This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Alleymom
    This morning I had some bone marrow taken from my pelvis. My lymph node results are still not through, nor are my CT scan results. A really wonderful haematologist believes I have Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, of which there are many types. I am provisionally booked in to start chemotherapy treatment next Thursday, depending on my biopsy results. I was told that if I didn't receive the chemotherapy I'd be dead inside two months. VERY SOBERING!!

    Putting it into perspective, at 50 I feel young and healthy. There are little children who die of cancer every day. At least I've lived half a century. My heart goes out to the children.

    Dear Ian and Claire ---

    I know you both know how much we all love you and how much we care. You're both on my mind tonight (along with the family, especially the girls.)

    I have a 63-year-old friend on another forum who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma just a few weeks ago. I have been praying for both of you in tandem as you are going through the same tests and procedures.

    Are you still scheduled to start chemo on Thursday?

    (((( Ian, Claire, Karl, Stephanie, Jody, Dominic ))))



  • Dansk

    Hi Marjorie - everyone - thanks again for your lovely upbuilding messages which are keeping me positive!!

    Are you still scheduled to start chemo on Thursday?

    Yes, provisionally! The problem is that the haematologist wants to be absolutely certain that I have NHL and not some other form of cancer before he administers the chemo. In his own mind he is pretty sure that I have NHL but he needs confirmation from my lymph node biopsy, the results of which I haven't heard. He said he'd telephone when he has them.

    I am feeling VERY upbeat about this. Never feel your encouraging words don't help because they DO!! I've been reading about success stories with cancer and in all cases keeping a positive mind has been a key factor. I am naturally positive. I occasionally get lows, but no more than usual in life.

    I still haven't heard from my girls, but they don't know how ill I am. They learnt I was going into hospital for an operation (a friend told Stephanie) but neither of them has been in touch to find out how things went. No 'phone calls, no enquiries to neighbours, nothing! It doesn't matter. I've stated earlier how I feel about their contacting me. My door is always open to them. What a shame their minds are closed through JW dogma.

    I am now an organic vegan Sounds like a new religion, doesn't it! Seriously, I DO feel much better for eating and drinking only organic produce and I don't miss meat and dairy products at all. Chocolate was my passion, but now I eat organic carob bars instead. The good thing about my illness is that I am producing good karma. So is Claire, as neither of us eats fish, chicken or red meat now, so I like to think some animals somewhere have been saved. The important thing is for me to detoxify my system. I also read that s oya (not GM soya) is one of the most useful dietary sources of plant chemicals including phyto-oestrogens (isoflavones) that appear to play a protective role in relation to cancer by inhibiting the ability of cancer cells to replicate their DNA and blocking the action of growth factors that can encourage cancer cells to grow - providing one consumes a minimum of 50 mgs per day. Therefore, I eat and drink as much soya as I can. It is just unbelievable what is available made out of soya but tasting quite delicious. TVP, however, is not recommended as it is too highly processed.

    One of the things I have to be particularly careful of is any additives, colouring or unnatural preservatives in food. We purchased some vegan products only to find they had such additives in them, which is why I'm an organic vegan. The additives would entail my body trying to fight both the cancer and the additives. What I have to do is get my body to concentrate solely on attacking the cancer.

    I also listen to New Age music, consisting of relaxation melodies. These and meditation really help. Keeping stress-free is vital.

    Well, that's the latest and I hope I haven't bored the socks off you.

    With heartfelt love to all,


  • kls

    Your attitude is so inspiring, always keep us informed.

  • Sunspot


    I'm so glad to see your upbeat attitude despite the initial post. It's so thoughful of you to post updates for US when you have so much on your mind right now! You are such a Sweetie, and a real asset to this forum as well. My very best thoughts and hopes for you are yours and with your family.....

    Hugs Always,



    Dansk, thank you for keeping us updated on your on-going progress.

    I believe attitude is everything. Despite results; I'd have a reaction of some sort, but I'd desperately try to keep my attitude upbeat. Seems that you are doing this and doing it well.

    Another interesting aspect of this situation is your interest in your diet. I found that what I ate, is what I was. So in some odd way, I started to alter my diet. Dropped meat from my diet, then started consuming healthier alternatives and lo! and behold, my cholesterol levels dropped, my blood pressure went to within normal ranges again. It's all good.

    Exercise is helpful. I'm glad a bicycle, so I've been cycling 30-50 kms a day. What a difference in my physical appearance. It's never too late.

    I'm confident you'll get through this with positive results. Your attitude will be what really makes a difference.

    Best wishes,
    Warm hugs/wishes to you, Claire & sons,

  • mouthy

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((DANSK&CLAIRE & FAMILY)))))))))))))))))))

    Thanks for keeping in touch.... I worry if I dont hear!!!! Your positive attitude is great . I am still praying the girls will see the light.!!!!!

    Love ya lots!!!!!Grace

  • Alleymom

    Ian --

    As long as you are looking into complementary therapies, let me mention IP6 (aka "inositol hexaphosphoric acid" and "phytic acid"). The doctor doing most of the research on this is in my state of Maryland (USA). If you search on Dr. Shamsuddin and IP6 you will get a lot of hits. Not much in the way of human trials yet, I believe, but it is a benign substance derived from rice bran, so my understanding is that it is unlikely to do harm or interfere with your chemo treatment --- but, of course, you would have to check this out thoroughly with your own doctor.

    Hugs (and blessings !)


  • Alleymom
    The doctor doing most of the research on this is in my state of Maryland (USA). If you search on Dr. Shamsuddin and IP6 you will get a lot of hits.

    Just try not to think of him as "Dr. SHAM" --- <GGG>!

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Hi Dansk,

    I am feeling VERY upbeat about this.

    I was very sorry to hear of your illness and hope everything continues to go well for you.



  • Dansk

    Dear All,

    I received a telephone call from the haematologist this afternoon. My biopsy results are through and I have a rare type of lymphoma (trust me to have a rare one!) known as Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Instead of chemotherapy on Thursday I am to meet the haematologist for what he called a 'long chat'. I am to have chemotherapy a week on Thursday. That's all I can tell you at the moment.

    I am still upbeat about things. There could be times ahead when I'm low, so I'll apologise in advance if I am unable to post or appear moody. I owe this forum a great deal. With your positive vibes meeting my positive vibes I'm sure there'll be a happy outcome.

    With my sincerest love,


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