Just ask simple questions and make street witnesses move along

by OnTheWayOut 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    "The bastards asked me a question" 😄


  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    It saddens me that I can see myself in the first young jw (as of 20 years ago).  I always remember being rudely told at a door when offering a creation magazine "don't be so stupid,  get an education!".  How rude I thought.  But now I wish I'd done just that. 

    As for the video,  I know I wouldn't like to be filmed,  but they've got to expect that sort of thing since it's PUBLIC witnessing.  Didn't they start vetting who could go on the carts?  Maybe that just didn't work so they're just told to move on instead. 

    I feel sorry for the wasted years these kids have in front of them,  but I think the video is more about proving a point than trying to wake anybody up. (the point being,  most witnesses can't defend their faith very well at all).  If it was a secretly filmed video you could have the best of both worlds,  a real insight into the dumbassery of jw's,  and the opportunity to plant some seeds of doubt. 

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy
    Actually,  check out the THIRD video from the same uploader,  a much more reasonable discussion is had with the 'handler'  once he agrees not to directly film him. Much more fruitful methinks. 
  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell
    Poor kids. They regurgitate Watchtower answers and have no training in how to have an actual debate or go deeper into a subject. I really feel for them. I remember what that felt like. My non-jw father is an ex police interrogator and used to question me just like this to the point that I too would run away, albeit not physically: I became adept at evading questions and changing the subject.
  • flipper

    I agree with Magwitch absolutely heart wrenching videos. But thanks On The Way Out for posting them- very interesting as well.

     It reminds me of when I used to do street witnessing back in the 1970's . Me and a buddy I worked with NEVER just stood like statues holding the magazines. We actually went walking around the blocks on streets talking to people and seeking THEM out . When I was a JW I used to get pissed off that JW's would just stand there holding the magazines. I mean WHAT in God's green earth were they WITNESSING about ? Nothing because they weren't talking. Do you remember how many times people would just walk by and JW's would stand there holding the magazines not saying a word ?  My view back then is that those weren't real Witnesses - just pre=programmed robots.

     It's sad that the WT Society indoctrinates these young people in the youtubes with SO much fear of alleged " persecution " that they are so paranoid about even talking about their beliefs. AND - They are taught to accept EVERYTHING the WT Society says so they don't practice " personal study " as we used to call it because WT Society does all their thinking for them. So they get eaten up by guys like the one filming them as they know absolutely NOTHING about WHY they believe what they do.  They just know they believe it because WT Society tells them they'll live forever if they keep believing it. Very sad. I'm with Magwitch I wanna fly over to England or wherever this is and save these young folks . Save them from themselves AND the WT Society

  • Phizzy

    I made this point to an Elder who called on me some Months back, that the young JW's have no clue as to their Doctrines, I said "I bet not many of them could make a good job of explaining 1914, I suppose you can ?"

    He stumbled through it, and I was able to challenge him to Google 607 B.C., I said , "You will find that in reality that is one of the rare years where nothing happened !". I hope he did Google it, but I doubt it.

    He did concede though that today's young JW's simply cannot explain their beliefs, let alone defend them.

    Quite pathetic.

    As said above, it makes you feel sorry for them, they must feel so very inadequate.

  • Vidiot


    Back in the day, householders used to avoid the JWs.

    Now it's the other way around.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Back in the day, householders used to avoid the JWs.
    Now it's the other way around. 

    That is going to catch on and be a saying.  LOL.

  • Vidiot

    OnTheWayOut - "That is going to catch on and be a saying. LOL"

    I dunno...

    ...none of my other ones seem to have caught on.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm a little late to the party on this one, but I agree with morpheus that trying to say that any specific religious organization or charity should go and help a specific person in a specific situation is a bad place to start a conversation.  First, it's pretty trivial to show that this is a poorly reasoned argument.  Second, because of the first, it's readily apparent that the argument is being made only to have something to accuse the other party on.

    Furthermore, filming anyone in a situation like this is always going to make someone ill at ease.  The implication is that the filming is being done because the person with the camera expects something noteworthy to happen.  No one tries to catch their conversion on film, so obviously the person with the camera is trying to create a 'gotcha!' moment.  

    Under the circumstances I can somewhat understand the JWs not wanting to engage too much.  I'd be surprised if they'd relocated upon the same questioning (at least from the first video) had he not been filming, but I could be wrong.  That said, I think they could also have done a much better job of explaining themselves, especially knowing that failure to do so would likely "bring reproach upon jehovah's name" as the video was destined for youtube.  I like his strategy of asking questions, but videoing it isn't going to help these poor kids that are trapped (whether they realize it or not) in the mental prison of the cult.

    I guess on some level it's beneficial to make them look silly to the public, but at this point the JW recruiting is completely unproductive so helping members to think instead of feeding their persecution complex is probably the better way to kill this cult.  I think following them at the end of the first video was too far and probably killed any chance he had of actually implanting some doubt in the kid's mind.

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