the time to keep us updated.
    You continue in our thoughts daily

  • Narkissos

    Thanks for the update Mario.

    Take care,


  • Billygoat

    (((Mario))) Take care of yourself and Marina. We'll take any updates that you can provide, but take care of yourself FIRST. You'll continually be in my prayers.


  • little witch
    little witch


    You and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers. May you find comfort and peace to help you in this terrible tragedy.

    Thank God that your little one had such a caring Father. I am sending strength and love to you by prayer, candles, and gentle cyber hugs.


  • Fleur

    ((((((((Mario))))))))) You must be overwhelmed by it all.

    Don't worry about us, we'll be here whenever you can post, and we're thinking of you, dear one. And Marina too...



  • bebu

    (((Mario))) We're all still thinking about you. Even when there's not a big flurry of posts happening.

    We realize that your life is probably overloaded still; don't give yourself a guilt trip for what you don't need to do. We appreciate all the long and short updates you've given us, which are far more than we ever expected to have.

    (((Hug)) and a


  • sf


    Please sweetheart, stop apologizing. We all fully understand why you cannot get to the forum in a timely manner as you wish. Take your time. We will be patient and will be here when you get the time to do so.

    Screw guilt!

    Love, sKally

  • hubert

    I wanted to bring this back to the top so others will see that Mario had a new post.

    Hi Mario, my friend, Good to hear from you again. Glad you are busy, too. That's good therapy.


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