Most hated WT publication

by Nosferatu 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    The Creation book.


  • Elsewhere
    The article that bothered me the most was when they said if you work in a doctors office you must report to the elders If a brother or sister comes to the doctor with a (questionable) problem. That really scared me

    I agree... it was that article that kept me from really opening up when I was seening a therapyst while I was leaving the bOrg. I was terrifed that someone who whould handle by records might happen to be a JW and would recognize my name. The guy kept assuring me that what I said was confidencial... but I could not be 100% sure. The WTS literally has spies everywhere... it was JW spies who turned me into the elders for donating blood.

  • lovinlife

    Oh by far it was the daily text. My dad was so sure we had to have it read to us and then discussed every single day before school. Said it was a protection for us. If we were running late, he would stand on the porch and yell it to us as we ran down the street to the bus. Talk about embarrassing!!!!

  • HadEnuf

    My personal nemesis was the Revelation book. Didn't we go through that 3 times??? That's enough to give anyone a brain hemorrhage!! Never understood a word. Good riddance.

    Cathy L.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    What is the WT publication you hated the most? Why did you hate it? For me, it was probably that damn pink Great Teacher book. Whenever I was in trouble, that book would come out (after a beating). Most read chapter was "Obedience Protects You".

    did we have the same parents ??? ME TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nosferatu

    Rundon'twalk, I can add more to that Great Teacher book experience.

    There was never any JWs that lived close to me, let alone ones that wanted to associate with me. I used to go and play with the neighbor's kid. We'd be outside, having fun in the sandbox his dad built, picking out the occasional kitty poop we'd find, and then my mother would come outside with that damn book in her hand. "Come here, and bring your friend too". We'd sit there on the lawn while mother read a chapter out of the book. It was really embarrassing.

  • xjw_b12

    Siding with the seasoned Mary on this one. Babylon the Great Has Fallen! God's Kingdom Rules.

    And when it first was published, it didn't even come with the questions. They were published in a seperate paperback.

    I don't think it mattered if you were 15 or 50, no one understood it.

  • galaxy7

    the paradise lost book and the creation book

  • Insomniac

    The "Daniel" book; sorry, but I can't remember the full title. Maybe I've blocked it out. I think it was the book study in 1980 or 81. It was boring and dense and confusing.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I hated the paradise book. My Mother would always point out the destruction pictures and tell me that if I wasn't good, that would happen to me. She also said that I would follow right along with my Father (He wasn't a JW). I used to have nightmares about the earth swallowing up me and my Dad!

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