It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ForeverAlone


    I feel I owe you an apology for my post after your initial one. Sometimes when there comes someone on here that seems to support Lloyd, I do get my feathers in a bunch. I fail to realize that maybe the person behind the screen has no idea who and what Lloyd really is. This is why we keep this thread alive hoping that people such as yourself can come in here and get the truth about Lloyd and the past history he has had with the exjw community. We hope that you will stay around and continue to get the truth about this situation.

    Again, I am so sorry about my curtness in my post. I hope you accept it.

  • Simon
    No wonder he has so many supporters. As ex cult members we don’t readily see this manipulation.

    Sadly, it's like victims of financial scams. Being scammed doesn't make people more likely to see through things in future, if they don't educate themselves after the experience, it makes them more likely to be a victim again in future.

    He was taking advantage of JWs for cheap labor, then he just moved on to exJWs to continue his grift.

    Just looking at the excerpts from his self-published book gives me the creeps. He goes into detail about his rather creepy behavior. He bullies and abuses people, and doxes them and he needs to be stopped before something even more serious happens.

    I seem to recall him saying something along the lines that he "had to include some details in his book" to prevent someone using knowledge about some of it to blackmail him (?)

    The question is, does Mr "I'm going to say every 2 or 3 months for 3 to 4 years" tell the whole truth or just enough to be plausible and try to take the wind out of some allegation? To make it appear that he's told all while still leaving the truly damaging things out?

  • Toblerone5

    Just curious here, That would be maybe something Kim would know, When he release a youtube video , Is it him that does the Intro photos ,the photo that will advertise the video? I wonder if it was maybe Producer Bob and Tibor that do them...It does take time to do those, and I don't see him ,doing them. He's such a busy man... A lot of them are also ...Not very flattering...or stupid...La Preuve...

    P.S: please ,oh please tell me that ,this is the photo he use for some Dating site...

    To make it appear that he's told all while still leaving the truly damaging things out?

    I think that would be a logical conclusion to come to 😉

    Is it him that does the Intro photos ,the photo that will advertise the video?

    The thumbnails were made by Lloyd.

  • Toblerone5
    The thumbnails were made by Lloyd.

    Thank you for the info. Kim. Which prove he could have done his Book cover ,and would have save a lot of $$$.

  • Diogenesister
    Does anyone know if Dijana is going through the process of divorcing Lloyd or are they just separated? Is she done with him or is she wanting reconciliation?

    Good question Rhiannon. I hadn't seen that horrific email he sent her. Either she has zero feeling for him and has expressed as much, only wanting to remain as co-parents. Or he is about the mentally cruellest bastard there is.

    I'm sad to say I think this whole official 'separation' thing is a gimmick to allow him to openly 'date' and see sex workers whenever he fancies, whilst enjoying the comforts of family life. Not to mention aiding his "I need to support my family" grift.

  • Diamondfrog


    Don’t tell me what to do.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Either she has zero feeling for him and has expressed as much, only wanting to remain as co-parents. Or he is about the mentally cruellest bastard there is.

    I‘m a firm believer in the latter. In that WhatsApp screenshot he talks about possibly seeing someone else and she’s like “I’ll be there for you if you do”

    Who the fuck thinks like that? This is not some “friends with benefits” deal, this is what is in all likelihood her only sexual partner ever, the father of her two children and husband of 15 years. And to see him so casually disregard her and pump his own chest about how it’s so wonderful to play the field a bit and get women interested in him!?

    “I’ll be there for you”

    Was she watching “Friends”?

    I admit this is all speculation on my part, but my gut tells me he has her so firmly wedged underneath his boot this was actually one of his better episodes. If he’s brave enough to tell his wife she doesn’t sexually please him, I’m willing to bet his behaviour in the bedroom varies from outright mocking her to storming off in a fit and fake crying in the next room.

    She probably believes she’s unattractive and fucks like a JW precisely because that’s exactly what he’s screaming at her about.

    It’s not too late, especially when you are still on this side of 40. He’s effectively holding her and the family hostage with this “separation”, which is pretty much the status quo for a year now, only that he gets to be open to the world about it. 2022 was essentially a sloppy way of getting his open marriage.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I almost think he found a sex-worker online to meet up with in Thailand and then he was acting as her sugar daddy.

    You make an excellent point. For someone whose main (only?) outlet to the world is the internet, I certainly can see him setting this up in advance. For socially and geographically isolated people such as Lloyd, every in-person human interaction is embellished. The friendly server at the restaurant he frequents is his “friend”, someone who wrote an article for him at JW Watch is now a “correspondent”, and the woman/girl/ladyboy he paid for sex is his “date”. He can call it whatever he wants. He paid in cash for sex.

    Or maybe he likes to watch. Who knows.

    The only way he could "date" a sex worker in the context he uses it in, is if he talked to her online in advance of going to Thailand.

    I’m sure they have packages for everyone and everything. With the incel movement being what it is, there’s probably a dial for how “aggressive” you want the sex worker to be in getting into your hotel room. A dedicated team of ladyboys are ready on standby to act out your Michael Jackson Neverland Ranch roleplay if you are so inclined and have the money.

    Freaky shit - it’s why he went there!

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