Most hated WT publication

by Nosferatu 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    Babylon The Great Has Fallen: God's Kingdom Rules! was silly but I didn't mind it so much. Despite its dryness, you could sense the passion of ole' Fred. He knew where he was, what he was doing and where he was going (Or so he thought) --completely and utterly convinced of his own importance and the importance of the organization that he belonged to.

    However In JW society, books aren't rated, critiqued or reviewed as to quality in any way whatsoever. Just as it was with Rutherford before him, Fred's books got steadily worse as he delined physically. Rutherford reached a "low" with the book, Children and Fred reached it with Paradise Restored to Mankind By Theocracy. Both were just terrible.

    Children was before my time, so my vote goes to the latter of the two. --Fred's last attempt to confuse everyone.

  • BluesBrother

    The all time low was, "Making Your Family Life Happy " , because it did just the opposite. ....mind you, I love Serai's comment

    For me is has to be the songbooks, my god what an ear rending cascade of soul destroying shite those songs were
  • MerryMagdalene

    All JW books should have Parental Advisory stickers affixed to their covers, especially the ones written for children!!!

    The ones that did me the most damage were, as with so many others here, the Paradise Lost book and the Youth book. The nightmares they inspired! The secret, certain dread I continuously felt after somehow getting the notion that I had committed the UNFORGIVEABLE SIN by masturbating! Horrible.

    It was all down hill from there...hope in God and belief in myself shrivelled up and died until I finally realized what load of crap it all was. Now I'm really and truly alive and it feels good!


  • eyeslice

    The Babylon books! Talk about confusion of the languages, these were incomprehensible.


  • kaykay_mp
    For me, it was probably that damn pink Great Teacher book.

    I fkking hated that book. I could have sworn my grandmother got her jollies when she studied with me out of that book. It wasn't that interesting.



  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    The "Happiness - How can you find it" and "Making Your Family Life Happy".

    In the case of the first one - because they haven't a bloody clue what they are talking about.

    In the case of the second one, because the borg is not family friendly to start with.

  • mkr32208

    "warning examples for our times." I saw a thread on this so went to my inlaws to watch it cause they have had all that crap. I sat through the first 20 min then got up ejected the tape broke it in half and tossed it in the garbage... Pin drop silence does not cover it! Luckily I am a big mean mo' fo so nothing was said and they haven't gotten another copy (or if they did they keep that one hidden... wise choice)

    I hated the above video as the story in it was used as an example to me by an elder when he told me that this is how Jehovah feels towards my daughter (the tent peg groin thing).

    I would have broken him much like the video... All of the books designed for children are bad in my opinion! I tried to edit my kids copy of My book of bible stories, you know just cut out the pictures in which someone is killed or being hurt... Held up by throat, tent peg in the ear, spear in the back, eaten by whale, hung up on a stake, fell out a window from sleeping at the meeting etc... Finally I ended up just tossing the whole book in the trash there was nothing left after removing the violent and the crap... "Good riddence to bad rubbish"

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