you @Finkelstein: I don't think you understand rioting. This is a kill-or-be-killed situation. Ask David Dorne, he was trying to protect his store, hoping an 'old black man' could talk to the 'adolescents' and inspire some wisdom about the actual racism and non-violent protests in the 60s. He got shot.
And there are examples everywhere of police retreating and letting the citizens, often elderly, being beaten with 2x4's, stores and homes and buildings attacked with molotov cocktails, windows and cars smashed.
These people aren't 12 year old shoplifting some Nike's. They are adults, making adult choices, they should learn to live with adult consequences. Antifa and BLM are anarchists, anarchism means the survival of the fittest.
If the police won't help you, what recourse do you have in your own home when they come raping and looting and killing? This is real, both in Minnesota and in New York, the government is actually voting on defunding the police departments and it seems in Minneapolis they actually have a majority in city hall to push it through while in New York, the governor actually agrees with the rioters that his own police forces are bad.