Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1241 Replies latest members private

  • candidlynuts

    thank you mario for taking the time to post.. you've done well and are a good father.

    i too took a moment of silence to remember talia and for all she stands for. hang in there and remember you have a lot of support here.



  • candidlynuts

    double post

  • Brummie

    I would have applauded you too UR.

    This is the most moving thread and story I have ever read. I'm wishing all the best for you, all the time.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Thanks for the update. I was thinking of you often this weekend.

    Some grandfather to Talia! He never mentioned her name in his diatribe. He never mentioned her sititng on his lap, her playing with his hair or touching his tools. No, he couldn't help but mention Jehovah's Witnesses and talk about religion on her last few minutes in public.

    I wanted to say "how sad", but really, that's sick and pathetic!

    ... I remained calm and simply closed the memorial by saying "how unfortunate it was that even during Talia's last goodbye, she could not simply be remembered, but how some people in their selfish and shameless desire for exhoneration and self-promotion would use this solemn occasion to sermonize and pass judgment upon others". I was applauded.

    Good! I'm glad you had the courage to say so, and that the gathered crowd had the decency to recognize the grandfather's shameful display of propaganda

    Thinking of you in this time...


  • Fleur
    "how unfortunate it was that even during Talia's last goodbye, she could not simply be remembered, but how some people in their selfish and shameless desire for exhoneration and self-promotion would use this solemn occasion to sermonize and pass judgment upon others". I was applauded.

    BRAVO, Mario!!! I'm so sorry that he had to be that way. Bravo for you redirecting the focus of the event and keeping it where it belonged, on Talia. So many of us were there with you in spirit, you'll never know how much love is being continually sent out into the universe on your behalf, Talia's and Marina's.

    ((((((((((huge hugs)))))))))))

    essie and family

    p.s. LDH has been an absolute doll to us all. Thanks again, LDH.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    I applaud you Mario....you did well, and you did your daughter the respect she deserved. Thank you for keeping us updated, those of us at a distance. You are a fantastic, thoughful and loving father. No one could ask for anything more.

    Please take care!


  • happyout

    I haven't known what to say to this thread, but I have read it and cried with you. As a woman who lost a daughter, I know the pain that really never goes away, and I know how hard it is to deal with people trying to turn your daughter's life into something for them to stand on. When we eulogized our daughter, all we spoke about was the love we had for her, and she for us. That is what I am sure Talia heard, and what will stay in the hearts and minds of those who love her and you beyond any petty details.

    I promise, there will come a day when you can think of her without crying, and take comfort in the memory of her smile.

    Mario, my son and I pray for you and your girls every night. Perhaps, in another plane, Talia has met up with my angel, and they are holding hands.

    Your sister in love and pain,


  • cyber-sista


    I haven't been able to sign on to the JWD for the past 5 weeks now to comment, but I have been reading many of the posts--and was moved to tears many times over yours. Yours is the first I wanted to post on and all I can think of saying is that I am truly sorry. My heart goes out to you.

    With Love,


  • pettygrudger

    ((((Mario)))) - A brave and courageous man. Thank you for updating us....and please know that our spirits are still with yours.

    I hope the reporters that were there picked up on the unloving & rather self-grandiose behavior or Mr. Fuller (I refuse to call him Grandfather - to me Grandfather isn't based on biological connection, but rather how one treats their "grandchildren"). His using Talia's funeral as a pulpit to absolve his own responsibility in this whole situation, excuse HIMSELF for his daughter's behavior, and as a soap box for his own personal beliefs is truly pathetic. I'm sure all the gossip around the halls is how awfully he was persecuted at his own grandchild's funeral

    I'm sure where Talia is now, she is enveloped in love, beauty & feels your love & spirit with her. I cannot imagine this pain, can't even put myself in your shoes - my mind refuses to go there. Just know that we are all here for you, and for Marina. Please keep us posted with the trust fund information when available as well.


  • hillbilly

    Mario........ I have watched the horror of you last few week from afar. You, sir, are a strong man and a person who's character should be noted and held in great regard.

    I mourn the loss of your family and Talia...... I can assure you...... our Lord and Savior has a special place for your baby and will comfort you in this time of loss and despair.

    "how unfortunate it was that even during Talia's last goodbye, she could not simply be remembered, but how some people in their selfish and shameless desire for exhoneration and self-promotion would use this solemn occasion to sermonize and pass judgment upon others". I was applauded.

    As tragic as the loss of your baby is is I truly greive that the survirors will have to live with the likes of Mr. Fuller. And I pity Mr. Fuller, a man like that using his grandaughter's funeral to promote his twisted logic shows a lack of humanity and soul I hope to never witness first hand.

    This too will pass......... and you will have the warm memories of a loving girl. I am so sorry.


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