Riots one reason to own an AR15 and several 30 round or 100 round mags.

by phoenixrising 114 Replies latest social current

  • Finkelstein

    Nah, these store owners should all be lying dead and bloodied and their stores looted and destroyed by mindless idiots. Right?

    The rioters didn't break in with guns ready to shoot anyone, store clerks or whoever if you'll remember.

    Those dam lefty kids!

    If you think its justifiably to shoot and kill an adolescent stealing Nikes off a shelf, well I guess you have the right to your own opinion..

  • LongHairGal


    Don’t put words in my mouth that I never said! I don’t believe a pair of sneakers is worth anybody’s life.

    It seems to me that liberal types on here are simply excusing all the bad behavior by the rioters!..And you don’t even f#cking live in the USA to boot.


    We should all teach our children not to steal, not to lie, not to abuse anyone's rights and to be held to their own actions' consequences.

    Unfortunately, we live in a [somewhat global] society where culture defines truth as opposed to truth defining culture.

    To say that it's an effing shame would be a gross understatement.


  • Rivergang


    I never said I live in a “bad” area, but rather one that many would describe as somewhat “disadvantaged.”

    Bloody hell, there is a difference!

  • RubaDub

    A good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.

    krismalone ...

    To start with, where did the bad guy get the gun from in the first place? How did the bad guy have access to a gun? I thought bad guys do not have access to guns.

  • Finkelstein

    You and other liberals on here are simply excusing all the bad behavior by the rioters! And you don’t even f#cking live in the USA to boot.

    Who said I'm a Liberal, a righty or lefty ?

    Common rational sense doesn't need an attached identity does it ?

    I'm not excusing the violent rioters but the OP to this thread is one which proclaims that people should have AR-15 at the ready to counter attack rioters
  • LongHairGal


    I understand. I sent you a PM.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    you @Finkelstein: I don't think you understand rioting. This is a kill-or-be-killed situation. Ask David Dorne, he was trying to protect his store, hoping an 'old black man' could talk to the 'adolescents' and inspire some wisdom about the actual racism and non-violent protests in the 60s. He got shot.

    And there are examples everywhere of police retreating and letting the citizens, often elderly, being beaten with 2x4's, stores and homes and buildings attacked with molotov cocktails, windows and cars smashed.

    These people aren't 12 year old shoplifting some Nike's. They are adults, making adult choices, they should learn to live with adult consequences. Antifa and BLM are anarchists, anarchism means the survival of the fittest.

    If the police won't help you, what recourse do you have in your own home when they come raping and looting and killing? This is real, both in Minnesota and in New York, the government is actually voting on defunding the police departments and it seems in Minneapolis they actually have a majority in city hall to push it through while in New York, the governor actually agrees with the rioters that his own police forces are bad.


    If you support the 2nd amendment right to have and bear arms, while defending your livelihood, then you understand that you are using these rights against people who aim to do you harm.

    These criminal people certainly do not deserve to die, but they are engaged in criminal activity to say the absolute least.

    OK, we agree

    Now, if you oppose the 2nd amendment rights, BUT support abortion rights, then you have agreed to stop letting people defend their way of life but you would support the killing of people who have never done any harm in anyway. 100% innocent, not criminal.

    Just saying, be knowledgeable about your rights and truth and consequences and protect those rights the best that you can before someone takes them away.

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  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @TTWSYF: Abortion is a lot more nuanced of an issue. I personally don't support abortion except in the case of medical issues and that's where the grey part comes in, what percentage of risk are you willing to take for both yourself and the child and how much, if anything should we legislate.

    As a libertarian myself, I don't think we should legislate any of it, because the minute you do you run into the vagaries on both sides of the issue, that does mean it would be legal if one declares an unborn child not to be human, but that's a risk I'm willing to take to let government or a judge not ruin the life of those that effectively need it and those that don't want to do it at great risk to themselves.

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