It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon
    I disagree in some respects that people who run boards like this one, or JW facts or other resources, are not an important part of waking people up.

    It's importance is nothing todo with the forum, or anything I post (if anything, I'm a negative asset, LOL) - the value is in all the personal stories that people share and the willingness of many to hang-around to help others by answering questions, sharing their own experiences (which I think is the most powerful aid in making people realize that "it's not just me / my congregation") and simply being there to say "it's OK, you will get over this, life will get better!"

    I saw a comment somewhere (maybe it was on Twitter) about how things go wrong when money is involved, because it easily corrupts things for people who can't control themselves. Don't get me wrong, things cost money, and there's nothing wrong with trying to make something self-sustaining or accepting help from people to cover costs. But when your motivation clearly becomes the commercialization of "advocacy" I think there is a real danger that you are no longer there to serve, you're there to profit from other people. All along Lloyd appears to have used the hard work of others (that they don't get paid for) and used it for his own personal profit and advancement.

    The fact that he then kicked people down when they were no further use to him or dared to question him or not support him as much as he thought they should proves to me that he doesn't really care about anyone or any cause, it's just a personal ego trip and money making endeavour.

  • NonCoinCollector

    I disagree in some respects that people who run boards like this one, or JW facts or other resources, are not an important part of waking people up.

    I get what you are saying. You are saying that Lloyd is a tool, a bit like a spanner.

  • Justaguy

    @coin Agreed. Things like this forum and jw facts are resources.. Llyod is a tool. A broken, poor designed, neglected, useless tool.

  • TonusOH
    Alan Feurbacher

    I didn't seek out non-JW info or sources until after I had realized that I was no longer religious (they had pretty good control of me!), but once I was free of the shackles I found lots of sites with good info. was one of those sites. Their deconstruction of the Creation book had quite an impact on me. To realize the extent to which I'd been mislead has made me a much less trusting and much more skeptical person. Mostly for the better, I hope. But betrayal always leaves damage of some kind.

    He also writes for, a site I found much later but which was still an interesting read, even after the initial desire to learn more about the organization had finally worn off.

  • cleanideas

    Lloyd was of no assistance to me as I left back in 2000. This forum, Ray Franz, and JWFacts are what helped me the most. I only watched Lloyd's YouTube because it was a convenient way to keep caught up with what the JW's were up to, and I found them to be entertaining although lengthy. I had no idea how much he bullied others until people started posting screenshots. Between the prostitutes and his angry posts to others I have unsubscribed from him and won't watch anymore of his content. There are plenty of other activists on YouTube that I'm finding are better than him, also I find I have much more free time now. What was I thinking sitting through 5 hour rebuttals? I already know the GB are liars, it's time I start living life more rather than catching up with every little unimportant rehashed detail about them.

  • cleanideas

    I just posted about Lloyd's angry responses to others, then I go on Twitter and this is the first tweet in my feed, SIGH

  • cleanideas

    Lloyd must have really hated this video about himself as it seems he is threatening this activist now.

  • cleanideas

    This is what I picture everytime I hear of Lloyd threatening to sue someone...

  • Simon

    "I'm suing all of you, all of you I tell you! Just wait and see, I have a whole squadron of legal people circling the area, ready to release their payload. No one will survive my armada of lawyers! Also, I'm total sane and should be believed."

  • sparrowdown

    You get a lawsuit and you get a lawsuit everybody gets a lawsuit!

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