8th Annual South Lake Tahoe Apostafest! Make your plans soon! July 10th-12th

by flipper 270 Replies latest members meetups

  • AudeSapere

    *WAVES* Hi, Kudra~!!

    Sorry you can not make it this year. We had such fun at the first Tahoe-fest, though~!!

    Maybe next year you can join us.


  • flipper

    TOMROBBINS- Hello Kudra ! Wow, nice to hear from you ! I'm sorry that you can't make it this year, but I'm happy to hear that you're alive and kickin' doin' the funky chicken ! My wife and I have been hoping you are doing well my friend. She says " hi " too ! Hey if you would kindly PM me and Mrs. Flipper your contact info such as phone number we'd love to chat sometime. Tried contacting you but the number I had was disconnected. Hope things are going well for you sis.

    AUDE SAPERE- Isn't that cool to see Kudra reply ? A blast out of the past ! Only a little over 3 weeks to go ! Yipee ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • smiddy

    I am envious , you guys should have a great time , I am truly envious .

    I have googled South lake Tahoe and it looks like a fantastic site , however all you people are the ones that will make it a fantastic success ,I`ll be their in spirit.

    Keep us informed , picture ,videos whatever .

    flipper , Is this is something you started many years ago ? and now it has grown to this ?

    Well done , you must be proud to have given so many people a chance to get together in such a majestic natural setting and enjoy each others company without fear and guilt.

    Kudos to you man


  • OnTheWayOut

    3 weeks from yesterday, OTWO and Zed's excellent driving adventure starts.

    I was going to post a picture of Bill and Ted (Sean and Keanu) but we are really more like this:

    Anyway, if I get a chance, I will post some highlights of our drive to Tahoe up each evening.


    Edited to add: GO BLACKHAWKS! 2015 Stanley Cup Winners! WOO HOO!!!

  • flipper

    SMIDDY- It indeed WILL be a lot of fun. Each year as you mentioned everybody coming makes it a great adventure and Tahoe apostafest experience. I give my wife and other board members a lot of credit in helping to get this started back in 2008 for the first time. It was several of us on the board who started discussing how advantageous it would be to get together with ex-JW's who would really understand what we all have been through experiencing exiting the JW cult. It certainly IS a very heart warming feeling to experience being around lots of ex-JW's who are able to think clearly, freely, and without fear actually enjoy authentic, REAL relationships and friendships in their lives with " no hidden agenda's " attached to those friendships other than being real friends who care for each other. I think THAT is the most fulfilling thing for me to observe when I attend these Tahoefests. People can let their hair down, be real - and have no fear or guilt about it- THAT is really fulfilling to watch. Sorry you can't be with us, I know you'll be there in spirit. We'll drink lots of wine and beer for you, O.K. ?

    ON THE WAY OUT- Hey dudes, you rock ! Lookin' forward to seeing your " Wayne's World " T.V. show ! LOL. Like totally man

  • OnTheWayOut

    Like many former JW's, I enjoy things that would make Witnesses roll their eyes, if not go screaming out of the room shouting "It's demonized." I buy an occasional lottery ticket and go to church funerals and weddings. I curse a little bit (just for emphasis). I love music they might find a bit rough. The main things I do that they would disapprove of are eating meals with all these wonderful ex-JW's, many being DF'ed, and read things they would automatically ban.

    But one more thing I will add to my list is Chinese fortune cookies. I typically don't believe in horoscopes and psychics and the like, but fortune cookies are just for fun. Well, that's all changed now. I had Chinese food last week and didn't get around to unsealing and eating the fortune cookie until this week. Here's what I read:

    "Something on four wheels will soon be a fun investment for you."

    Isn't that crystal clear? OTWO and Zed's excellent driving adventure is about to start on July 6th, 3 weeks from the day that I opened the cookie. We will be the first ones out of the gate for this gathering, unless Terry tries to ride his bicycle from Texas. (Then he better start soon.)

    So our trip is already blessed by "fortune." The myth is that when China was occupied by Mongols in the 13th and 14th century, an uprising was planned and a hidden message on rice paper was put into 'Moon Cakes' to tell the Chinese of the date. The uprising was successful and began the Ming Dynasty.

    The Chinese in California looking for gold and building the railroads did not make Moon Cakes but had biscuits of a sort and carried on the tradition with sayings and fortunes, which Americans found quaint. Since our trip is to California, the origin of American Chinese Fortune Cookies, it's gotta be true. So I am thrilled to know it will be so awesome.

    Don't bet that the lucky lottery numbers inside will get you millions, but with such a "sign" from karma, I know we are going to have a great trip.

  • flipper

    ON THE WAY OUT- Nice talking with you yesterday catching up. Sounds like you have a pretty accurate fortune cookie there with your road trip coming up with Zed ! LOL. I know you guys will have lots of fun. Look forward to seeing you soon.

    Only two and a half weeks to go until Tahoe ! Wow ! How are everyone's plans coming along ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Dagney

    KUDRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox

  • flipper
    Wow ! Only two weeks to go until the 8th annual Tahoefest ! Getting close ! Looking forward to seeing everyone ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
  • Dagney

    One week! Not set in stone, but Aude and I will likely be driving up and arriving in Tahoe late on 7/9. We will be at Harveys for the 3 nights.

    Can't wait to see all you fine folks.

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