UK justice..

by zeb 170 Replies latest social current

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Enoch Powell was on the money Zeb and camp of the saints was a prophetic work.

  • Ruby456

    so we are being asked to back thug now - tommy robinson

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    JaniceA - Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction.

  • humbled

    To your point, Ruby, even if Tommy R were a thug or a brawler —the state is obliged to care and protect him while in custody.

    He plead guilty as charged. He was sentenced to prison. The state must keep him safe. Yet the situation of prisons in the U.K. makes their word untrustworthy. They presently cannot protect other men or their correctional officers. They are understaffed and overcrowded. Tommy poses special concerns. He was attacked during his last incarceration.

    Even though l am of the opinion that he made himself the flashpoint to no good purpose it would serve everyone best if his sentence could be served under house arrest. My opinion.



  • LoveUniHateExams

    so we are being asked to back thug now - tommy robinson - Zeb started this thread because Tommy Robinson' politically-motivated arrest puts him in serious danger behind bars.

    Extremist Muslims are looking to kill him.

    How do you feel about this?

    What should be done to ensure Robinson's safety?

  • humbled

    Luhe- If true that he pled guilty he will serve time. I am not a lawyer but it has happened in my state that the case was made that Arkansas could not protect the safety of its prisoners to such an extent that it violated their constitutional rights. ( it was seen as cruel and then usual punishment to be incarcerated in Arkansas in the late 60s through the 70s )The federal government provided oversight for 13 years in this state. Perhaps this approach could help Tommy (and others) who have no security in U.K. prisons.

    I would leave off indignation at his arrest . That looks like a waste of time. Get the records on the prisons records of insufficient staff and Tommy’s past experiences with incarceration. Concentrate on the very provable charge that the state cannot guarantee his safety.

    edit: On my previous post-sorry that first link on U.K. Prisons is a dead number. The second link is good

  • humbled
    Bandicoot— Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction.

    Although I’ve heard this said frequently I have never seen it in writing from the Koran. Muslim women are not saying there are sacred texts to support their rape.

    The Muslim Pakistani groomers of these girls seem very like the illiterate Christian preacher l met years who astonished with the vague and disturbing grasp he had of women and the Bible.

    He had been raised on Foxes Book of Martyrs and hearsay. Of women he remembered only that “ The women will be kept safe through childbearing”. That was all. He came from a huge family.

    Since you answer Janice this way, can you direct me to the Quran or perhaps you only have quotes from ignorant people like these Pakistani men?

    This is important because just as conversation about Islam in parliament is needed so should we be able to ask what is spurious and what is actually there between ourselves, non-Muslims. Such questions should not cause us irritation. We need conversation.

  • sparrowdown

    Freddo - Glad you brought out those points about that scumbag Saville. The authorities and other higher ups were well aware of his proclivities. Louis Theroux interviewd a policeman that said they waited til he was dead before acting.

    Tommy Robinson is a whistleblower drawing attention to issues the powers that be don't want attention focused on so they focus on Tommy himself, which is in itself another distraction from the issues he draws attention to, namely the epic fails of multi culturalism. It's like Tommy is pointing at the moon and the media are focusing on the colour of his finger.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    And it took just as long NOT to charge and lock up Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith the arch pedos (who got KNIGHTED instead!) and to FINALLY lock up Rolf Harris - these cases were also terrible and disgusting.

    The above unholy trinity of assholes got away with their crimes for so long because they were/are rich and famous, and rich and famous gives a certain amount of power.

    Saville and Smith, as disgusting and evil as they were, are dead and thus beyond justice.

    Rolf Harris was sent to prison. Did the judge order a press blackout at the time of his trial, similar to the one issued at the Muslim rapists' trial? If not, why not?

    The Muslim losers who abused thousands of girls over decades were not rich or famous.

    If they weren't working in kebab shops or driving minicabs they were on the dole, watching porn and smoking weed.

    And yet they seem to have a kind of power over the authorities and media ... that's multiculturalism for ya.

  • humbled

    Above is an update from a spokesman for Lord Pearson MP who has written a strong letter to authorities on account of Tommy Robinson (Pearson is the MP who has pushed for open discussions with Muslims on what Islam is and is not)

    If you have questions or concerns this fellow gives advice to the public to contact your MP about it.

    pardon me if this is old news to every on the board. I am watching to see how this business goes. I hope it settles into the open conversations that will allow for actions other than violent explosions.

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