It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Toblerone5

    Lloyd in 2022 : LOST : Kim ,Producer Bob, Mark O'Donnell and Xavier, and Money, Patrons ,Youtube subscriber, the film projects , and Money ...His libido ,Sex drive .some weight and Money... His wife , his home , hisBunker...And Money...Andrew gold ,that mormon lady (who deleted the youtube interview with him) and

    Did I mention His Sex Drive? OOPS yes i did... And MONEY.

  • Toblerone5

    Austin (No more ) ...POWER... ?

    Is this too mean?...Yeah Baby?

  • Simon
    I admit this is all speculation on my part, but my gut tells me he has her so firmly wedged underneath his boot this was actually one of his better episodes.

    I believe she's part of the whole grift and is maybe fine as long as some of the $$$ comes her way. Maybe she even prefers he gets his jollies elsewhere rather than it being her job.

    From what I've seen, she's just as manipulative as he is, just in a different way. She's used people for "help" when she needed it, but it seemed like it was really for leverage to get a better deal (?), not to actually move on.

    Regardless, it's her life and he choice. If she choses to stay that's all on her. It's not the 1800's anymore, it's pretty easy for a woman to get a divorce and she is at home in her own country so wouldn't be stuck in a foreign land which could be more of a challenge.

    I have little sympathy for women who go back for more and believe the empty promises, they just seem lazy and afraid of the effort that actually moving on with your own life would take.

  • Vintage

    Wives,... especially wives with small children,... tend to want their husbands to support them financially.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I believe she's part of the whole grift and is maybe fine as long as some of the $$$ comes her way.

    As long as she’s benefitting from his activism-for-hire, she’s a part of it. The only question is how much. There are clues, primarily his last rant about how Kim nearly left himself, Tibor and Dijana “unemployed”.

    There are others if you don’t want to take his word for it, such as her filming his self-congratulatory 100K YouTube subscribers video this summer, months after he moved out. She obviously either disagrees with or even more disturbingly, doesn’t care about the case made against him for being a CSA advocate whilst utilising the services of trafficked women.

    She's used people for "help" when she needed it, but it seemed like it was really for leverage to get a better deal (?), not to actually move on.

    This is a crucial question. Was the divorce was her actually giving up on the marriage or her playing the only card she had in order to get him back from Thailand? Little of both? Where does this stand now?

    We only have his words to go by, which is that they are in a trial separation period where they (he) explore independent lives. If that is true then she has backed down somewhat on her demand for a divorce.

    Putting on my Lloyd cap (and it is as sweaty and smelly as you can imagine), I see a desperate man trying to negotiate his way out of a divorce the moment he stepped off the plane. He goes directly to the girls and puts on a sappy display filled with tears and expressions of love. After extending that scene for as long as he could, he wearily waddles over to Dijana, extending his arms for a hug and as she relents, he holds on to her tight and wordlessly sobs some more. This is only the beginning of the manipulation. After the buzz of him being home wears off, they set a time for talking. With great emotion he tells her that despite his faults, he never ever gave up on their marriage as she is doing now. As she tries to explain her side, he keeps coming back to this point.

    Post livestream, things have changed greatly and the chess board has been overturned. His phone is blowing up with DMs and texts from betrayed friends and confused followers. Patreon is in freefall. Images of Lloyd with the sex worker is all over the place. Rebuttal livestreams and videos are coming out with additional information.

    He knows who released this information. Not Kim. His wife did. He starts speaking of suicide and is in disbelief as to how his wife “betrayed” him. Any attempts to explain that this was the situation he put them in is quickly parried and the subject changed right back to what she did.

    This is what he does all the time. When he fucks up, he switches it up to bring out your faults to compare against his. He said sorry, now it’s her turn. She won’t win nor will she ever. The only way out is to walk away for good.

    People get divorced, no one owes you a happy ending. Part of being an adult is to recognise things for what they are and for what they aren’t. Some marriages can be fixed. This one cannot. Any “fix” is temporary.

    Sorry folks. The party’s over.

  • Indoubtbigtime

    Many times in these cases the unfaithful man promised to be faithful from now just to stop the divorce please give me one more chance etc etc

    I can see him being caught again in the future, the truth always comes out in the end

    my predicting is he will he kicked out of that family home and move back to the UK

    its actually amazing her parents let him stay but I can see that is why he needed an external place to make his videos

    do you think that congregation gives the parents a hard time? Do you think the CO and the district overseer talk about what can be done about this apostate living with active publishers?

    maybe the in laws are not strong in the truth but the local body of elders will be talking to the branch office and even world headquarters for years now about what can be done

    Was the divorce was her actually giving up on the marriage or her playing the only card she had in order to get him back from Thailand? Little of both? Where does this stand now?

    I think she genuinely wanted a divorce, and that she didn’t want him to come back from Thailand as it would give her space as he manipulates her when he is near her.

    doesn’t care about the case made against him for being a CSA advocate whilst utilising the services of trafficked women.

    This is an interesting question, I’ve never thought about it before. In all honesty I doubt she even knows about the sex industry 🤷‍♀️

    I feel for dijana so I’m probably not an objective observer on what her motivations are 😔

    I have no more information than the next person regarding what’s happening now, based on what I knew from before, I would be very surprised if the divorce doesn’t happen.

    Lloyd apparently mentioned her as part of his 3 man team in a recent video so I assume she is still working for the company, after all, it’s a job and I gather she would need the money 🤷‍♀️

  • Rhiannon
    Imagine that thumbnail shot as Hemorrhoid Evan's "O-Face."

    No. I most certainly will not imagine that.

  • pr0ner
    It's hard for me to judge Dijana. Sometimes people get brainwashed in relationships too and you add kids into the mix it becomes even more difficult to untangle. Even when obvious things are staring you in the face. I once dated a woman who stayed in an abusive toxic relationship for years. She came from a good loving family but due to self-esteem issues and some other trauma, she gravitated to that type of guy and then got locked in. She didn't want to stay, but she felt trapped. Eventually, she had her breaking point and left the loser but it took a long time and that was without kids involved.

    It could be the same for Dijana. Dependence is a hell of thing and it seems her and the kids have gotten used to a lifestyle that largely depends on him. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and hoping that she eventually sees the light and cuts off communication to only when its needed for the kids.
  • TonusOH

    The previous posts are describing a relationship built on emotional/psychological abuse. When Evans is around his wife, he has her under his thumb. When he isn't around, she will find ways to hit back at him. If I've got the details right, it goes something like this:

    He says he wants an open relationship, and she says okay, despite what must be considerable misgivings. Given some time to think for herself (and without him there to influence her), she changes her mind and, for a change, tells him so directly. He is furious but cannot get her to bend, so he takes a drastic step and leaves for Thailand.

    (This is common in abusive relationships- the abused will occasionally stiffen and put up a fight, at which point the abuser will either soften and make promises to 'be better' or ramps up the pressure.)

    Free of his influence again, she starts leaking all kinds of messages and photos, and threatens divorce. He comes scrambling back to "fix" things. She starts taking his side and disavowing anyone who criticizes him, and helps him with videos and agrees to be photographed on vacation with him, etc.


    If I'm understanding their situation at present, they are apart. So his only means of control at this point is financial, which is one reason why he must be panicking at the sight of his monetary support drying up. What is the worst part about giving up his 'activism' and going back to the 9-to-5 grind? That his wife will no longer have any incentive to hold back. And that she might have other photos and messages. If he thinks he'll have trouble getting any job better than dishwasher, it probably won't get any easier when everyone knows just how bad of a person he really is...

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